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Hey Marsha...I think my book will sell more then your book 'Grandma

goes to rehab'!!!! :) Just having a little fun here guys!!

> >

> > I have posted a few time before but had my first urine test here


> > CA. I don't drink at all but of course am very nervous because of

> > this test. I am already panicking about the Vanilla Shake I had

> > from 31 Flavors:( Certainly I am impaired because of this but

> > should have known better and stuck to just 30 flavors.

> >

> > Nothing earth-shattering to say but I just wanted to offer my


> in

> > any way to help stop this test from being used out of context.

> >

> > I also want to thank Dr. Dan for all of his insight...I love

> teaching

> > hospitals...the Md's are great and very grounded. I haven't been


> > Dr. Skippers sight as yet but is there any thought that he has


> > bought with all of EtG money???

> >

> > Just rambling,

> > Ken

> >


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---I think you're likely right! I also think I read that same kid's book @ Dr. Dan & Nurse . Mnautiques5 <nautiques5@...> wrote: Hey Marsha...I think my book will sell more then your book 'Grandma goes to rehab'!!!! :) Just having a little fun here guys!!> >> > I have posted a few time before but had my first urine test here in> > CA. I don't drink at all but of course am very nervous because of> > this test. I am already panicking about the Vanilla Shake I had> > from 31 Flavors:( Certainly I am impaired because of this but> > should have known better and stuck to just 30 flavors.> > > > Nothing earth-shattering to say but I just wanted to offer my help

> in> > any way to help stop this test from being used out of context.> > > > I also want to thank Dr. Dan for all of his insight...I love > teaching> > hospitals...the Md's are great and very grounded. I haven't been to> > Dr. Skippers sight as yet but is there any thought that he has been> > bought with all of EtG money???> > > > Just rambling,> > Ken> >>

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Why don't you write it!!!

Re: Just saying Hi

This is TOTALLY unrelated, but, when you wrote Dr. Dan I had to laugh

because I remember a story book I used to read as a kid....it

was 'Nurse and Dr. Dan'.....I think the new version of that

will be 'Nurse and Dr. Dan...out of rehab and combating

positives Etg's'....sure to be a BEST seller!!!! :)



> I have posted a few time before but had my first urine test here in

> CA. I don't drink at all but of course am very nervous because of

> this test. I am already panicking about the Vanilla Shake I had

> from 31 Flavors:( Certainly I am impaired because of this but

> should have known better and stuck to just 30 flavors.


> Nothing earth-shattering to say but I just wanted to offer my help


> any way to help stop this test from being used out of context.


> I also want to thank Dr. Dan for all of his insight...I love


> hospitals...the Md's are great and very grounded. I haven't been to

> Dr. Skippers sight as yet but is there any thought that he has been

> bought with all of EtG money???


> Just rambling,

> Ken


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  • 1 year later...

Hi Marci,

Welcome. Sorry you are in such pain. We understand.

Can you tell us more of your situation? Sorry you need

to search out a wheel chair. Write soon and let us help.

Quality Assurance Manager-Cadra Product

SofTech, Inc.

59 Composite Way, Suite 401

Lowell, MA 01851

978-458-3420 call

978-458-4096 fax


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Hi Marci,

I wrote you in private, but your isp rejected my letter. Please add me to your address book so i can send you some information that might help.



[ ] just saying hi

havn't been around for a long time, now I have a new old computer that was given to me 1996 ha but it works! had my fusion in 1980 43yo now and pain is starting to get unberable, been pricing wheelchairs for a while now.as you know it's hard to get pain meds longterm they look at you like your a drug addict. every day life is getting harder, and i feel all alone, and the people in my life don't understand.but that's my life , I know alot of you know the feeling, so hello to you out thereGod bless, Marci

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Hi thanks for answering you can post anything public maybe it can help

someone else to.

I think i just might need a chair sometimes I'm a good walker it's just

shopping thats hard.



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one thing I found useful before surgery was a sports seat. It is like

a cane with a folding stool built in. I got mine at a sporting goods

store in the golf section for around $15.


