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cayenne pepper - was Re: Stinking Backyard Chickens

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Hot peppers in general are good for the whole body.

According to Sally in Nourishing Traditions, " Peppers can be divided

into two main categories: sweet peppers, which are eaten as a

vegetable; and chile peppers or hot peppers, which are used as

flavorings and spices. Both are members of the capsicum family, a

subset of the nightshade category of plants. Thus, the pepper is the

cousin of eggplant, tomato and potato. "

" Peppers are rich in vitamin C and carotenoids and contain potassium

and calcium. Red peppers are richer in these vitamins than green ones.

The inner ribs of peppers are good sources of bioflavonoids,

substances that protect blood capillaries from breakage. "

" Chile peppers are a good source of magnesium-the hotter the peppers

the more magnesium they contain. Chile peppers have numerous medicinal

properties, most notably the ability to loosen phlegm. Consumption of

chile peppers in moderate amounts is an effective remedy for chronic

bronchitis and emphysema. Compounds found in chile peppers act as

decongestants and also help dissolve blood clots. Extracts of pepper

have been used to treat toothache and conjunctivitis. Like so many

other vegetables, peppers have been shown to lower blood cholesterol. "

I only have personal experience to report about feeding my chickens

cayenne. My flock is 3 years old, haven't had any come down with

diseases of the gut nor lost any to disease, they lay very well.

Originally I learned about it in sci.agriculture.poultry in the Google

groups. Also, years ago I learned from a Native American about taking

cayenne to " clean the blood the gut, to prevent arthritis. " Ever since

then, about 30 years, I've been a chile head. :-)

Try it. See if you notice any difference. Just try to avoid irradiated

cayenne. Try to buy organic.


> << Use liberal amounts of cayene pepper in their feed. They won't

taste it, they don't have taste-buds, per se, and it will do lots to

keep their guts

> clean. Try it, you'll be amazed.>>



> Sharon,


> How does this cayenne pepper 'remedy' work on the guts... would it

have a similar effect on the human gut?... TIA


> Dedy




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