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Re: Watch an amalgam realease it's toxin!

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Hi Deb,

I'm not up to speed on this message thread but are you saying that it

might be beneficial to take the mentioned supplements (for mercury

detox) even without dental amalgam removal? If so, that's worth my

looking into. I have a mouth full of amalgam fillings as well as a

gold crown (sheesh!). Hmmm!

thanks for the info.


> Deb " <deb@f...> wrote:


> For all the " mobilizing " agents out there, none are going to safely

> escort the stuff out of your system. Only Structured Water and

> Fulvic Minerals is going to do that.


> 3= 2 oz.bottles of Crystal Energy drops and 3= qts of Fulvic

> Minerals would do the job for both of you.


> Fungus is part of the Mercury/Metals/Chemicals matrix, like rust on

> nails. Many practitioners do not realize this, and make people

> worse, via their treatments, like Liver Cleanses. Never do those.


> .......Your AlfaPower (electrolytes of ozygen) would do nicely.


> electrolytes are " charged " and that's what counts for mercury

> removal. Without a charge, Mercury will be " free " to find another

> hiding place in the body.


> That's why the Chelation Therapies fail more often than they

> succeed. They work by releasing the toxins around the mercury,

> along with mobilizing the mercury. Usually the load is lost and

> finds a new location to cause trouble. The

electrolytes " magnetize "

> it, and it is released in the Urine. Your urine will likely get

> dark for awhile. "


> deb


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In a message dated 4/11/04 5:35:49 PM, Ghislaine@... writes:


> Could this be it?  http://www.testfoundation.org/hgfreedentists.htm

> It sounds very similar.  I found this site after I'd asked Katja who

> the dentist was that took out her friends fillings.  The only one

> listed for my entire state happens to be in the same town as the one

> I work in!  Woo hoo!  I only have three small fillings, but I

> wouldn't be in the least surprised if they are causing problems.





We use Dr. Liscio as a DDS. He's in Colchester.


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I wouldn't at all trust Barrett, the owner of that site. He

is biased in the extreme against anything that smacks

of " alternative " . I've read that he isn't even an MD, or was it that

he's an MD who's license was revoked. At any rate his agenda is

definitly anti-alternative, pro-conservative (main-stream) medicine.

He also runs QuackWatch. Although some of what he writes might have

merit, I can't bother with him because he is so one-sided.


--- In , Lampinen <lampinen@s...>


> I sent the original link to my brother in law showing the mercury


> coming off the tooth and he sent me this link saying mercury

fillings are

> safe. He is actually getting all the mercury fillings removed from


> mouth but he tries to be logical about any claims. What do you all



> http://www.dentalwatch.org/hg/amalgampp.html


> Helen

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One thing I noticed about this site is that they said the mercury was

chemically bound to the other metals. Even if this is true, all molecules

exist in a state of EQUILIBRIUM which means there is always going to be some

of the metal which is not bound. There could be more or less free mercury

depending on how " far to the left " or " far to the right " of the chemical

equation is. Furthermore, I know that amalgam fillings do decay when they

become old. There seems to be a simple way to determine if a person has too

much mercury - simply get tested.


> From: beautifulmaxine <beautifulmaxine@...>

> Reply-

> Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2004 22:38:40 +0000


> Subject: Re: Watch an amalgam realease it's toxin!


> Hi,


> I wouldn't at all trust Barrett, the owner of that site. He

> is biased in the extreme against anything that smacks

> of " alternative " . I've read that he isn't even an MD, or was it that

> he's an MD who's license was revoked. At any rate his agenda is

> definitly anti-alternative, pro-conservative (main-stream) medicine.

> He also runs QuackWatch. Although some of what he writes might have

> merit, I can't bother with him because he is so one-sided.


> Eleanor



>> I sent the original link to my brother in law showing the mercury

> vapors

>> coming off the tooth and he sent me this link saying mercury

> fillings are

>> safe. He is actually getting all the mercury fillings removed from

> his

>> mouth but he tries to be logical about any claims. What do you all

> think?


