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Re: Re: Mother with LBD

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One of the more important forms to get filled out is the DP of Health

care. Seems like she can still understand and I was a few months late

and didn't get one filled out. Everyone should have one and I haven't

gotten mine done yet. Duh! But as long as she understands what she is

filling out you can have her sign it.

I was told the guardianship was no big deal and I could do it myself

easily. I happen to have an older DPA and it said I have say in all

areas of her life and I have never spent the money on gs as I had other

problems I won't go into right now. And I have no siblings to deal with

re her care. So the DPA has gotten me through 4 years. It is as good

as a gs.

My Mom is in a nh for the last year. Not the best, but close and I can

be there 4 times a day if I need to and there have been times I needed

to do that. LBS patients really do not work well in a nh as they can't

seem to follow what they are " suppose " to do like some patients. And

this nh didn't want to work with me and trust what I already knew from

her being with me 3 years . They made more problems than they solved.

The other problem I had was that Mom was diagnosed with Alzheimers. And

I ran into no one who knew what LBD was. So they go on pretending she

has AD. I just have to fight with them more about meds. I got

suspicious when she was in day care and didn't seem to be like a lot of

people in the daycare program. So I went searching for what else it

could be. Mom didn't have a lot of tremors. She prided herself on how

well she could fall. And had a lot of the LBD symptoms.

She is now doing almost a every two day up and down. And she has been

for the past couple of weeks, not eating or drinking very well. Just

when I think I am going to find her gone, she is back up and running

the halls. And I am about to have all her meds reduced to nothing. If

you think the nh likes that, let me sell you a big bridge. And she is

really struggling with Depends. She would wait until I came to feed her

at noon and I would put her on the toilet. I couldn't get the nh staff

to do that either. Now she is dead weight and I quit taking her and she

if mortified every time she has to go. She is 88 and still knows some


This nh sees her as just another really confused patient. And they

continue to want to over medicate her. And it doesn't take much. Then

I have more problems with the nh and mom gets worse.

But the stories you tell about driving and getting better etc, are all

ones I have been through. I just plugged along an hour at a time, day

by day. My daughter has helped me or I couldn't have done it. I kept

trying clever things to get us through this and she fought it all the

way. I " stole " all her stuff and money. And she didn't know what I did

all day anyway!!!!! My Mom was youngest girl of 5. And she acts just

like that. My daughter use to call her " Queeny Dody, " and Mom would

laugh because she knew what my daughter meant. Actually kind of prided

herself on it.

It sounds like you know what you need to do and are doing it as fast as

you can. I use to laugh and tell Mom I was " running as fast as I

could. "

The reason I suggested a lawyer was because when I ended up with her

here in MI and her home in Wis, I got in all sorts of trouble with

medicaid. Michigan has different laws than Wis. I ended up hiring a

lawyer that worked both sides of the border. And found out way to late

I could have been taking up to the average cost of a nh in MI every

month while she was with me. She would have ended up on Medicaid way

sooner than she did. But I never thought I would have to put her in a

nh. WRONG. So it is always good to get legal input if you can and know

what to ask. As legal guardian you can get reimbursed. Why that is

important is because once she goes on Medicaid, they get her money and

she still needed things I now have to pay for myself.

Glad it is helpful that I wrote and feel free to write me directly any

time you would like. Good luck.


To learn more about LBD Disease, please visit the Lewy Body Disease

Association site at:


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A DPA is a durable power of attorney. I have that for my dads medical

and financial needs. I also have a letter from the neurologist that

diagnosed dad, stating he is no longer able to make his own decisions,

therefore, backing up the power of attorney. I have found though, with

Medicare, and Medicaid, power of attorney is not recognized. I just

about flipped when those offices told me that. So, one more trip and

paper to sign....now I am also representative payee. All I had wanted

to do was change my dads address....now I have access to any and all

state information. Next, and soon, I will go for legal guardianship.

