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Re: Hi, I'm new here.

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Judith ,

I have a small farm, too. I have 15 acres and decided after my divorce two

years ago, I was going to rent out the pasture. So, that's what I do -- to

horses and cows in

exchange for the cost of my irrigation and whatever fence fixing needs to be

done. Works for me.

Good to hear from you,


Judith Sacks wrote:

> My name is JUDITH. Sorry, I'm not yelling but on my most important

> lists, which are Service Dog lists, many of us automatically capitalize

> our names and then add our dog's name in lower case letters underneath.

> We seem to remember dog's names better than people names LOL... that

> sort of let's you all of you know about me, huh? :-)


> I developed chronic pain back in '92. It took a while to convince the

> doctors that it wasn't in my head (AIMH???). I can't begin to tell

> anyone how many times I heard my mental stress was manifesting in

> physical pain!


> Anyway, I finally got someone to listen to me and it turned out I had

> all the symptoms of Fibromyalgia. At least I had some verification that

> I wasn't crazy! It was a big relief. I never thought that knowing I

> was sick would be a good thing but it was. It took a lot of stress off

> me actually.


> Well, then the fun continued when the doctors didn't know what to do for

> me and wouldn't treat the pain or muscle cramps or spasms. They gave me

> meds that were so mild I didn't know I was taking them! Then the drs

> flipflopped on me and gave me heavy duty stuff which I reacted badly

> to. Of course then they didn't want to deal with me at all because

> doctors fix problems and they couldn't seem to fix me!


> After a while I found different doctors. They all have their

> specialties, you all know (!), and each one will only prescribe certain

> meds. So I ended up with a team of doctors! Thankfully after several

> years of hard work on my part, I taught them what they needed to know to

> help me and also how to work with each other. Yupper, I actually have

> doctors who talk to each other on my behalf.


> I also have most of the secondary syndromes Fibro can give you. IBS,

> migraines (visual ones, really scary!), sleep disorder, chronic pain of

> various kinds (muscle, generalized, etc), the list goes on and on.


> I have also developed a chronic leukemia with its secondary problems (I

> am not expected to die from it!) which took too long to diagnose because

> we thought it was just the fibro.


> I have horses. Well, 2 horses and a pony. Amy, Stuff 'N, and Belle.

> I was a serious competitor in dressage and trained horses and riders for

> some 30+ years. I still do when I find a neat person who wants to learn

> from me.


> I have dogs. Both are Boxers and the female is Dempsey, the male is

> RockyToo. Right now my passion is training Service Dogs for the

> Disabled. It is amazing what a Service Dog can do for someone who is in

> a wheel chair, or walking but can't bend over to pick something up or

> open doors, or everyday things like that.


> I live on a farmette and do the most I can and the best I can.


> I love flowers and gardening, veggies too. I love to mow which is good

> because we have 6 acres of pasture that needs mowing even with the 3

> horses grazing.


> I try almost anything that is creative. I have been doing Bunka which

> is a Japanese needlepoint/embroidery that uses a 'needle' that is thick

> so my hands can hold it and it is fun and pretty. I am into photography

> big time this year and have taken some great shots that have been blown

> up into posters.


> I guess that's enough about me and what I like.


> There is tragedy and problems in my life, but heck, I'm not done living

> yet although I can sure hollar and whine a lot! ;-)


> Looking forward to being a part of this list,





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