>> http://www.dentalwatch.org/hg/amalgampp.html


>> Helen





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Dear Helen,

I would urge everyone who has dental amalgams or had dental amalgams to

read the study accessed by the above link.

Dr. Bernie Windham is a Chemical Engineer in Florida who has an autistic

son. He has put together a thoroughly comprehensive overview of mercury, its

sources and implications in health. He believes as many others that

mercury probably through the increased number of mercury-containing

immunizations plays an important role in the etilogy of autism. The

government keeps rolling out genetics studies. They must think we are all

stupid. Genetics cannot explain an epidemic. Anybody have or know children

with ADHD?? There is lots of evidence tying in mercury with this also. I am

not saying one causes the other but there are striking similarities between

ADHD and Autism if you look at sulphation, gluten and cassein intolerance

and food allergies, fatty acid imbalance, mineral imbalance.

After reading this study I made an appointment to get all my amalgams out.

Take a big breath before you open up this link.

BTW I don't know if this is mentioned in this study but the American

Dental Association is unlikely set out the dangers of amalgams as they own

the patent on amalgam for America and possibly world-wide. Not sure about

the latter.

IT's amazing to me that people just don't want to see what is right under

there noses.

Most Germans know about the danger of amalgams as there was a huge scare

here in the 80s precipitated by an investigation by Der Spiegel " and many,

many had these fillings removed. This despite assurances from the

authorities including the Supreme Court which ruled that amalgams were NOT

toxic ( Can you believe this..a legal body deciding on a bio-chemical

matter! I can believe interference at the highest by vested interests

though.). Germans have a history as you know of being " exploited " by

authorities and so they didn't waste a minute listening to what the

dentists had to say nor top government officials. They simply went off to

their dentists in droves and said " Get this stuff out! " . So what's holding

the Americans back?

Amalgams are banned in Sweden and Norway is taking steps in this direction

in Germany

Re: Watch an amalgam realease it's toxin!

> I sent the original link to my brother in law showing the mercury vapors

> coming off the tooth and he sent me this link saying mercury fillings


> safe. He is actually getting all the mercury fillings removed from his

> mouth but he tries to be logical about any claims. What do you all



> http://www.dentalwatch.org/hg/amalgampp.html


> Helen






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> Amalgams are banned in Sweden and Norway is taking steps in this



> in Germany

So, what is everyone having these amalgams replaced with? What is

supposed to be the best replacement filling?

Robin :)

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> Re: Watch an amalgam realease it's toxin!



>From what I understand, cilantro will mobilize mercury but not take it out

>of the body. Someone who knows more than I do about herbs may be able to

>say more about it though. I know there are other herbs that can take it

>out, but don't recall what they are at the moment.


According to the doc referenced in this article (based on his tests),

cilantro does indeed take it out of the body:

http://www.oasistv.com/news/3-17-00-story-2.asp (The whole article is about

cilantro chelating mercury).

According to Mercola, both chlorella and pro-chitosan escort it out.

Suze Fisher

Lapdog Design, Inc.

Web Design & Development


Weston A. Price Foundation Chapter Leader, Mid Coast Maine



“The diet-heart idea (the idea that saturated fats and cholesterol cause

heart disease) is the greatest scientific deception of our times.” --

Mann, MD, former Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry at Vanderbilt

University, Tennessee; heart disease researcher.

The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics



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----- Original Message -----

From: " Heidi Schuppenhauer "


> >I'm pretty sure now there is a gluten

> >connection, or at least wheat. But I think there's still something else

> >that I haven't yet figured out.

> >

> >~ Fern


> If you have a gluten sensitivity the chances are you

> are short on some vitamins and minerals (when you

> have stomach/gut issues they don't absorb right). I

> found vitamin B, calcium and magnesium helped

> immediately. Digestive enzymes too (after the test ...).

What enzymes do you take, or suggest taking?

> And you DO have to watch supplements, they use wheat germ

> in a lot of them, and wheat starch is in some pills.

> I also checked my shampoo ... turns out my old shampoo

> had wheat germ oil in it.

Hm. I was aware of supplements but didn't think about shampoo, etc.

