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I think I have a problem

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Today my first issue of Reader's Digest arrived. It was given to me by a

friend as a Christmas present. Not long before the holiday I borrowed a copy

of hers because it had an article that caught my eye. And from that she

deduced that I would like a subscription.

Far be it from me to tell her differently.

So, as she was kind enough to have it sent to me, I will read it. And it

does have a few good articles to try to balance out all the downers. (I

never read it in public without a box or two of tissues at my side. Too many

of the stories make my eyes leak!)

I notice the number of what I call " info bits " that promote new and

wonderful drugs. And every time drugs, or the possibility of drugs, is

mentioned in one of these " bits " or in an article I can't help wondering how

much the " information " in the item was influenced by the drug companies that

advertise their wares so profusely a page or two away.

Am I getting a jaundiced mind in my later years? Is it normal to look on

these " info bits " as more than a genuine desire to inform? Am I jealous

because this mag is getting more for one of those drug company ads than I

ever made in many years combined?

Is it right to ask, " Why on earth would I ever want to take THAT? "

Especially after reading the two pages of fine print disclaimers that follow

almost every one or two page drug ad? (No I don't actually READ them.)

Am I nuts? Or is it the people who fall for this garbage the ones who are

missing a few cells upstairs?

Judith Alta

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heh. well, having just received my copy of " trust us, we're experts " ,

combined with having nearly finished al franken's " lies and.... " , i have to

say that reader's digest is pandering to the boomers on behalf of the drug

companies. and that's gross.

course, i would have said that even before those two books, just they're on

my mind at the moment.


At 03:45 PM 1/26/2004, you wrote:

>Am I getting a jaundiced mind in my later years? Is it normal to look on

>these " info bits " as more than a genuine desire to inform? Am I jealous

>because this mag is getting more for one of those drug company ads than I

>ever made in many years combined?

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  • 3 years later...
Guest guest

There is a surgeon that the Women's Health Centre in Vancouver at the

Vancouver Medical Centre has used for years.

Contact them if you can travel to Vancouver.


At 08:47 PM 3/16/2007, you wrote:

>I think I have a problem but I'm not sure. I went for

>my breast ultrasound and mammagrams today.

>My left breast - no problem.

>My right breast - looks like I had a ps from the

>Flintstones do my implantation. It is full of rocks.

>There is quite a big lump below the nipple it is about

>9mm long and about 3mm wide. In addition to that my

>right breast on the mammogram looks all white and like

>it's expanded. Apparently it's full of fluid

>surrounded by a capsule.

>I'm scared but am keeping the faith. I feel my

>purpose here is to be a trailblazer for Canadian women

>and that's what I intend to be. We don't have Drs.

>Kolb or Huang etc. I want to find that surgeon here.

>Things happen for a reason.

>Please pray for me. I don't think it's cancer but

>I've had it before. Been there, done that, beat it,

>don't want to go down that road again.

>Thank you for listening and pray for an early

>explantation date for me.

>In the meantime, here's me and a friend who's going to

>help me do the trailblazing. Her name is .

>Love and prayers to all,




>Bored stiff? Loosen up...

>Download and play hundreds of games for free on Games.



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I will try. Thank you so much Lynda. I'm in Toronto, Ontario.




> >I think I have a problem but I'm not sure. I went for

> >my breast ultrasound and mammagrams today.

> >My left breast - no problem.

> >My right breast - looks like I had a ps from the

> >Flintstones do my implantation. It is full of rocks.

> >There is quite a big lump below the nipple it is about

> >9mm long and about 3mm wide. In addition to that my

> >right breast on the mammogram looks all white and like

> >it's expanded. Apparently it's full of fluid

> >surrounded by a capsule.

> >I'm scared but am keeping the faith. I feel my

> >purpose here is to be a trailblazer for Canadian women

> >and that's what I intend to be. We don't have Drs.

> >Kolb or Huang etc. I want to find that surgeon here.

> >Things happen for a reason.

> >Please pray for me. I don't think it's cancer but

> >I've had it before. Been there, done that, beat it,

> >don't want to go down that road again.

> >Thank you for listening and pray for an early

> >explantation date for me.

> >In the meantime, here's me and a friend who's going to

> >help me do the trailblazing. Her name is .

> >Love and prayers to all,

> >Traci

> >

> >__________________________________________________________

> >Bored stiff? Loosen up...

> >Download and play hundreds of games for free on Games.

> ><http://games./games/front>http://games./games/front

> >


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