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Re: organic tea and mold

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LMAO I love these so called experts. Hon I use organic tea when i can

get it, and have never ever had a mold problem. I would question her

brewing techniques or the age of her Organic tea and how it was stored.



Friday, November 3, 2006, 10:15:13 AM, you wrote:


Another question - A friend of mine told me just today to *only* use

conventional tea to make KT because if you make it from organic tea it will

mold. I haven't heard this before, but she said she was told this by someone

who's made it for years and " knows her kombucha " . I've only made one batch so

far and it was with organic tea and it didn't mold... Has anyone had any

experience with this?

Thanks again! = )


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LMAO I love these so called experts. Hon I use organic tea when i can

get it, and have never ever had a mold problem. I would question her

brewing techniques or the age of her Organic tea and how it was stored.



Friday, November 3, 2006, 10:15:13 AM, you wrote:


Another question - A friend of mine told me just today to *only* use

conventional tea to make KT because if you make it from organic tea it will

mold. I haven't heard this before, but she said she was told this by someone

who's made it for years and " knows her kombucha " . I've only made one batch so

far and it was with organic tea and it didn't mold... Has anyone had any

experience with this?

Thanks again! = )


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>Another question - A friend of mine told me just today to *only* use

>conventional tea to make KT because if you make it from organic tea it

>will mold. I haven't heard this before, but she said she was told this by

>someone who's made it for years and " knows her kombucha " . I've only made

>one batch so far and it was with organic tea and it didn't mold... Has

>anyone had any experience with this?

Yes indeed. This warning on organic is bogus, regardless of your friend's

sincerity, it has no basis in fact. Organic does not mean moldy or dirty,

in fact it is usually far cleaner than commercial products. Organic simply

means it has been produced without toxins and has no toxic residues on it,

unlike commercially grown food.

Many of us here on the list use organic tea and sugar/sweeteners.

Warnings like those against organic occur in other contexts and it is

basically a scare tactic to get people to stay in line with the industrial

farming and medical complex. Your friend is probably unaware of this

background/backlash against organic and means well, but she's wrong.

Organic is not only good for the people who eat it, but good for the people

who farm it, and good for the planet. If humans are to have a sustainable

future as a species, organic agriculture is a necessity.


~~~ There is no way to peace; peace is the way ~~~~

--A.J. Muste

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I used organic tea from whole foods and have had no problems so far. Make

sure to put your scoby in the room-temp tea first, then pour the starter tea

on top of the scoby and let it flow into the container. This helps stop any

mold on top as well(by killing the mold sports with the acidity) and doesn't

hurt the scoby.



> Hi,

> Another question - A friend of mine told me just today to *only* use

> conventional tea to make KT because if you make it from organic tea it will

> mold. I haven't heard this before, but she said she was told this by someone

> who's made it for years and " knows her kombucha " . I've only made one batch

> so far and it was with organic tea and it didn't mold... Has anyone had any

> experience with this?

> Thanks again! = )

> JennMarie





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>Another question - A friend of mine told me just today to *only* use

>conventional tea to make KT because if you make it from organic tea it

>will mold. .. Has anyone had any experience with this?

Yes, I have. I have been making my KT with organic tea for over a year and

never had any mold.



Christian liberty should never be exercised at the expense of a Christian

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" Be not deceived, God is not mocked; for whatsoever a man soweth, that

shall he also reap. " Galatians 6:7

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Hi EveryOne,

As someone who had been making Kombucha tea with both Organic Teas and

Organic Sugar since 1994, I can tell you for sure that using Organic

ingredients to make your KT will only make it better for you, it will

not cause any problems, such as mold, whatsoever.

The person who said this may know her Kombucha but she sure doesn't

understand about Certified Organic.....all that is left out is the

chemical fertilizers and pesticides...who needs them....

Peace, Love and Harmony,


Manna International: Kombucha Information and Resources

Kombucha Manna Drops - Convenient, Safe, Effective, Easy to use.

Manna Green & White Tea Extract: Liquid Green Tea Drops

100% Certified Organic Ingredients: made and packaged only in Glass.

http://KMI.mannainternational.com and http://mannainternational.com


> Hi,

> Another question - A friend of mine told me just today to *only* use

conventional tea to make KT because if you make it from organic tea it

will mold. I haven't heard this before, but she said she was told

this by someone who's made it for years and " knows her kombucha " .

I've only made one batch so far and it was with organic tea and it

didn't mold... Has anyone had any experience with this?

> Thanks again! = )

> JennMarie





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