I suppose those sorts of things depend on what type of gluten allergy one

has? And how sensitive they are to it?

I'm puzzled because my doc muscle tested me for wheat some time ago, and I

tested weak for it, but he has given me supplements that have wheat germ in

them for which I muscle tested strong. I've been trying the pulse test also

after taking my supplements, and there's no change, so I'm assuming they're

ok for me. Is that a safe assumption? :)

> Interesting about the communion wafer. Did you take your

> pulse? They have GF communion wafers now, at some churches.

I didn't take my pulse, I wish I would have. I think before the next

communion I'll suggest getting GF wafers. I'm sure there will be others, if

there aren't already, who would also appreciate the change.

~ Fern

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----- Original Message -----

From: " Suze Fisher "

> >Have you had any success with the pepto diet?


> I haven't started yet - I wanted to wait until after my birthday dinner,

> which is tonight (although my birthday's actually on Tues.) because I


> want to come to the dinner only able to eat a few things and pepto bismol

> for dessert.

That wouldn't be a lot of fun, I agree. Hope you had a nice birthday Suze.

I'm about a year behind you!

> I was actually going to kick it off with a 5 day water fast,

> then the pepto diet, but now I think I'll just do the pepto diet and save

> the fast til my amalgams are out. In fact, I'm thinking I may only be

> dealing with a bandaid solution with the pepto diet as I have suspected


> some time that mercury could well be the root cause of health issues, and

> that includes the bloating. But I'll give the pepto diet a shot,

> nonetheless.

I just picked up Huggins book again today, and noticed that amalgams can

cause digestion problems. Actually, the range of possible problems is

pretty broad, so I guess that's no surprise.

> As far as my stomach, as long as I'm taking the

> >pepto or drinking chamomile tea, it feels pretty good. One good that's


> >out of it all so far is that I'm pretty sure now there is a gluten

> >connection, or at least wheat. But I think there's still something else

> >that I haven't yet figured out.


> It certainly sounds like wheat's a problem. How's your bloating - you


> bloated?

Off and on, but not nearly as much. It seems that the bloating is related

to dairy. A little doesn't seem to affect me, but if I have it throughout

the day in larger amounts then I end up bloated in the evening. I've been

pulse testing after consuming them the last several days, though, and I

haven't seen any increase in heart rate.

Constipation seems to be a problem also. The other night I broke down and

took the full laxative dose of Milk of Magnesia, and felt so much better

the next day after it took effect. But I'm not sure what's causing the

constipation. Perhaps the dairy products? I really must start a food diary.

~ Fern

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>> And you DO have to watch supplements, they use wheat germ

>> in a lot of them, and wheat starch is in some pills.

>> I also checked my shampoo ... turns out my old shampoo

>> had wheat germ oil in it.


>Hm. I was aware of supplements but didn't think about shampoo, etc.

I was thinking about this recently, and wondering how gliadin could possibly

be absorbed through skin...isn't the gliadin molecule far too large to be

absorbed via the skin??

Suze Fisher

Lapdog Design, Inc.

Web Design & Development


Weston A. Price Foundation Chapter Leader, Mid Coast Maine



“The diet-heart idea (the idea that saturated fats and cholesterol cause

heart disease) is the greatest scientific deception of our times.” --

Mann, MD, former Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry at Vanderbilt

University, Tennessee; heart disease researcher.

The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics



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----- Original Message -----

From: " Suze Fisher "

> >I have also, and Huggins claims the same thing. However, since my doc

> >seemed confident that only my one tooth needed attention for now, I


> >to go that route. Perhaps the others are causing more problems than I

> >realize though.


> I would guess so, since they release mercury vapor every time you eat,


> hot liquid, brush or grind your teeth. My question, is how much mercury


> left after much of it's been translocated to other parts of the body? Did

> you watch the video?

No, I can't seem to get it to download for me ... not sure what the problem

is. But I did read the related PDF on their site.

> In the experiments they did with sheep and monkeys,

> most of it ended up in the liver and kidneys. I think it's a good idea to

> eat chelating agents with each meal nonetheless.

