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Alright folks this is getting a bit heated. Everyone has opinions on this matter and on diet. This is all understandable. I myself try to limit caffine and other chemical additives and such. However, that is limit but not totally avoid. A little bit of these things now and then isn't that bad of thing, so long as one's diet is otherwise healthy.

As for treating migraines, perhaps some things do work for some people and not for others. For example: if I have a stomach bug and am nauseous, Saltine crackers and Sprite or 7up usually puts things right. Other people I know who have tried that have thrown up in short order. Since nothing that anyone has suggested is harmful, there is no reason not to try some Coke or Pepsi or whatever. If it makes your migraine worse, then you know not to try that again. Then you move on to the next thing and see if that gives you any relief.

I don't think anyone has meant anything in a mean spirited way. What we had was a lot of people talking about migraines and what has worked for them. Some people didn't agree with each other and that happens. Nothing personal was meant by any of it.

So let's keep that in mind and tone it down some.

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One of the things I have been doing in recent years is reading up on

animals, and I have read a number of books now where people from

modern day countries travel to the remote jungles of Borneo, or South

America, or the forests of Africa and encounter primative tribesman

who select a few leaves and bark off of trees and or plants that may

not even have been named yet and use these pickings to effect limited

cures of everyday ailments.

These stories are incidental to the study of animals and are included

for curiosity's sake. But it's important to remember that more likely

than not, as long as there have been people, there have been

diseases, and as long as there have been diseases, people have been

looking for cures.

We must not disregard either scientific fact, folk medicine, " old

wives tales " or homeopathic medicine. All may offer something of

value just as much as any of them may sometimes provide

worthless " cures. "


--- In FAMSecretSociety , " Punjabi Jowo "

........Kathy says;

Some people seem to feel the need

to crusade about their particular

health technique so they can somehow

feel it is more valid...

.........Dwight says;

More valid? More valid compared to

what? That's too general of a

statement to properly address and

respond to your idea there in that

sentence. It could take 40 years to

compare my particular health

technique to all other possible

health techniques. If you want to

think about explaining what you mean

by " more valid " , I can respond to your

letter. If you don't feel like it, we

all may be forever wondering what to

compare " more valid " to. I feel a need

to crusade about my particular health

technique because it's simply sound,

prudent and often unsophisticated

judgment among ordinary people. Since

we Aspies are certainly far from being

normal, I believe this regimin that I

have suggested in my prior notes to this

forum is particularly important.


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If I cared to, I could send in a

rebuttal to every idea that you

put forward in this forum but

that is not my desire or pleasure.

I'll leave it at that....but I must

speak out when I see some significant

flaw in logical thinking and/or

writting that attracts my concern.


> More valid feeling to them than if they just basked in the

success. I

> didn't say it makes the technique any more or less valid. It just


> that some people feel the need to 'convert' people in order to feel


> they made the right choice. I have noticed it with health issues,


> rearing issues, and religion among other things.


> Kathy J.

> Re: Migraines



> >

> >

> > .......Kathy says;

> > Some people seem to feel the need

> > to crusade about their particular

> > health technique so they can somehow

> > feel it is more valid...

> >

> > ........Dwight says;

> > More valid? More valid compared to

> > what? That's too general of a

> > statement to properly address and

> > respond to your idea there in that

> > sentence.

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