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Helping kids break stereotypes

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Helping kids break stereotypes

First-graders learn firsthand about disabilities – and respect.

By Teicher Khadaroo | Staff writer of The Christian Science

Monitor from the September 29, 2008 edition


First-grade teacher Maggie Doben talks about how parents are more

anxious than kids when it comes to meeting people with physical


When Maggie Doben's first-graders find a wheelchair in the middle of

their room, she meets their curiosity with questions of her own: Who

might need to use this? Would they be able to get around the

classroom? How do you think it works?

Inevitably they ask if she knows anyone they can meet who uses a

wheelchair. Of course, she does. During an eight-week session, her

students at the Cambridge Friends School have the chance to befriend

at least half a dozen people with a wide range of physical


It's a unique program that's also part of a growing trend to help

children become more sensitive to those who may somehow

be " different. "

" Helping to answer their questions really does combat discriminatory

behaviors, " Ms. Doben says. " Children of 6 already have

stereotypes ... but [they] are very apt to challenge those

stereotypes and be able to turn their thinking around. "

Before the visits, they learn the alphabet in sign language or make

textured vases for a blind guest. They learn why a " little person "

prefers to be called that rather than " midget " or " dwarf. " They find

out it's OK to ask whatever they're curious about.

Doben tracked down some junior-high students who had a similar first-

grade class with her in another city to find out if the lessons

stuck. Their comments are part of her new documentary, " Labeled

Disabled, " which she hopes will help parents and teachers see the

potential of disabilities-awareness education.

The students " feel more confident now to be allies and ... more

comfortable in the presence of people with disabilities, " Doben says.

And as an increasing number of wounded soldiers return from the wars

in Iraq and Afghanistan, she adds, " it's incredibly important for

children and all people to be prepared for how to interact with

brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers ... [with] disabilities. "

Many schools offer some lessons on disabilities, but rarely at such a

deep, personal level.

" Every school these days is working in the antibias, antibullying

fields, [but] I think few are focusing their efforts on

disabilities, " says Kaplan, executive director of The Cromwell

Center for Disabilities Awareness in Portland, Maine.

The center so far has reached about 20,000 third- to fifth-graders

with its programs, and demand is " exponential, " he says.

One reason such education is needed: People still stare, tease, and


Someone once whistled the " Heigh-ho " song from " Snow White and the

Seven Dwarfs " as Marie Trottier walked by. She's a little person, one

of Doben's repeat visitors who works at Harvard University. At the

Cambridge Friends School, students run up to talk with her and

parents thank her.

" It's nice to have that level of acceptance and inclusion; it feels

good, versus the hurt and the stereotypes, " she says. " They'll be

great peer leaders. "

Doben's curriculum, cotaught by fellow first-grade teacher

Reppucci, is " much more thorough than anything I've ever seen, " says

, a science curriculum developer who uses a

wheelchair. " The kids ask very intelligent questions. "

In the documentary, students watch wide-eyed as a man whose arms are

paralyzed draws with his toes.

One boy asks, " How do people in wheelchairs go to the bathroom? "

Another visitor talks about being born with one hand, and a girl

asks, " Can you swim? "

One question they often ask: If you could fix your disability, would


Ms. Trottier answers no, saying she sees her difference as a " little

person " as an asset.

Ms. says yes, she'd love to walk again, having lost the

ability 11 years ago after a fall.

The film " will really help people realize ... you can ask somebody

[about a disability], but try to do it in an appropriate manner, "

says Emmett , a fourth-grader who participated in Doben's

disabilities awareness program when he was in the first grade.

Doben says she's been interested in disabilities since she was young,

although not from any personal experience with her own family.

When she was looking for people to visit her students, she networked

at local disability organizations and she also established

relationships through everyday public contacts.

She once approached a woman sitting on a telephone book on top of a

barstool. The woman is a pediatrician who happily agreed to start

visiting Doben's class in Pittsburgh.

Doben's personal commitment stands out to Cambridge Friends School

principal Jody Ziebarth.

The students start off not knowing what " disability " means and

become " completely conversant ... about disabilities in a way that's

mature for little guys, " she says. " It's pretty remarkable. "

For more information, see http://www.labeleddisabledfilm.com/

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