Even Huggins will say that not everyone reacts to the mercury from their

fillings, and perhaps it's relative to the chelating agents they are

consuming, and to how much mercury their fillings are releasing. Obvioiusly

a cracked and deteriorated filling will release more than a solid intact


> I can't recall which is which, but one of these is especially good at

> chelating heavy metals already embedded in organs/tissue, while the other


> best at escorting heavy metals from the digestive tract, and I think


> supposed to be sure to take both for this reason.

I don't know about those two, but I do recall reading that while cilantro

is an excellent heavy metal chelator in collecting the metals from the

tissues, it doesn't remove the metals from the body ... but bentonite clay

will bind it in the intestines and carry it out of the body. I imagine

there are various chelators that would do the same.

~ Fern

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>What enzymes do you take, or suggest taking?

I took Bio-gest for awhile, but then at some point I found

I didn't need it. It made a BIG difference when I needed it though.

Bio-gest has HCL in it, which will give you a bit of heartburn

if you *don't* need it.

>Hm. I was aware of supplements but didn't think about shampoo, etc.


>I suppose those sorts of things depend on what type of gluten allergy one

>has? And how sensitive they are to it?


>I'm puzzled because my doc muscle tested me for wheat some time ago, and I

>tested weak for it, but he has given me supplements that have wheat germ in

>them for which I muscle tested strong. I've been trying the pulse test also

>after taking my supplements, and there's no change, so I'm assuming they're

>ok for me. Is that a safe assumption? :)

You know, there really isn't enough hard research on any of this

to know those answers. There are pretty good answers for people

who test postive for celiac, and they aren't encouraging. A lot of people

were told they were " cured " because they had no symptoms, but when

they did biopsies 20 years later, they all had damage. At this point, I figure

the people with obvious reactions are the lucky ones, the others have

to just wonder. It's a little like mercury or arsenic ... what is the safe dose?

Actually there is probably more research on mercury and arsenic. But those

are two dangerous substances that give little or no immediate reaction for

most folks. Gluten is pretty much the same way for folks who react to

it ... the reaction is damaging, but not generally obvious.

But yeah, the reaction seems to vary with each individual. I really don't know

about you and your particular supplements ... you'll have to make that


>I didn't take my pulse, I wish I would have. I think before the next

>communion I'll suggest getting GF wafers. I'm sure there will be others, if

>there aren't already, who would also appreciate the change.

It will be interesting to hear what they say. In the Protestant churches, it

seems they can use rice wafers or homebaked GF bread and that is ok. In

the Catholic churches, they allow a " low gluten " wafer but for some reason

a truly gluten free one isn't allowed ... because it has no wheat? (There is a

highly deglutenized wheat starch that is used for breads in Europe ... in the US

it is not considered GF and there is some controversy about it).

-- Heidi Jean

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>>Hm. I was aware of supplements but didn't think about shampoo, etc.



>I was thinking about this recently, and wondering how gliadin could possibly

>be absorbed through skin...isn't the gliadin molecule far too large to be

>absorbed via the skin??


>Suze Fisher

Right, it's too large to be absorbed thru the skin, so the official

line is, it doesn't matter what shampoo is used. However, it is also

too large to be absorbed thru the gut, but somehow it seems to

get into the blood ... also there is the issue of skin breaks (pimples,

mosquito bites, scratching your head while shampooing). However for

me it is even more simple ... I get water dripping all over my face

in the shower and I'm sure I swallow the stuff.

Actually I have problems even with the dust from chicken food.

I put the chicks on chick starter, and was with them in the shed

with them scratching the stuff into the air and it got so I couldn't

breath, and the next day my skin broke out.

If you think of gluten like you would think of, say, powdered

mercury, then think, how safe would you be sprinkling powdered

mercury on your hair (surely it wouldn't leak into the skin?) then

you get the picture. It really takes MINUTE amounts of an allergen

to create the reaction.

Further, it doesn't take a complete gliadin molecule. The reaction

is really to a short peptide strand of gliadin, which can survive

stuff like beer filtration.

