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Applied Kinesiology

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Wow, Connie - that is really interesting! I don't know much about Applied

Kinesiology - can you please tell me some more about it? How do they test

for food reactions?

It sounds like you're on the right path now with your recovery! :) I'd be

interested in seeing a kinesiologist too if it helps.


At 12:52 a.m. 12/01/2003 +0000, you wrote:

>Thought what's happening with my health could have some bearing on

>the situation of some or one of you.


>Today I went to a Chiropractor who does Applied Kinesiology, among

>other things, at the Academy of Oriental Medicine in Austin, and he

>wants me to stay on the protocol (Oil of Oregano, MSM & Colloidal

>Silver) and VERY STRICT diet I did for 30 days (and thought I was

>done with!!).

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Hi Ali -

I'm just trying to get well as fast as possible, so I can't say I'm

on the right path. I know that I got A LOT better on the " Russ

Protocol " (STRICTLY adhered to), but I'd done it my 30 days and found

myself very apprehensive about reintroducing previously banned foods

(legumes, nuts, grains, fruit, etc.) Russ told me to go slowly and

listen to my body, but I wasn't feeling very couragious.

I'd started reading " Allergies and Candida with the Physicist's Rapid

Solution: by Rochlitz, PhD, and wanted to try his method o

energy balancing. That's not quite what I got with the chiropractor,

but may pursue it further in later visits, if I feel that anything he

does helps. Right now, I know that he made one big mistake. The

anti-viral herbal concoction he gave me is preserved with alcohol,

and I've been growing a headache since yesterday. Since it wasn't an

immediate reaction and I had also indulged in some cheese at his

suggestion, I can't be sure if only one thing has caused the problem.

Explaining Applied Kinesiology and muscle testing is kind of

difficult for me to do accurately, so maybe you should research it a

little online. I know it worked wonders in discovering some food

allergy problems my daughter had that gave her hives every time she

ate ANYTHING years ago. But the chiropractor yesterday wanted me to

be clear that it's more of an intuitive art than an exact science.

Since I've experience first-hand the obvious difference in muscle

strength involved in the tests and corrections, I wanted to go ahead.

Anyway, I'm sticking with the Oil of Oregano drops (both anti-candida

and anti-viral) and MSM in the " Russ Protocol " --- and haven't

decided whether to follow the chiropractor's directions to stay on

the " Russ Protocol " diet for another 3 weeks, or whether to continue

with the Colloidal Silver. Russ was not pleased with the

chiropractor's supplement prescriptions, which were to be used in

addition to the ones that Russ said I should take. (Russ also

implied that I should continue to re-introduce foods and pay close

attention to how I feel.)

In the end, I think this whole thing is the partially blind leading

the blind.

Good luck with your choices.


> >Thought what's happening with my health could have some bearing on

> >the situation of some or one of you.

> >

> >Today I went to a Chiropractor who does Applied Kinesiology, among

> >other things, at the Academy of Oriental Medicine in Austin, and he

> >wants me to stay on the protocol (Oil of Oregano, MSM & Colloidal

> >Silver) and VERY STRICT diet I did for 30 days (and thought I was

> >done with!!).

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  • 5 years later...

Has anyone ever tried Applied Kinesiology to help with their CMT?  I have a

friend that uses AK as her primary medical source and is encouraging me to

go. (I am begining to fell that she is probably getting a kickback)


She said that AK will not " cure " but can feed my muscles to make them stronger,

blah, blah, blah.  


I would be willing to try anything but this person charges $160 per visit plus

the supplements she feels you need. (She sells you the supplements too)   I went

with my friend last time she had a pulled hamstring and she ended up paying

$250. (treatment and supplements) and needed to come back in a week.  I figure

the hamstring would probably heal with or without all of this " treatment "   and



Just curious as to whether there is anything to it.  My personal opinion (by

watching this in person) is that this AK tells people there is something wrong

with them and gives them the attention they crave and THAT is what she is really

selling.  My friend pulled her hamsting and the AK told her she also had a

sprained ankle and a lumbar sprain and by pressing on her skull with her finger

she was able to tell she was lacking 3 different suppliments!  Of course she

told her to take it easy and do NOTHING for a week.  Hmmmmmmmm







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  • 9 months later...

I often use a related form of 'energy testing' to determine which tool/approach and then which protocol to use. Good results.

St. Clair

applied kinesiology

Does anyone use applied kinesiology with neurofeedback?Interested,Rene Kay

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From: St. Clair <mastclair@...> Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 9:49:53 AMSubject: Re: applied kinesiology

I often use a related form of 'energy testing' to determine which tool/approach and then which protocol to use. Good results.

St. Clair

applied kinesiology

Does anyone use applied kinesiology with neurofeedback?Interested,Rene Kay

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