> Hi thanks for answering you can post anything public maybe it can


> someone else to.


> I think i just might need a chair sometimes I'm a good walker it's


> shopping thats hard.



> Marci

> >


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  • 6 months later...
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Hi Liz,

Welcome to our group. Thank you for sharing your story with us,

however it is lengthy and hard to pick out questions or concerns you


First, antifungal drugs are extremely hard on the liver, so you

shouldn't have it perscribed unless liver function tests are done.

However, natural antifungals do not damage the liver or the body like

drugs do, and there are many good ones, i.e. raw garlic, oil of

oregano, clove oil, Pau D'arco tea, etc.

Second thyroid and adrenal malfunction is caused by candida, so it is

important to treat the " cause " and not the symptoms like doctors

recommend. I overtreated my thyroid during my candida program 20

years ago and eventually lost my thyroid.

As a newcomer the best place to start is by reading the articles

emailed to you when you joined, particularly Candida Basics by Bee so

you are on the same page with the other members of this group. If

you didn't keep it you can read my more extensive article " How to

Successfully Overcome Candida " on my website:


I'm sure many of your questions will be answered in that article. We

are here to help you get through this and get healthy, so after

reading please get back to us/me with any questions or concerns you

have left.

Just so you know, candida cannot be cured by " killing it off "

or " trying to get rid of it. " It doesn't work that way. The only

way is to build up the immune system with proper nutrients (my diet

plus supplements), and by eliminating toxins and foods that feed


To get a boost read some of the wonderful Success Stories from our

group members: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/success/index.php

The best in health, Bee


> Hi, i've just joined the group and have been trying to read through

> the files, messages etc.--there is so much information it's a bit

> overwhelming! It's encouraging to see people's progress with their

> candida symptoms, and I realize that I have alot to be thankful for

> as my symptoms are fairly mild relative to what many of you are


> through. Mostly i'm dealing with a lot of brain fog/memory lapses,

> low energy/depression/low sex drive, and inability to lose weight

> (about 20 pounds overweight).


> I'm contemplating starting on this program. To give you my

> background, my diet is already half way there since i've been

> gluten/dairy/soy free for the last 8 months (celiac), I also


> drinking coffee 3 years ago, now I drink green tea every day with

> honey but have cut out the honey for the past week. I drink


> water and have long since eliminated chemical cleaners/toxins etc


> I have multiple chemical sensitivity. I am on Armour for


> and Cortef (hydrocortisone-physiologic dose) for adrenal fatigue.

> I'm sure that I have heavy metal problems, mouth full of fillings,

> but don't have the money to go through the safe process of


> them yet. I see a holistic MD and he prescibed fluconazole and

> nystatin for me, told me to stop all sugar. I started the

> fluconazole about 6 days ago, and am planning to start the nystatin

> soon (they are tablets, 4 per day but i'm planning to start with


> a day and work up based on any symptoms I have--is this a good



> I am also a single mom and with low energy etc it's hard to do all

> the home made food, i've been doing alot since becoming celiac (my

> daughter also can't have gluten etc), but I know I can't handle

> making all this sauerkraut/cabbage rejuvalac stuff, besides energy

> and time I dont' have the kitchen counter/storage/refridgerator


> for much! I bought Bubbies brand sauerkraut at Whole foods in the

> vegan section..it only has cabbage, sea salt, and artesian well


> -is this ok?


> thanks for reading my too-long post!

> Liz


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Thanks for the welcome Bee! I have read through the emails you sent,

and much of the info on the diet, but I don't think it answers my

questions per se so i'll just list my questions so they are easy to


1) I don't like coconut...do I have to use coconut oil or what is

the alternative? (can't do butter due to casein sensitivity)

2) I bought Bubbies brand sauerkraut at Whole foods in the

vegan section..it only has cabbage, sea salt, and artesian well

water--is this ok?

