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What's really lame is that I have fit so many of the qualifiers

for adrenal fatigue that two different doctors have given me every

battery of tests except the saliva one. How dumb is that?



I'm in total

agreement here. The blood tests on the sbjct of adrenal, to me,

were all geared to both opposite ends of the spectrum, either

's or Cushing's, nothing inbetween.

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What's really lame is that I have fit so many of the qualifiers

for adrenal fatigue that two different doctors have given me every

battery of tests except the saliva one. How dumb is that?



I'm in total

agreement here. The blood tests on the sbjct of adrenal, to me,

were all geared to both opposite ends of the spectrum, either

's or Cushing's, nothing inbetween.

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You're right, extremely dumb. Before I found a good doc, I pressured

and pressured an internist to order the saliva testing for me. She

finally agreed but when the test results came, they were all low.

She didn't want to touch treatment of the adrenals with a ten foot

pole. It's because they don't understand adrenal fatigue. They're

only taught about 's and Cushings. BTW, some of the top docs

do not go by saliva testing. Too many things can interfere with the

accuracy of the results. I'd better go. Take care!

> What's really lame is that I have fit so many of the qualifiers for

> adrenal fatigue that two different doctors have given me every

> battery of tests except the saliva one. How dumb is that?


> Best--


> COurtenay.



> >I'm in total agreement here. The blood tests on the sbjct of

> >adrenal, to me, were all geared to both opposite ends of the

> >spectrum, either 's or Cushing's, nothing inbetween.

> >

> >

> >

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You're right, extremely dumb. Before I found a good doc, I pressured

and pressured an internist to order the saliva testing for me. She

finally agreed but when the test results came, they were all low.

She didn't want to touch treatment of the adrenals with a ten foot

pole. It's because they don't understand adrenal fatigue. They're

only taught about 's and Cushings. BTW, some of the top docs

do not go by saliva testing. Too many things can interfere with the

accuracy of the results. I'd better go. Take care!

> What's really lame is that I have fit so many of the qualifiers for

> adrenal fatigue that two different doctors have given me every

> battery of tests except the saliva one. How dumb is that?


> Best--


> COurtenay.



> >I'm in total agreement here. The blood tests on the sbjct of

> >adrenal, to me, were all geared to both opposite ends of the

> >spectrum, either 's or Cushing's, nothing inbetween.

> >

> >

> >

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You're right, extremely dumb. Before I found a good doc, I pressured

and pressured an internist to order the saliva testing for me. She

finally agreed but when the test results came, they were all low.

She didn't want to touch treatment of the adrenals with a ten foot

pole. It's because they don't understand adrenal fatigue. They're

only taught about 's and Cushings. BTW, some of the top docs

do not go by saliva testing. Too many things can interfere with the

accuracy of the results. I'd better go. Take care!

> What's really lame is that I have fit so many of the qualifiers for

> adrenal fatigue that two different doctors have given me every

> battery of tests except the saliva one. How dumb is that?


> Best--


> COurtenay.



> >I'm in total agreement here. The blood tests on the sbjct of

> >adrenal, to me, were all geared to both opposite ends of the

> >spectrum, either 's or Cushing's, nothing inbetween.

> >

> >

> >

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So THEY say. It's in their training to say things like this. Too much

proof to the opposite.

Re: supplements

BTW, some of the top docs

> do not go by saliva testing. Too many things can interfere with the

> accuracy of the results. I'd better go. Take care!




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So THEY say. It's in their training to say things like this. Too much

proof to the opposite.

Re: supplements

BTW, some of the top docs

> do not go by saliva testing. Too many things can interfere with the

> accuracy of the results. I'd better go. Take care!




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  • 2 months later...

If you have Hashimoto's Disease you DON'T want to add anything with iodine in it, as it's going to make the antibodies charge upon your thyroid even more so.