It has been recommended to me by a psychiatric office, guess it helps

with hospital admissions and such. All in all, I just wanted to be the

daughter yet I would do it all over again if it means I have the final

word on my dads care and not some person that barely knows him.

Best of luck with all of this fiasco.


Des Moines, IA

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You need to take the original copy of the POA to local SS office. They will

make a copy of it. Your husband's social security card and photo ID for

yourself. They will fill out forms for you to sign and send a form to your

husband's doctor. He will have to say that it is not mentally competent.

Their version of POA is making you the Representative Payee. Once a year you

will get a form from them to give a general accounting of how the monies were


I just did this for my Mom.

Hope this helps.


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In a message dated 8/19/02 7:57:56 AM Central Daylight Time,

susanenglish@... writes:

> I've thought of pulling the plug on her, getting rid of the help, & letting

> her stew in her own juices. She will get into new trouble then & will buy

> a quick ticket to the nh. But....my conscience won't let me do that. How

> about getting rid of that Aricept? She might be more managable.

Yikes, but I am lucky my husband is so much easier to deal with!! We live

with a lot in regards to our decisions, don't we? I can see your temptation

to get rid of the Aricept - she probably really IS functioning better to a

degree. It does help with awareness, too. Butttttt - I don't think I'd want

to get rid of it, because it can also help her ability to reason and possibly

slow her decline. Has it been a full 3 months? I don't recall. But that's

how long it takes to fully kick in. I don't think it will change her

personality, though. Boy, , I do NOT envy you!!


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In a message dated 8/19/02 7:57:56 AM Central Daylight Time,

susanenglish@... writes:

> I've thought of pulling the plug on her, getting rid of the help, & letting

> her stew in her own juices. She will get into new trouble then & will buy

> a quick ticket to the nh. But....my conscience won't let me do that. How

> about getting rid of that Aricept? She might be more managable.

Yikes, but I am lucky my husband is so much easier to deal with!! We live

with a lot in regards to our decisions, don't we? I can see your temptation

to get rid of the Aricept - she probably really IS functioning better to a

degree. It does help with awareness, too. Butttttt - I don't think I'd want

to get rid of it, because it can also help her ability to reason and possibly

slow her decline. Has it been a full 3 months? I don't recall. But that's

how long it takes to fully kick in. I don't think it will change her

personality, though. Boy, , I do NOT envy you!!


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I have POA over dads medical and financial decisions. He also has

advance directives in a living will. One time while on the phone with

Medicare and wanting to change his address info. I was told a durable

POA is not recognized with the Federal Government. So, I had to go to

our local Federal Building, take my proof of POA, since my dad was not

with me, and give dads information to them. They took a copy of the

POA, I signed a form stating I am now representative payee and I was

off. What it entails is once a year I have to fill out yet another form

stating where my dads money went for the previous year as I am in charge

of his money. Guess it guarantees the government that financially they

will get their money...now through me. It also gives me all access to

dads information through the govt. without the need for his permission.

I have been advised by a neuro-psychiatric office to obtain Legal

Guardianship over my dad. Haven't had a chance to speak to a lawyer

yet, that will be next week after my day job is over. Hopefully this

helps...best of luck to you!


Des Moines, IA

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For the last 4 years I have only had a POA. I was on my mother's bank

accounts and I could never move all of the account, but I just kept the

same bank account and never had a problem . The POA has gotten me into

hospitals and the nh with her. They get mad but POA is a valid document

to do everything I have needed to do.


To learn more about LBD Disease, please visit the Lewy Body Disease

Association site at:


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For the last 4 years I have only had a POA. I was on my mother's bank

accounts and I could never move all of the account, but I just kept the

same bank account and never had a problem . The POA has gotten me into

hospitals and the nh with her. They get mad but POA is a valid document

to do everything I have needed to do.


To learn more about LBD Disease, please visit the Lewy Body Disease

Association site at:


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For the last 4 years I have only had a POA. I was on my mother's bank

accounts and I could never move all of the account, but I just kept the

same bank account and never had a problem . The POA has gotten me into

hospitals and the nh with her. They get mad but POA is a valid document

to do everything I have needed to do.