Now mind you, 3 years ago I was eating a whole plate of spaghetti

with no reaction as far as I knew. Once I got most of it out of my diet,

my system seems to dislike it more and more obviously. So I don't

have a general answer, even for me!

-- Heidi Jean

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> RE: Watch an amalgam realease it's toxin!




>>>Hm. I was aware of supplements but didn't think about shampoo, etc.



>>I was thinking about this recently, and wondering how gliadin

>could possibly

>>be absorbed through skin...isn't the gliadin molecule far too large to be

>>absorbed via the skin??


>>Suze Fisher


>Right, it's too large to be absorbed thru the skin, so the official

>line is, it doesn't matter what shampoo is used. However, it is also

>too large to be absorbed thru the gut, but somehow it seems to

>get into the blood ...

I somehow can't imagine my head having " leaky skin syndrome " the way my gut

probably has " leaky gut syndrome " . It might be, but I don't think I put

things on my head that would cause it to develop big open pores the way I've

been putting stuff into my gut for the last 40 years that are known to

damage the gut. However, I do understand what your'e saying. If I were as

reactive as you are, I'd probably avoid putting it on my head too!

>If you think of gluten like you would think of, say, powdered

>mercury, then think, how safe would you be sprinkling powdered

>mercury on your hair (surely it wouldn't leak into the skin?) then

>you get the picture. It really takes MINUTE amounts of an allergen

>to create the reaction.

The shampoos that I've seen with wheat protein in them always say it's

" hydrolized " wheat protein. I don't know if that means the peptide chains

are so tiny as to be unrecognizable as wheat anymore or not.


>Further, it doesn't take a complete gliadin molecule. The reaction

>is really to a short peptide strand of gliadin, which can survive

>stuff like beer filtration.

Do you know how short a peptide is reactive? Can't be as short as 2 or 3,

right, because they'd no longer be exclusively wheat peptides, but fairly

ubiquitous ones.

Suze Fisher

Lapdog Design, Inc.

Web Design & Development


Weston A. Price Foundation Chapter Leader, Mid Coast Maine



" The diet-heart idea (the idea that saturated fats and cholesterol cause

heart disease) is the greatest scientific deception of our times. " --

Mann, MD, former Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry at Vanderbilt

University, Tennessee; heart disease researcher.

The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics



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>The shampoos that I've seen with wheat protein in them always say it's

> " hydrolized " wheat protein. I don't know if that means the peptide chains

>are so tiny as to be unrecognizable as wheat anymore or not.

I'd guess they are not as reactive. A certain kind of sourdoughing

was shown to make wheat non-reactive in vitro, and a lot of people

say they don't react to soy sauce (which is full of hydrolyzed wheat).

Again, it depends on the kind of reaction. *Normal* people can

get damaged villi, apparently, from eating large amounts of wheat

gluten. So the gluten itself is damaging, but they don't have an

*immune reaction* to it. But hydrolyzed gluten and peptide

strings don't have that " sticky " reaction ... whether or not they

trigger an immune reaction depends on the person. I just find

it easier (and easier on my family) to make a simple rule rather

than figure out the caveats, and anyway, it makes sense to me

that in my house, I try to lower the total toxins (including stuff

like chlorine cleansers, fragrances, hot plastic containers ... none

of them is necessarily toxic in small doses).

> >Further, it doesn't take a complete gliadin molecule. The reaction

>>is really to a short peptide strand of gliadin, which can survive

>>stuff like beer filtration.


>Do you know how short a peptide is reactive? Can't be as short as 2 or 3,

>right, because they'd no longer be exclusively wheat peptides, but fairly

>ubiquitous ones.

There were two bits of research where they think the found " the "

peptide string that is problematic, and I think it was about 20. OTOH

the two find DIFFERENT strings, and another researcher found several

that were reactive, and it's likely that different people react to different

strings. Some people actually react to glutenin, not gliadin too (and glutenin

is in rice also). Seems like there are 4 HLA genes that cause wheat reactions,

and if I understand it right, each HLA combo is like a " built in " immune


to a protein string (presumably to protect the person against some microbe).

So, depending on a person's genetics ...

