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This Week In The Life of Vince

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Hi All!!!! This week was a bit busy. Vince had Pt on Monday and went well.

had him walking with a push toy and crawling thru tunnels. She was

even able to get a few good stretches in. The hospital where he has PT thru

EI had an outing to the county fair for all of its peds PT patients and

families. It was great!! Admit and rides were free so it also worked out for

(5yrs). They actually worked on the kids throughout the day. We did

not think it would be possible but they did it. Vince was placed on rides so

that he would have to turn left(tort side). all in all a good day, until we

were on our way out!!! Lucky me, I ran into the ped that failed to dx Vince.

He was working a booth for a team he plays for. I had the pleasure of running

into him before but I never said anything to the SOB. I finally decided it

was time to face him. I pushed Vince on over and asked if he remembered us.

He said Yea, is that her in her helmet?? I said no, it's HIM!!! I also

mentioned that he had tort. I asked if he had seen any more kids with these

problems and he had the nerve to say NO. I think he has failed to DX more and

does not think so. I told him that Vince has been in PT also and that it has

made a world of difference. He had the nerve enough to tell me that we did

not " GIVE IT ENOUGH TIME " He also told me that if I could prove that PT had

helped then he would agree with me. I said PT was for tort. He said " If PT

was working so well then why was he still wearing helmet??!! " Does this

idiot make any sense at all. By this time he continued to get in my face.

There were several people listening. His teammate included as well as the

booth next to his. I told him I was glad we left his clinic and hoped he was

not putting more children through the same thing as Vince. I needed to

finally give him a piece of my mind!! I was just glad my husband was not

with me we may have landed in jail for assult on the idiot dr. Thank you

all for listening!!!! Belinda(Indiana)

PS We saw neuro on Thurs and we are not done yet.

He said another 3mos. We asked about ears and he said that was the bad part

ears don't usually correct. Said as he gets older the bit of alignment will

lessen. I still think he looks 90% better.

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Good for you! Hopefully your old ped will think twice next time!

As far as running into all the people who misdiagnosed my son, I

would actually prefer to run over them! A few times in the clinic

parking lot I have been tempted, but my husband keeps reminding me to

wait until winter time ~ it will look more like an accident with icy

roads! Ha!

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I work in the health care field. They only time people in health

care pay attention is if you write a letter. I encourage you to do

it. It's a pain, but at least you will have a record of your

complaint. Also, if you feel that the there was a quality of care

issue with your son I urge you to report it to your state's medical

board, the AMA, the IPA (if there is one - this is a West Coast

term), and to your insurance company.

Good luck!

> In a message dated 8/14/00 8:34:49 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

> bailykuhn@a... writes:


> << Did you ever get a response from your

> letter? I wonder what they do with complaints? Anyone know?

> >>

> I didn't write a letter...I guess I should have so there would have


> proof that I had complained. I spoke to the head honcho and told

her all that

> had happened. They probably don't do a thing. Belinda

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