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FYI SALLY FALLON, Author of Nourishing Traditions and Champion of Small Farms and Local Food, Next Wednesday, Feb 18, 7P.M., War Memorial Building, Shepherdstown

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>Friends -


>With her insistence that human food should have

>a much higher nutrient content than corporate

>industrialized farms are able to provide, Sally

>Fallon has awakened families all over North

>America to the fact that if they want to live

>full and happy lives, they won't find the

>nutrition they need in packages at the grocery

>store and are going to have to put some effort

>into acquiring the quality of food that only

>small, owner-operated farms can provide. With

>the large network of " Weston A. Price groups "

>she has established in the U.S. and in Canada,

>she has undoubtedly saved more family farms in

>the last 10 years than any other person or

>organization. The well documented knowledge she

>shares makes both farms and families more

>healthy. Speaking from my own experience as a

>recovering vegetarian, hearing Sally Fallon

>speak is likely to change your life forever!

>This is a lecture you will not want to miss!


>It should be a mandatory lecture for anyone with children under 12.


>- - Allan Balliett, series organizer





>Traditional Food and Nutrition

>Wednesday February 18, 7:00 P.M. - War Memorial Bulding Shepherdstown



>Iournalist, chef, nutrition researcher,

>homemaker and community activist, Sally Fallon

>will speak at the Shepherdstown, WV War Memorial

>Building at 7:00 P.M. on Wednesday, February

>18. The presentation is free to the public, but

>seating is by reservation only. Contact Allan

>Balliett at info@... or (304)

>876-3382 to make your reservations..

> Ms Fallon is the author of Nourishing

>Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges

>Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet

>Dictocrats. This well-researched,

>thought-provoking guide to traditional foods

>contains a startling message: Animal fats and

>cholesterol are not villains but vital factors

>in the diet, necessary for normal growth, proper

>function of the brain and nervous system,

>protection from disease and optimum energy



>Sally's lifelong interest in the subject of

>nutrition began in the early 1970s when she read

>Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston A.

>Price. Called the " Darwin of

>Nutrition, " Price traveled the world over

>studying healthy primitive populations and their

>diets. The unforgettable photographs contained

>in his book document the beautiful facial

>structure and superb physiques of isolated

>groups consuming only whole, natural foods.


>Price noted that all of these diets contained a

>source of good quality animal fat, which

>provided numerous factors necessary for the full

>expression of our genetic potential and optimum

>health. Mrs. Fallon applied the principles of

>the Price research to the feeding of her own

>children, and proved for herself that a diet

>rich in animal fats, and containing the

>protective factors in old fashioned foodstuffs

>like cod liver oil, liver and eggs, make for

>sturdy cheerful children with a high immunity to



>Now is its second edition, Nourishing Traditions

>has stimulated the public health and medical

>communities to take a new look at the importance

>of traditional foods and preparation techniques,

>and to reexamine the many myths about saturated

>fats and cholesterol. The book places special

>emphasis on the feeding of babies and children

>to ensure optimal development during their

>crucial growing years.


>Mrs. Fallon and her colleague Dr. Enig are

>frequent contributors to holistic health

>publications. Their work is widely respected for

>providing accurate and understandable

>explanations of complicated subjects in the

>field of nutrition and health. Recent

>articles include " Tripping Lightly Down the

>Prostaglandin Pathways, " " Dem Bones-Do High

>Protein Diets Cause Osteoporosis? " " Vitamin A

>Vagary, " " Vitamin A Knavery, " " Why Butter is

>Better " and " A Campaign for Real Milk. " " Soy

>Products for Dairy Products?-Not So Fast, " an

>exposé of the dangers of modern soy-based foods,

>has generated intense controversy in the health

>food industry. In addition, Mrs. Fallon served

>as editor for The Cholesterol Myths by Uffe

>Ravnskov, MD, PhD. (www.newtrendspublishing.com)


>Mrs. Fallon is founding president of the Weston

>A. Price Foundation (www.westonaprice.org) and

>editor of the Foundation's quarterly magazine.

> She is also the founder of A Campaign for Real

>Milk (www.realmilk.com).


>This presentation has been organized by the

>Fresh and Local Community Supported Agriculture

>project (CSA) (www.FreshandLocalCSA.com ) and

>Gardening for the Future.

>(www.gardeningforthefuture.com) to promote

>awareness of the high value of locally grown



>NEXT MONTH: Grass-based Dairy expert Jerry

>Brunetti talks about how what he knows about the

>value of locally grown food has saved his life

>and how you can use this information to make

>your life more full and your county more


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