But yeah, if it was totally broken down it would just be nice little amino

acids. Sometimes listening to folks though, I'm becoming a believer in

homeopathy ... maybe the proteins leave little " protein shaped holes "

in the water that cause the system to react. Or they pop in and out

of existence in some odd quantum time warp ... if people can react to

water that has been diluted to the point where no molecules of a substance

exist, then I guess it isn't too far a stretch to say they react to stuff

where some minute quantity of gliadin pieces exist?

OTOH when they tested " gluten free " grocerty store products with an

test kit, 16% had measurable amounts of gliadin, so perhaps it

is a matter of contaminated facilities, not quantum physics ;--)

-- Heidi

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In a message dated 4/13/04 5:33:50 PM, s.fisher22@... writes:


> >http://www.acresusa.com/toolbox/articles.htm


> Wow...now *this* was a fascinating article! I never knew that ALL plastic is

> coated with mercury, or that new cars could poison you with mercury, nor was

> I aware of the many of the other products it's added to. Damn, that stuff is

> ubiquitous! :-(


Yes, can you believe that? Wow, everything out there is toxic!! Sorry about

the other links, those were the links said were related to mercury. I've

only seen a couple of the sites.




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I can't get this website (http://www.testfoundation.org/hgfreedentists.htm)

to load anymore to find a dentist in San Diego. Can anyone else look this



> From: Fern <readnwrite@...>

> Reply-

> Date: Fri, 09 Apr 2004 22:07:20 -0400


> Subject: Re: Watch an amalgam realease it's toxin!


> ----- Original Message -----

> From: " ghislainedel "


>>> Huggins has an organization that helps you locate a dentist that

>> follows

>>> his protocol for proper removal of amalgam fillings. According to

>> him it's

>>> important that they're removed in the proper order and that the

>> procedure

>>> used doesn't contaminate your system further.



>> Could this be it? http://www.testfoundation.org/hgfreedentists.htm

>> It sounds very similar. I found this site after I'd asked Katja who

>> the dentist was that took out her friends fillings. The only one

>> listed for my entire state happens to be in the same town as the one

>> I work in! Woo hoo! I only have three small fillings, but I

>> wouldn't be in the least surprised if they are causing problems.



> You're very fortunate! The closest one to me is about three hours away.


> This is the page on Dr. Huggins site that has the phone # to call to get a

> referral:


> http://www.drhuggins.com/default.asp?PageName=The%20Multidiscipline%20Alliance



> ~ Fern







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>Bio-gest has HCL in it, which will give you a bit of heartburn

>if you *don't* need it.

I haven't tried Bio-gest, but I'm here to tell you that HCl supplements can

very easily give you heartburn even if you do need them! It's quite

tricky, unfortunately.


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> Re: Watch an amalgam realease it's toxin!



















Hi Elainie,

Thanks for these links. But I should tell you that most of them are broken

or lead to a broken link (www.testfoundation.org) and one doesn't appear to

have anything to do with amalgams (www.iamot.org/). The Huggins one is a

good resource though.

Suze Fisher

Lapdog Design, Inc.

Web Design & Development


Weston A. Price Foundation Chapter Leader, Mid Coast Maine



" The diet-heart idea (the idea that saturated fats and cholesterol cause

heart disease) is the greatest scientific deception of our times. " --

Mann, MD, former Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry at Vanderbilt

University, Tennessee; heart disease researcher.

The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics



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> Re: Watch an amalgam realease it's toxin!




Wow...now *this* was a fascinating article! I never knew that ALL plastic is

coated with mercury, or that new cars could poison you with mercury, nor was

I aware of the many of the other products it's added to. Damn, that stuff is

ubiquitous! :-(

Suze Fisher

Lapdog Design, Inc.

Web Design & Development


Weston A. Price Foundation Chapter Leader, Mid Coast Maine



" The diet-heart idea (the idea that saturated fats and cholesterol cause

heart disease) is the greatest scientific deception of our times. " --

Mann, MD, former Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry at Vanderbilt

University, Tennessee; heart disease researcher.

The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics



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