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Re: chapped lips

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I haven't figured out how to prevent chapped lips yet. But there's a pretty

good solution-- lip balm. You shouldn't ever worry about a cracked lip if you

just spend a dollar or two a month on lip balm.


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--- Elaine <itchyink@...> wrote: > Filippa

mentioned chapped lips are a result of poor

> diet. Is it the fats? I

> would like to know more.

> Elaine



I also suffer chapped lips - and I eat a high fat

diet. Once you've got a good diet, you need to make

sure you're digesting everything properly, which is

really my sticking point - I just don't know how to

get around it! I'd love to be able to smile without

risk of my lip cracking open.



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mine come and go. i will have to pay attention to what i eat and when my

lips chap.



> Elaine

> I also suffer chapped lips - and I eat a high fat

> diet. Once you've got a good diet, you need to make

> sure you're digesting everything properly, which is

> really my sticking point - I just don't know how to

> get around it! I'd love to be able to smile without

> risk of my lip cracking open.


> Jo






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Filippa mentioned chapped lips are a result of poor diet. Is it the fats? I

would like to know more.


===> Well I don't know if they're a result of poor diet but I've just noticed

that in the last 6 months I haven't needed lip balm for the first time since as

long as I can remember. I've always religiously plastered my lips in paw paw

ointment and other lip balms. Couldn't survive without it. I'm assuming it's

because my diet was so low fat and then when I increased the fats, I couldn't

process them. once I sorted out my digestion, my dry lips cleared up.


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....It's my experience that chapped lips are a good indication that you're

not getting enough fluids -- that you are a touch dehydrated. I live in a

very dry climate and it's pretty easy to not get enough to drink here unless

you're paying attention. Whenever I or my kids don't drink enough water

(our beverage of choice), we get dried-out lips. The problem disappears

when we get back into synch with the " correct " amount of fluids our bodies

want. FWIW, we tend to eat a relatively high natural fat (butter, coconut

oil, etc.) diet.

I _used_ to have to use lip balm daily (pre-NT and before I knew about the

hydration issue). Now, if my lips do get too dry, I just rub a bit of

coconut oil on them. Tropical Traditions (I think) has some coconut

oil-based " chap sticks " that are not too smelly...

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Aha, i bet that's it in my case. I am breastfeeding a lot and exercising

daily. It's hard to drink enough water.


> ...It's my experience that chapped lips are a good indication that you're

> not getting enough fluids -- that you are a touch dehydrated.

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Are chapped lips always a result of poor diet, though? This time of

year at least here in the US where we have furnaces and wood stoves

going, the air is dry and I know I have more problems with dry lips

and skin than at any other time of the year. If it's a dryness from

diet I'd think it would be year round.

~ Fern

Re: chapped lips

> Filippa mentioned chapped lips are a result of poor diet. Is it the

fats? I

> would like to know more.

> Elaine

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In a message dated 2/18/04 7:39:51 PM Eastern Standard Time,

fletcher@... writes:

> I _used_ to have to use lip balm daily (pre-NT and before I knew about the

> hydration issue). Now, if my lips do get too dry, I just rub a bit of

> coconut oil on them. Tropical Traditions (I think) has some coconut

> oil-based " chap sticks " that are not too smelly...

Coconut oil is pretty commonly used in lip balms. Personally, I don't think

pure coconut oil works anywhere near as well as a good lip balm for the same

purpose. What does TT charge for theirs? A healthfood store generally has a

wide variety of non-petroleum lip balms, many or most of which use coconut oil

as at least one of the ingredients.

Personally, by far the best lip balm I've tried so far is Lizard Lips Exotic

Lip Balm. I'd never heard of it till recently, but I loooooooooooove the way

it makes my lips feel, and the taste.


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When I was a kid and had chapped lips my Dad said to rub my finger behind my

ear and then over my lips.

There are oil glands behind the ear and what better balm than your own?


It's been so long since I've tried it that I don't remember if it worked or

not. In fact I had forgotten it until this thread came up.