Hi all, I have a question. I'm taking .075 synthroid for hypo thryoid. I was on .1 this summer and it was working a lot better but my TSH went down, so the doc. dropped the dose, even thought I said I felt better before. Any ways', my natural health guy(also my chribropracter) has a supplement that he uses on hypo thryoid people, but he's afaid to give it to me because I have a 6mm node. THe doc.s found all this out this June, so it's still kind of new. I just had another ultra sound the the node hasn't grown, and hasnt shrunk(which my doc. was hoping for since I was on synthroid). Does any one know if you can add suppliments ? I'd like to feel better, especially not be so tired and cold!!! I'm freezing all the time. ANy info would be great. thanks

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The only supplements that might help a little bit would be tyrosine and selenium. If you have iron tests to prove that you are anemic, then you might need to take some iron.

Being cold all the time is most often a symptom of undermedication. If you cannot persuade your doc to give adequate thyroid medication, then you need to find a new doc. We have a list of docs who Rx Armour and Cytomel in "Files." But we do not have any strong recommendations for any of the docs in SA. Some folks like Dr. Mann.

If you are unable to get the help you need in SA, I think Austin would be the closest place to find a really good thyroid doc.

lisa birkes wrote:

I live in San . Jan wrote:

If you are trying to shrink a nodule, you need to have your TSH suppressed to between 0.1 and 0.5.

Sometimes, just insisting on staying on a dose where you felt good is sufficient to convince the doc to keep you there. You might want to negotiate an intermediate dose. Or you might need to find a different doc. Where are you located? lisa birkes wrote:

Hi all, I have a question. I'm taking .075 synthroid for hypo thryoid. I was on .1 this summer and it was working a lot better but my TSH went down, so the doc. dropped the dose, even thought I said I felt better before. Any ways', my natural health guy(also my chribropracter) has a supplement that he uses on hypo thryoid people, but he's afaid to give it to me because I have a 6mm node. THe doc.s found all this out this June, so it's still kind of new. I just had another ultra sound the the node hasn't grown, and hasnt shrunk(which my doc. was hoping for since I was on synthroid). Does any one know if you can add suppliments ? I'd like to feel better, especially not be so tired and cold!!! I'm freezing all the time. ANy info would be great. thanks

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The only supplements that might help a little bit would be tyrosine and selenium. If you have iron tests to prove that you are anemic, then you might need to take some iron.

Being cold all the time is most often a symptom of undermedication. If you cannot persuade your doc to give adequate thyroid medication, then you need to find a new doc. We have a list of docs who Rx Armour and Cytomel in "Files." But we do not have any strong recommendations for any of the docs in SA. Some folks like Dr. Mann.

If you are unable to get the help you need in SA, I think Austin would be the closest place to find a really good thyroid doc.

lisa birkes wrote:

I live in San . Jan wrote:

If you are trying to shrink a nodule, you need to have your TSH suppressed to between 0.1 and 0.5.

Sometimes, just insisting on staying on a dose where you felt good is sufficient to convince the doc to keep you there. You might want to negotiate an intermediate dose. Or you might need to find a different doc. Where are you located? lisa birkes wrote:

Hi all, I have a question. I'm taking .075 synthroid for hypo thryoid. I was on .1 this summer and it was working a lot better but my TSH went down, so the doc. dropped the dose, even thought I said I felt better before. Any ways', my natural health guy(also my chribropracter) has a supplement that he uses on hypo thryoid people, but he's afaid to give it to me because I have a 6mm node. THe doc.s found all this out this June, so it's still kind of new. I just had another ultra sound the the node hasn't grown, and hasnt shrunk(which my doc. was hoping for since I was on synthroid). Does any one know if you can add suppliments ? I'd like to feel better, especially not be so tired and cold!!! I'm freezing all the time. ANy info would be great. thanks

Do you Yahoo!?Meet the all-new My Yahoo! – Try it today!

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Do you Yahoo!?Dress up your holiday email, Hollywood style. Learn more. __________________________________________________

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Does that mean salt, as well?