3) Do you have data or scientific studies backing up your theories,

and if so it would be great to have a link to that information on

your site--these days I really believe in documenting sources and

referencing theories with studies whenever possible (I know in the

complementary medicine world it's not so easy, but it still can be

done and gives alot more credibility to your ideas). Please don't

take this as critisism! I love your site and it's so extensive with

so much info it's fabulous!

4) have you thought of writing a book?

i'm sure I'll have more questions as I get started, but thanks alot

for your feedback on the drugs, i'm anti-drug in general but my liver

is ok so i'm going to try these short-term as I also do the diet and

gradually work in the natural antifungals and decrease the drugs.



> Hi Liz,

> Welcome to our group. Thank you for sharing your story with us,

> however it is lengthy and hard to pick out questions or concerns


> have.


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> Thanks for the welcome Bee! I have read through the emails you


> and much of the info on the diet, but I don't think it answers my

> questions per se so i'll just list my questions so they are easy to

> see:


> 1) I don't like coconut...do I have to use coconut oil or what is

> the alternative? (can't do butter due to casein sensitivity)

==>Liz, yes coconut oil is a very important part of the candida

program. You can get coconut oil that doesn't have any coconut

taste - see the Survey done by our wonderful Moderator, Jackie, on my

website: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/coconut5.php

==>You can make Ghee (clarified butter) which removes the casein, see

this recipe:http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/butter2.php


> 2) I bought Bubbies brand sauerkraut at Whole foods in the

> vegan section..it only has cabbage, sea salt, and artesian well

> water--is this ok?

==>Sorry, but Bubbies brand of sauerkraut isn't a good one to get.

They heat their sauerkraut; we've written directly to them and gotten

the details of their processing. Health Stores do have other good



> 3) Do you have data or scientific studies backing up your theories,

> and if so it would be great to have a link to that information on

> your site--these days I really believe in documenting sources and

> referencing theories with studies whenever possible (I know in the

> complementary medicine world it's not so easy, but it still can be

> done and gives alot more credibility to your ideas). Please don't

> take this as critisism! I love your site and it's so extensive with

> so much info it's fabulous!

==>Most of my information is from " my own ability to observe

accurately and my powers to deduce and analyze " and the following


1) Books I've own on candida for 20 years; I did my candida program

over back then.

2) My own experience curing candida myself.

3) Dr. Price's book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, listed on

the Weston A. Price Foundation set up in his honor by Sally Fallon:


4) www.westonaprice.org re: foods & good fats and references to

numerous studies, i.e. What Causes Heart Disease:


5) www.mercola.com

6) The Optimal Diet by Dr. Jan K. in Poland who has been curing

people of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, asthma, etc.:


7) 8 boxes of files (which I couldn't move with me here)

8) Experience with people who were members of my Candida Support

Group in 1987 and on.

9) THINCS (The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics):

http://www.thincs.org/ founded by Dr. Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD.

10) Dr. Uffe Ravnskov's book " The Cholesterol Myths.

11) Possibly I was a herb lady or healer in some past life. LOL!

==>Besides the fact that most scientific studies today aren't

scientific at all. The proof is the results obtained, not studies

that twist facts and lie with statistics.


> 4) have you thought of writing a book?

==>Yes, I'm finally getting some time to do it.

Cheers, Bee

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Bee--thanks for answering my questions so quickly!

I appreciate you writing down the various sources you use (in addition

to your wealth of personal/professional experience) so that I can

pursue more research when I can. I agree that much of the scientific

articles/studies are biased and skewed...but if holistic practitioners

and people like you had the time and resources to do studies on the

people you serve and publish it, it would really help the

complementary medicine movement as a whole...because as you know the

medical world is increasingly insisting on " evidence-based " medicine.

The evidence is there as you stated, but it needs to be documented and

shown to the world!

anyway, thanks alot. have a wonderful day :)


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> Bee--thanks for answering my questions so quickly!

