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Re: what are your yeast protocols

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We've had the same here! Lots of forbidden foods

eaten on boxing day. We had a couple of sleepless nights, giggles and

some tantrums. I've upped the probiotics and kept up with nystatin.

Hopefully it won't last too long.

bbrowne123 wrote:

sheesh, my boy has been a hellion over Christmas. Some people who


thought were friends, deliberately gave him half a box of choccies to

eat whilst i went shopping for an hour (behind my back). What is with

people who think they know better than you do?

anyway, he has been on the ceiling for the past 5 days and only today

has a bm that was full of the worst yeast he has ever had. Poor guy.

he wont take nystatin much any more, tried it and he spit it out. So i

went onto charcoal and gse.

any other ideas? I never really had a yeast protocol, just gse,

probiotics and biotin/nystatin. any thing else i can add

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We've had the same here! Lots of forbidden foods

eaten on boxing day. We had a couple of sleepless nights, giggles and

some tantrums. I've upped the probiotics and kept up with nystatin.

Hopefully it won't last too long.

bbrowne123 wrote:

sheesh, my boy has been a hellion over Christmas. Some people who


thought were friends, deliberately gave him half a box of choccies to

eat whilst i went shopping for an hour (behind my back). What is with

people who think they know better than you do?

anyway, he has been on the ceiling for the past 5 days and only today

has a bm that was full of the worst yeast he has ever had. Poor guy.

he wont take nystatin much any more, tried it and he spit it out. So i

went onto charcoal and gse.

any other ideas? I never really had a yeast protocol, just gse,

probiotics and biotin/nystatin. any thing else i can add

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Yeasty here too! We use lotsa probios, occasionally colloidal silver

for bad flares. We use yeast aid and biocidin daily. Just started with

Sacch boulardii and am going to try dioxychlor. Candex good too.


Luv Caroline


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is yeasty too ! huge tummy, think he has inflammation as well,

I ahve some colodial silver - thanks for that idea Caroline, also got

Sac Bou in the fridge! We have been trying to wear him out every dya

he has been hyper and quite angry as well again, will put the candex

in the routine as well. I have been giving oxy powder and vit c to

try & flush ouit the build up too.

Lara x


> Yeasty here too! We use lotsa probios, occasionally colloidal silver

> for bad flares. We use yeast aid and biocidin daily. Just started with

> Sacch boulardii and am going to try dioxychlor. Candex good too.

> HTH.

> Luv Caroline

> xx


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Hi Lara

Yeat is a nightmare, we have been finding doing quite good on

the Candex, but then we just did a big bowel clear out too so you never

know whats what!

Been thinking about you, hope you are all well. Hugs to and Toby

hope you all had a lovely Xmas. Call you soon.

Luv Caroline


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