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Re: Suze-- CHRIS -  

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In a message dated 2/6/04 3:33:08 PM Eastern Standard Time, ChrisMasterjohn


> can you check and see what's going on with your email program? all of your

> recent posts have " & amp;amp;amp;nbsp; " throughout, which is the html for

" & amp;amp; "

> followed by a space. did you recently set your emails to " html " ? it's hard

> to follow some of them because this code is peppered throughout. example

> below:


I don't know how to fix it, but it only occurs at double spaces for some

reason. So I'm going to try my best to type only one space between periods. I

tried this in a test and it worked, and should be working in this email.

In the mean time, were you able to comprehend my posts? In other words, would

you like me to edit any so that you can respond easier? I don't mind doing so

if you need me to.


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Quoting ChrisMasterjohn@...:


> I don't know how to fix it, but it only occurs at double spaces for some

> reason. So I'm going to try my best to type only one space between

> periods. I

> tried this in a test and it worked, and should be working in this email.

In HTML, all whitespace between words is collapsed to a single space. If you

want an extra space, you have to specify a non-breaking space, denoted by

& nbsp; in HTML code. Also, an ampersand, being a metacharacter, can't be

represented directly in HTML; you need to use & amp;. Apparently your text

was being converted twice for some reason. First the & nbsp;s were thrown

in, and then the ampersands in them were converted to & amp;s, giving you

& amp;nbsp;




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>I don't know how to fix it, but it only occurs at double spaces for some

>reason. So I'm going to try my best to type only one space between

>periods. I

>tried this in a test and it worked, and should be working in this email.

k. i never type in double spaces myself. i don't think that's common

protocol with emails anyway.


>In the mean time, were you able to comprehend my posts? In other

>words, would

>you like me to edit any so that you can respond easier? I don't

>mind doing so

>if you need me to.

well, thanks for offering, but not necessary :-)

Suze Fisher

Lapdog Design, Inc.

Web Design & Development


Weston A. Price Foundation Chapter Leader, Mid Coast Maine



" The diet-heart idea (the idea that saturated fats and cholesterol cause

heart disease) is the greatest scientific deception of our times. " --

Mann, MD, former Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry at Vanderbilt

University, Tennessee; heart disease researcher.

The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics



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Quoting Suze Fisher <s.fisher22@...>:

> >I don't know how to fix it, but it only occurs at double spaces for some

> >reason. So I'm going to try my best to type only one space between

> >periods. I

> >tried this in a test and it worked, and should be working in this email.


> k. i never type in double spaces myself. i don't think that's common

> protocol with emails anyway.

How did that convention arise, anyway? Was it to leave room for corrections

when using a typewriter?




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> > k. i never type in double spaces myself. i don't think that's


> > protocol with emails anyway.


> How did that convention arise, anyway? Was it to leave room for


> when using a typewriter?


> --

> Berg

> bberg@c...


I would assume for the advantage in reading perception... One extra

space could hardly make a difference for error-correction...


SE Pennsylvania

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>How did that convention arise, anyway? Was it to leave room for corrections

>when using a typewriter?

The two-spaces-between-sentences convention? It was because typewriters

started out typically producing monospaced fonts, and adding an extra space

between sentences greatly enhanced readability. Personally I think two

spaces is still superior even with proportional fonts, but I guess I'm in

the minority on that one.


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--- In , Idol <Idol@c...>


> -


> >How did that convention arise, anyway? Was it to leave room for


> >when using a typewriter?


> The two-spaces-between-sentences convention? It was because


> started out typically producing monospaced fonts, and adding an

extra space

> between sentences greatly enhanced readability. Personally I think


> spaces is still superior even with proportional fonts, but I guess

I'm in

> the minority on that one.


> -


Makes sense! And reminds me that I've decided to make a personal

resolution to capitalize the beginning of my sentences to make it

easier for other people to read my often complicated and parantheses-

ridden emails... If anyone catches me slipping, don't hesitate to

offer words of remonstrance... This comes after many years of

haughtily and mostly intentionally disregarding this venerable

convention... In fact, some years ago on a list called " lowercase-

sound " I even went out of my way to capitalize the final letter of

each sentence and uncapitalize the first; it was sort of a joke but

my youthful defiance of convention (not as bold as dropping acid I

suppose) was given an inauspicious foothold in typographical


Speaking of trivial matters, has anyone noticed that the bottom of

most posts on this list have many lines of junk, like from ,

that don't get trimmed? It a great inefficiency when reading posts

using the extremely convenient and time-saving " expand messages "

option on the website, not to mention the general

disadvantages of untrimmed posts.


SE Pennsylvania

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> >I suppose I could see if there's anything there I can change, but

I doubt

> >it. wants their terms and conditions and whatnot, and the


> >links are sometimes useful. Maybe I could make it more space-


> >though -- if there are any settings I can modify. I haven't

explored the

> >entire control system yet, though.


> I'm not sure at this point, but it used to be you could

> pay $15/year and not get the ads.


> -- Heidi


It's not ads, and it's not anything the list owner needs to do; it's

just trimming posts instead of having 5 duplicates of the same bottom-

attachments from in every post...

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