> I appreciate you writing down the various sources you use (in


> to your wealth of personal/professional experience) so that I can

> pursue more research when I can. I agree that much of the


> articles/studies are biased and skewed...but if holistic


> and people like you had the time and resources to do studies on the

> people you serve and publish it, it would really help the

> complementary medicine movement as a whole...because as you know


> medical world is increasingly insisting on " evidence-based "


> The evidence is there as you stated, but it needs to be documented

and shown to the world!

==>That is great advice Liz, however doing acceptable studies are

very expensive.


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I am so excited to know you are writing a book. I have purchased a lot of books

on this subject and that just give you false hope. I love your site because you

tell people the truth. Your body didn't get this way over night and a month's

worth of supplements will not fix your problem. It takes time to heal and a

commitment to " doing the right thing " .


I am up to 2.5 tablespoons of coconut oil. I am having detox reactions but I

finally understand that these things have to happen to get well. In the past I

had tried to suppress these reactions thinking they were bad.


Thanks you from the bottom of my heart.



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> Bee,


> I am so excited to know you are writing a book. I have purchased a

lot of books on this subject and that just give you false hope. I

love your site because you tell people the truth. Your body didn't

get this way over night and a month's worth of supplements will not

fix your problem. It takes time to heal and a commitment to " doing

the right thing " .


> I am up to 2.5 tablespoons of coconut oil. I am having detox

reactions but I finally understand that these things have to happen

to get well. In the past I had tried to suppress these reactions

thinking they were bad.


> Thanks you from the bottom of my heart.

==>Hi Paige. I am so honored to have been able to help you! Me, of

all people, eh?? Big smiles~~~~!

That's great you are taking 2.5 tbl coconut oil and that you

understand the reactions. You go girl!

Luv & Hugs, Bee

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  • 1 month later...
  • 10 months later...
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Hi - I am sorry to hear about your dad. I know its hard for all of you and

cant begin to imagine.I am thinking of you all.

LIl Miss Tia... wow she sounds like a lil t -rex : ) Wish you guys were closer,

I would love to see her play. Im so glad to hear she is doing so well!!!!


-- In achalasia , Bourm <cbourm@...> wrote:


> Hello All,


> I have not been on the computer much... Tia is doing fine with achalasia...

she is growing well and everything goes down. Minor spasms here and there but

nothing to complain about.

> We got down with fast pitch all stars, 2nd in district made it all the way to

the championship game. You all would have been so proud of her. 5th game... top

of 6th inning , 2 outs, runner on base and the score is tied. Tia is up to

bat... I wanted to throw up I was afraid she would make the 3rd out and leave

the runner stranded. But, oh no, not our Tia. She smacks the ball to right field

and brings in the runner. Our team pulls ahead. Next batter gets out. We have to

hold them defensively so we can win. Nope they make a run and the  score is tied

again. We go an extra inning. We get two runs, hold them and win the game.. Talk

about the crowd going wild. Tia was definitely the hero of the game. It was so

great to see her get the kudos, hugs and cheers. She is the smallest player on

the team but they call her T-Rex. I wish we could bottle up the feel good 

emotions and bring it out when needed. The next game was the championship but we

lost. It was a

> great ride. Golf camp was last week. Next week we start soccer. She got

invited to play on a select soccer team, she will learn lots.

> Summer has been exciting with the kids events but very sad in other ways. My

dad, her Papa is in his final stages of cancer. We got him signed up with

hospice this week. No more chemo or treatment, just controlling his pain. Tia

and Ty (little brother) are soooo close to him. I have gently explained the

situation to Tia. She is smart and understands. She has had some emotional

moments but she is being amazingly strong. We are taking one day at a time, that

is all we can do. I will make sure to ask my dad to talk to the big guy upstairs

about finding a cure for achalasia when he sees him. I'm not sure what is

harder~ seeing my dad's physical pain or my mom's emotional pain. He still has

some kinda good days where he is able to visit and do a little around the house.

We cherish those.


> So, just wanted to say hi and let you know we are still around. Hate to hear

about the trouble is having. Hang in there Tonia. OK, take care everyone.

> Hugs,







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