Enjoy! ;-)

Judith Alta

-----Original Message-----

From: ChrisMasterjohn@... [mailto:ChrisMasterjohn@...]

In a message dated 2/18/04 7:39:51 PM Eastern Standard Time,

fletcher@... writes:

> I _used_ to have to use lip balm daily (pre-NT and before I knew about the

> hydration issue). Now, if my lips do get too dry, I just rub a bit of

> coconut oil on them. Tropical Traditions (I think) has some coconut

> oil-based " chap sticks " that are not too smelly...

Coconut oil is pretty commonly used in lip balms. Personally, I don't think

pure coconut oil works anywhere near as well as a good lip balm for the same

purpose. What does TT charge for theirs? A healthfood store generally has


wide variety of non-petroleum lip balms, many or most of which use coconut


as at least one of the ingredients.

Personally, by far the best lip balm I've tried so far is Lizard Lips Exotic

Lip Balm. I'd never heard of it till recently, but I loooooooooooove the


it makes my lips feel, and the taste.


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I quite liked TT lip balm. it is 2.50. sadly i laundered mine...twice, in

the washing machine and dryer. Btw, TT's deodorant is, hands down, the best

natural deo on the market. I've tried them all.


>> I _used_ to have to use lip balm daily (pre-NT and before I knew about the

>> hydration issue). Now, if my lips do get too dry, I just rub a bit of

>> coconut oil on them. Tropical Traditions (I think) has some coconut

>> oil-based " chap sticks " that are not too smelly...

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  • 7 months later...

Oh, aren't you a miss smarty pants, trying to actually get to the

source of something instead of throwing rememdies at it, lol!! :)

That's a great question, and one I recently had to do a bit of

research on myself.

Dry, cracked corners of the mouth can indicate a Riboflavin

deficiency. If you google " cheliosis " or " Riboflavin deficiency, "

you'll probably find some pictures. It seemed like the dental sites

said cheliosis was caused by, drum roll, you got it, YEAST. The

medical sites seemed to lean toward Riboflavin deficiency (which I

think is vitamin B3). Chapped lips in general can mean wide ranging

B deficiencies -- sound familiar? -- as well as EFA deficiencies, if

I remember my readings correctly.

We are very sensitive red-heads here, and I've found that if even

the tiniest bit of enzymes touch my son's lips, he's chapped for

days, even weeks. So we're very careful to wipe his mouth after

syringe of enzymes.


> Thanks, I'll check this out too for my daughter.

> But since we are looking all into these things, does anyone know

what is really going wrong to create this condition? I believe I

had heard it is a sign of problems with the EFA's. Also many have

mentioned having cracked lips I think at just the introduction phase

of enzymes, but believe that typically goes away after a few weeks.

> Kari

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Oh gosh, that sounds just like what we had forever! That center

crack, ooh, it looks like it hurts so bad. I wish I could say I

came up with the answer for my son. We are religious about our

Spectrum II for the Bs and A, give B12 injections, take EFAs...

Somehow it has finally healed and his lips are in good shape now. I

pounce on them at the slightest hint they're chapping, cracking,

etc. with that Kiehl's, and so far it's working. I guess this

winter will prove who's winning.

> Would a good multivitamin help with this?

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Let's hear it for the redheads. I have two of them, one big, one child. I find

they both have problems with dry skin.

Re: chapped lips

Oh, aren't you a miss smarty pants, trying to actually get to the

source of something instead of throwing rememdies at it, lol!! :)

That's a great question, and one I recently had to do a bit of

research on myself.

Dry, cracked corners of the mouth can indicate a Riboflavin

deficiency. If you google " cheliosis " or " Riboflavin deficiency, "

you'll probably find some pictures. It seemed like the dental sites

said cheliosis was caused by, drum roll, you got it, YEAST. The

medical sites seemed to lean toward Riboflavin deficiency (which I

think is vitamin B3). Chapped lips in general can mean wide ranging

B deficiencies -- sound familiar? -- as well as EFA deficiencies, if

I remember my readings correctly.