To learn more about LBD Disease, please visit the Lewy Body Disease

Association site at:


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Can your son take the distributor cap off or the battery out of the car

and disable it. It is often easier than trying to take keys away. Or

does someone there use the car. You may also get a switch on it that

disables it so others can use it but she can't figure it out. Mom did

the same thing and with no insurance. I thought if we took the

insurance off she would never drive it, but she did. So I got rid of

the car.

Mom went on hospice yesterday. She has mostly been sleeping.

My mom never could take Aricept either. She went bonker with about 5

pills and I quit. Exlon wasn't available then but it can be used much

in the same way I think.


To learn more about LBD Disease, please visit the Lewy Body Disease

Association site at:


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Can your son take the distributor cap off or the battery out of the car

and disable it. It is often easier than trying to take keys away. Or

does someone there use the car. You may also get a switch on it that

disables it so others can use it but she can't figure it out. Mom did

the same thing and with no insurance. I thought if we took the

insurance off she would never drive it, but she did. So I got rid of

the car.

Mom went on hospice yesterday. She has mostly been sleeping.

My mom never could take Aricept either. She went bonker with about 5

pills and I quit. Exlon wasn't available then but it can be used much

in the same way I think.


To learn more about LBD Disease, please visit the Lewy Body Disease

Association site at:


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Can your son take the distributor cap off or the battery out of the car

and disable it. It is often easier than trying to take keys away. Or

does someone there use the car. You may also get a switch on it that

disables it so others can use it but she can't figure it out. Mom did

the same thing and with no insurance. I thought if we took the

insurance off she would never drive it, but she did. So I got rid of

the car.

Mom went on hospice yesterday. She has mostly been sleeping.

My mom never could take Aricept either. She went bonker with about 5

pills and I quit. Exlon wasn't available then but it can be used much

in the same way I think.


To learn more about LBD Disease, please visit the Lewy Body Disease

Association site at:


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In a message dated 8/20/02 7:29:06 AM Central Daylight Time,

mido101@... writes:

> My mom never could take Aricept either. She went bonker with about 5 pills

> and I quit.

Donna, would you mind telling me what happened when she went " bonkers? "


Thanks, Cheryl

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In a message dated 8/20/02 7:29:06 AM Central Daylight Time,

mido101@... writes:

> My mom never could take Aricept either. She went bonker with about 5 pills

> and I quit.

Donna, would you mind telling me what happened when she went " bonkers? "


Thanks, Cheryl

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In a message dated 8/20/02 7:29:06 AM Central Daylight Time,

mido101@... writes:

> My mom never could take Aricept either. She went bonker with about 5 pills

> and I quit.

Donna, would you mind telling me what happened when she went " bonkers? "


Thanks, Cheryl

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It has been a while Cheryl, since Mom went bonkers on Aricept. As I

recall she got so highly agitated and I remember telling the MD, " she is

bouncing off walls. " And she wasn't sleeping but every other night

anyway. And it got worse and she did worse with even less sleep. I

think at five pills I called the Md and he said just stop it.


To learn more about LBD Disease, please visit the Lewy Body Disease

Association site at:


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It has been a while Cheryl, since Mom went bonkers on Aricept. As I

recall she got so highly agitated and I remember telling the MD, " she is

bouncing off walls. " And she wasn't sleeping but every other night

anyway. And it got worse and she did worse with even less sleep. I

think at five pills I called the Md and he said just stop it.


To learn more about LBD Disease, please visit the Lewy Body Disease

Association site at:


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It has been a while Cheryl, since Mom went bonkers on Aricept. As I

recall she got so highly agitated and I remember telling the MD, " she is

bouncing off walls. " And she wasn't sleeping but every other night

anyway. And it got worse and she did worse with even less sleep. I

think at five pills I called the Md and he said just stop it.


To learn more about LBD Disease, please visit the Lewy Body Disease

Association site at:


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