If so, is sea salt the solution?



At 07:53 PM 12/15/2004, you wrote:

If you

have Hashimoto's Disease you DON'T want to add anything with iodine in

it, as it's going to make the antibodies charge upon your thyroid even

more so.

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Does that mean salt, as well?

If so, is sea salt the solution?



At 07:53 PM 12/15/2004, you wrote:

If you

have Hashimoto's Disease you DON'T want to add anything with iodine in

it, as it's going to make the antibodies charge upon your thyroid even

more so.

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>>Does that mean salt, as well?If so, is sea salt the solution?<<

I used to get very ill from iodized salt, but have not had any problems at all, in fact I feel even better by adding sea salt to my food.

Artistic Grooming Hurricane, West Virginia

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I've read that salt helps support the adrenals. But I don't think my

body likes multivitamins with iodine. I need to find one without

iodine. But salt and iodine are not the same thing, right?

> >If you have Hashimoto's Disease you DON'T want to add anything

with iodine

> >in it, as it's going to make the antibodies charge upon your

thyroid even

> >more so.

> >

> >

> >

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I've read that salt helps support the adrenals. But I don't think my

body likes multivitamins with iodine. I need to find one without

iodine. But salt and iodine are not the same thing, right?

> >If you have Hashimoto's Disease you DON'T want to add anything

with iodine

> >in it, as it's going to make the antibodies charge upon your

thyroid even

> >more so.

> >

> >

> >

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Really? Thanks! Without a 'script? Oh, but I need the iron. How

about no iodine but with iron? Guess I could look on the website,


> Womens International Pharmacy sells a multivitamin with no iodine

and no iron.


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Really? Thanks! Without a 'script? Oh, but I need the iron. How

about no iodine but with iron? Guess I could look on the website,


> Womens International Pharmacy sells a multivitamin with no iodine

and no iron.


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Wednesday, and not a moment too soon. I feel like someone

rolled me down six flights of stairs, and then kicked me in the head.

I held up really well for my appointment, but I'm in that phase right

before my menstrual cycle where I feel like Persephone in Hades.

How are you doing, ?


I don't know what it is about salt

that supports the adrenals. I

hope that Kosher salt supports them as well. Best wishes to you


Courtenay. When do you back to Lubbock?


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Wednesday, and not a moment too soon. I feel like someone

rolled me down six flights of stairs, and then kicked me in the head.

I held up really well for my appointment, but I'm in that phase right

before my menstrual cycle where I feel like Persephone in Hades.

How are you doing, ?


I don't know what it is about salt

that supports the adrenals. I

hope that Kosher salt supports them as well. Best wishes to you


Courtenay. When do you back to Lubbock?


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  • 4 weeks later...

pkg of small zip plastic bags (cost like

> $1.00). The ones I got are 2.5 " by 3 " and then I make up


> bags of vitamins (I use a muffin pan to sort them before I bag


> a day's supply in each muffin).... and I grab one each morning and

> keep taking them all day throughout the day until they are gone.



This is an excellent suggestion. I do a mini-version. I don't take

any prescription meds so with only my supplements this mini-version

works well for me.

first thing in the morning I count out my supplements for the day. I

put them in a small bowl by the sink. As the day progresses I take

my doses. If at the end of the day my bowl is empty I know beyond

doubt that I've been a good little DSer. If by the end of the day

there is still some there, I leave it. Perhaps If I get up in the

middle of the night I can get the dose in. If by the morning it is

still there I measure out another days supply. This is ADDED to

what I didn't take the day before. Now I've created a problem for

myself in that I have to work in an extra dose before I go to bed.

It is sort of a " NO EXCUSES " program for myself.

Am I perfect at taking my supplements? Heck no! But I do strive to

be perfect at it. Because I value the gift I have received in

getting to have the DS and I Respect how fragile this gift can be

when it come to my good health.



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