We are very sensitive red-heads here, and I've found that if even

the tiniest bit of enzymes touch my son's lips, he's chapped for

days, even weeks. So we're very careful to wipe his mouth after

syringe of enzymes.


> Thanks, I'll check this out too for my daughter.

> But since we are looking all into these things, does anyone know

what is really going wrong to create this condition? I believe I

had heard it is a sign of problems with the EFA's. Also many have

mentioned having cracked lips I think at just the introduction phase

of enzymes, but believe that typically goes away after a few weeks.

> Kari

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Drum roll says it all, my daughter is Ms. Yeast. In regards to supplements,

actually the only one we're on is magnesium for her pooping issues, I just had

to follow my heart and didn't think all of the others were doing anything. Then

this bioset eval we did confirmed she tested to be out of whack so to speak in

the body's ability to process vitamins. Not saying it's accurate, just

consistent with my hunch and personal evaluation. As with many of the kids, as

badly as the signs were there that she needed B's I could see it hyped her out.

Recently we just " treated " (which means supposedly cleared the energy

pathways/blockages) for B's. I've only tried a tiny dose both Sat and Sunday

last weekend of P5P, but didn't see a hype. I'm going to give her a full pill

this weekend and see. Need to do weekends with no school or work interruptions

so I can best tell. It will be interesting if she really can handle it now, and

also if it helps with her lips.



Re: chapped lips

Oh, aren't you a miss smarty pants, trying to actually get to the

source of something instead of throwing rememdies at it, lol!! :)

That's a great question, and one I recently had to do a bit of

research on myself.

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> Would a good multivitamin help with this? For my son it looks

like his lower lip is so full and plump that there is not enough skin

to cover it and therefore the lip cracks down the center. Once it is

healing, what can I put on it to keep him from picking at it?

If it is B vitamin deficiency, he would need more than just a multi.

Try giving B50, see if that helps.

EFAs can also help with this.


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This sounds like my daughter. Every supplement that was supposed to help,

especially B vitamins, made her so hyper. We are only on magnesium now too, and

some natural detox.

How did you clear the B pathways? She is much better now that we are using

enzymes, but I wonder about her need for supplements.

Re: chapped lips

Oh, aren't you a miss smarty pants, trying to actually get to the

source of something instead of throwing rememdies at it, lol!! :)

That's a great question, and one I recently had to do a bit of

research on myself.

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Attempting to clear the pathways with an energy related type of therapy called

bioset. Seems kind of out there, but I put myself on the program too and am

feeling something. Something good like, but almost too early to process. I am

so logical that I have a hard time comprehending it can work, but similar to

acupuncture, I am having to try and be open minded. (Had an acupuncture

experience that saved me). I realized after treatments I get super thirsty,

like they say I'm detoxing. And it's not like I could be getting super thirsty

from a supplement or food or anything, because the treatment is completely

non-invasive. They are merely holding a glass of vials with signature's of

frequency's in them in water-really seems like nothing. But supposedly by

holding the glass with the determined required vials containing the frequency's

needed to " clear " your own body's pathways for 15 minutes, it gives the energy

pathways enough time to circulate through the whole body. I know, it sounds

weird, but there is something going on...

I'll test my daughter on P5P this weekend. When we get to treating my daughter

for the yeast portion it for her it will be interesting. Because they say

since she is sensitive to it, even though I might be killing yeast off because

her body isn't programmed to detox the yeast it essentially gets stored in the

body. The treatment therefore will essentially reprogram the body and allow the

yeast to be eliminated. IF this is true, when my daughter gets treated for it

we should be able to see something. Because I do believe yeast to be a root

cause of her brain fog, and after months of treatment have only seen very minor


Again, a big we'll see but...


Re: Re: chapped lips

This sounds like my daughter. Every supplement that was supposed to help,

especially B vitamins, made her so hyper. We are only on magnesium now too, and

some natural detox.

How did you clear the B pathways? She is much better now that we are using

enzymes, but I wonder about her need for supplements.

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