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Re: weight lifting | was entropy/fitness

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Hi Deanna,

> Oh, then you should update your photos with demos of the kettlebells. I

> thought they were called kettleballs. No matter. Where did you get them?

> How have they influenced your strength, power, etc? DO you recommend them?

I do recommend them because they are verrrrrrrrry fun. I've only used them

two weeks, so there are other people on the list who'd be better to talk to

about influence on power and strength etc.

> I workout at home mainly with my pathetic little Weider bench, bar and

> dumbbells. I can calf raise 350 at the gym still, pretty meaty calves I

> have too ;-) I didn't notice you mentioning calves in your schedule. We

> all need a little drumstick, eh? he he.

I don't do anything specifically for calves. It seems that the squat and

deadlift work them enough, because they don't seem to be growing


to my quads. However, I've just begun supersetting all my squats with calf

raises. (Using the barbell already on my shoulders from squatting).

> Good on your 1RM bench press!

Thanks! I'm happy too. I weigh about 155-158 and have been working out for a

year, so it's an exciting milestone :-)

> Um, how is deadlift higher than squat?

Dunno, I've always progressed much faster at it. My trainer said the same

for himself.

Nice > gluts or what? You'll have to show them in photos maybe.

Ok, but I'll leave my pants on. I always had " no ass " until I started

working out, but now I got myself one.

> How do you split your schedule? I am doing the easy upper body one day, 2

> x

> a week, then heavy legs once a week. I need to change this up as it is

> getting predictable. I am not doing enough cardio presently either. Some

> of the biggest bodybuilders I have known do pretty much one body part a day,

> resting once a week. I am not looking to build though, as I am a mesomorph.

I do bench press and associated accessories MWF, splitting the accessories

among those three days. I do a wave cycle that goes up five pounds each day and

drops five pounds each week for bench press, using a 5,4,3,2,1 rep per set

sequence with one minute in between (or more at the end of a cycle when it's

hard). I do squats and abs on Tuesdays and deadlift and abs on Saturdays. I do

cardio on Thursdays and rest on Sundays.

If you get a kettlebell, you won't have to worry about cardio, for sure!

> Hey, are you in school? What are your studies, if so.

Yeah. I'm 22, have a BA in History from UMass, and am currently going to a

community college to acquire a basic science background, with the thought of

applying to med school though I'm not sure exactly what I want to do.

Right now I'm taking Physics 2, Organic Chemistry 2, Cell Biology, Anatomy

and Physiology 2, and an Independent Study in Chemistry, doing research into

crystallization of C60 (buckminsterfullerene) and paper research into



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In a message dated 2/27/04 5:03:44 PM Eastern Standard Time, nati

venutrition@... writes:

> Hiya Chris. Where does one buy kettlebells? Aren't they Russian? Is

> there

> a style(?) or brand you suggest?

The only place you get can get them, afaik, is www.dragondoor.com.

> It occurred to me that there are two (or more) types of deadlifts. I do

> the

> Romanian, sometimes called stiff legged deadlifts, which mainly employ hams

> and glutes. Don't powerlifters do the deadlift where the bar is on the

> floor, they bend down like a squat and pick it up? I forget. But I was

> thinking Romanian when I said nice glutes. I must be dead wrong, right?

That's correct, I don't do the Romanian form, but both forms emphasize the

glutes. It seems to me the form of any exercise that does less isolating is the

superior form.

> Are you going for maximum size? Better question: What are your fitness

> goals?

First health, second, strength, and third, looks. These are close seconds

and thirds such that they are all essentially my primary goal.

If I were to assume I had the same growth potential as the biggest guys I do

NOT want maximum size. I'd like to gain up to 180, and after that would like

to maximize the strength, velocity, flexibility, and other features of my

muscles while putting on minimal additional mass.

> Okay, where do I find quality kettlebells, instruction.

Same place as above, and make sure to get the recommended book and DVD both.

> Sounds good, especially the cheap college route for science basics. Why no

> math? Have you done difficult (differential) equations and linear algebra?

I don't have much of a math background. I've never had algebra 2, but I've

had calculus-- but only first-simester, and the " applied calculus " version. It

was very easy, I didn't go to class, and I got an A (I took it for fun in my

last semester as a History major), so I think I have decent aptitude. Since

I'm thinking that if I want to go to med school I want to get into a PhD

program, or otherwise want to go into research, I think I'm going to take


and statistics over the summer with online classes. But no sense in doing that

now, or wasting the time actually physically going to the school if there's

no labs.

> Probably not with med school in mind. I really enjoy chemistry, but have

> only done a year of physical chem. My life science skills are sorely

> lacking. But I do attend school sometimes. Mostly I learn at home. I'm in

> my 30s still, living out in the country in N TX.

I do too. I've had a year of general, and am finishing a year of orgo, but

have not had any p chem, analytic, etc. I don't have much life science. A & P

and cell bio now.

> Thanks for the info. Stay fit!

You too!


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C- I do recommend them because they are verrrrrrrrry fun. I've only used

them two weeks, so there are other people on the list who'd be better to

talk to about influence on power and strength etc.


Hiya Chris. Where does one buy kettlebells? Aren't they Russian? Is there

a style(?) or brand you suggest?


D- Um, how is deadlift higher than squat?

C- Dunno, I've always progressed much faster at it. My trainer said the

same for himself.


It occurred to me that there are two (or more) types of deadlifts. I do the

Romanian, sometimes called stiff legged deadlifts, which mainly employ hams

and glutes. Don't powerlifters do the deadlift where the bar is on the

floor, they bend down like a squat and pick it up? I forget. But I was

thinking Romanian when I said nice glutes. I must be dead wrong, right?


D -You'll have to show them in photos maybe.

C - Ok, but I'll leave my pants on. I always had " no ass " until I started

working out, but now I got myself one.


Ha ha! I've got the opposite condition myself, roflol! Maybe we'll compare

when I shed my winter coat, hee hee!


C- I do a wave cycle that goes up five pounds each day and

drops five pounds each week for bench press, using a 5,4,3,2,1 rep per set

sequence with one minute in between (or more at the end of a cycle when it's

hard). I do squats and abs on Tuesdays and deadlift and abs on Saturdays.

I do cardio on Thursdays and rest on Sundays.


Are you going for maximum size? Better question: What are your fitness



C- If you get a kettlebell, you won't have to worry about cardio, for sure!


Okay, where do I find quality kettlebells, instruction.


C- Yeah. I'm 22, have a BA in History from UMass, and am currently going

to a community college to acquire a basic science background, with the

thought of applying to med school though I'm not sure exactly what I want to


C- Right now I'm taking Physics 2, Organic Chemistry 2, Cell Biology,

Anatomy and Physiology 2, and an Independent Study in Chemistry, doing

research into crystallization of C60 (buckminsterfullerene) and paper

research into nanocrystals.


Sounds good, especially the cheap college route for science basics. Why no

math? Have you done difficult (differential) equations and linear algebra?

Probably not with med school in mind. I really enjoy chemistry, but have

only done a year of physical chem. My life science skills are sorely

lacking. But I do attend school sometimes. Mostly I learn at home. I'm in

my 30s still, living out in the country in N TX.

Thanks for the info. Stay fit!


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- The only place you get can get them, afaik, is www.dragondoor.com.

Those kettlebells are expensive! Maybe I'll find an old cast iron kettle

or two at the antique store and try that! Isn't this vegan bodybuilder dude

from the link part of the dragondoor group? Pretty unhealthy processed diet

he's got, but some nice photos.

I laughed at this menu entry: " Glass of red whine "



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