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Hi, , I am sorry that your social worker is so critical of you. She

clearly does not have the understanding you need and deserve! My youngest

daugther was diagnosed at seven and it was a tough time. There were a lot of

things that we had to just understand because she was unable to cope with it all

at once. I am reading " Freeing Your Child From Anxiety " by Tamar Chansky and

it is wonderful. I know that your son's problems go beyond anxiety but this

book touches on so many different things I wonder if it would help you. Tamar

really explains different ways for small children to learn to control their

thoughts and it also goes into a lot of detail about how to overcome compulsions

and fears. One of our doctors put it on hold for me at a local bookstore and

I was surprised at how good it is. I have read Tamar's other book on OCD for

children and loved it but this one has new stuff in it as well. As for the

rocks in the pockets, just throw them out. He clearly can't help himself and I

wouldn't make a big deal about it. The suicide thoughts--I would talk to him

about it and let him know that his brain is automatically going to a scary

thought to try to make him do things and that it's okay. Let him know that he

isn't going to hurt himself and that it is okay to tell you when he feels that

way. My oldest daughter has thoughts of killing herself when she is really

stressed and I let her know that it is sometimes a natural thought (!) when


are not going well. She is so afraid to think it that I know it just makes

her think it more. Good luck and hang in there. Kelley in NV

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Hi, , I am sorry that your social worker is so critical of you. She

clearly does not have the understanding you need and deserve! My youngest

daugther was diagnosed at seven and it was a tough time. There were a lot of

things that we had to just understand because she was unable to cope with it all

at once. I am reading " Freeing Your Child From Anxiety " by Tamar Chansky and

it is wonderful. I know that your son's problems go beyond anxiety but this

book touches on so many different things I wonder if it would help you. Tamar

really explains different ways for small children to learn to control their

thoughts and it also goes into a lot of detail about how to overcome compulsions

and fears. One of our doctors put it on hold for me at a local bookstore and

I was surprised at how good it is. I have read Tamar's other book on OCD for

children and loved it but this one has new stuff in it as well. As for the

rocks in the pockets, just throw them out. He clearly can't help himself and I

wouldn't make a big deal about it. The suicide thoughts--I would talk to him

about it and let him know that his brain is automatically going to a scary

thought to try to make him do things and that it's okay. Let him know that he

isn't going to hurt himself and that it is okay to tell you when he feels that

way. My oldest daughter has thoughts of killing herself when she is really

stressed and I let her know that it is sometimes a natural thought (!) when


are not going well. She is so afraid to think it that I know it just makes

her think it more. Good luck and hang in there. Kelley in NV

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Hi ,


I'm just trying to read a few posts to catch up so didn't see your

previous ones or replies received. I do recall one about all his

collecting though.

What other OCD behaviors does he have, is collecting the " big " one?

I'm wondering if it's too big for him to be working on right now and

that some more " minor " OCD thing can be worked on.

Kids love to collect things but I well imagine OCD can get obsessive

about it. My son (15) hoards but not so much anymore. He might not

throw things away, but he no longer melts down or gets too anxious if

I do. His wasn't any collections like rocks though, more that he

would get candy or something and " save it. " He would eat it " some

day " , which " some day " never came.

Question - if, say for example, your son gets tired of collecting

cards and changes to collecting rocks, how does he feel about your

putting the cards up out of reach? Does it bother him at all since

he's changed to rocks? I'm wondering could you have like 1 or 2

shoeboxes and tell him it " all " has to fit in there and then " no

more " when full; or he has to get rid of some when full to fit in any

new, etc.

If he's obsessed with spending too much time on all this and avoiding

all other things each day, setting aside some " reward " time to work

with his " collection " might be an idea.

Well, I have questions but no answers! Keep us updated on things!

single mom, 3 sons

, 15, with OCD, dysgraphia and HFA/Aspergers


> and ,


> Thank you both for your support and the ideas . I will

definitely try to explain it to him that way. Unfortunately, we are

just starting to treat his OCD with this social worker who is the

only one I have found so far that is covered that has any experience

treating OCD. My son doesn't understand OCD at all despite my trying

to explain it to him. He is at the stage where he tries telling

people when he gets in trouble that he has OCD and he can't help it.

OCD doesn't make him hit his brother. That is just sibling stuff.

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Hi ,


I'm just trying to read a few posts to catch up so didn't see your

previous ones or replies received. I do recall one about all his

collecting though.

What other OCD behaviors does he have, is collecting the " big " one?

I'm wondering if it's too big for him to be working on right now and

that some more " minor " OCD thing can be worked on.

Kids love to collect things but I well imagine OCD can get obsessive

about it. My son (15) hoards but not so much anymore. He might not

throw things away, but he no longer melts down or gets too anxious if

I do. His wasn't any collections like rocks though, more that he

would get candy or something and " save it. " He would eat it " some

day " , which " some day " never came.

Question - if, say for example, your son gets tired of collecting

cards and changes to collecting rocks, how does he feel about your

putting the cards up out of reach? Does it bother him at all since

he's changed to rocks? I'm wondering could you have like 1 or 2

shoeboxes and tell him it " all " has to fit in there and then " no

more " when full; or he has to get rid of some when full to fit in any

new, etc.

If he's obsessed with spending too much time on all this and avoiding

all other things each day, setting aside some " reward " time to work

with his " collection " might be an idea.

Well, I have questions but no answers! Keep us updated on things!

single mom, 3 sons

, 15, with OCD, dysgraphia and HFA/Aspergers


> and ,


> Thank you both for your support and the ideas . I will

definitely try to explain it to him that way. Unfortunately, we are

just starting to treat his OCD with this social worker who is the

only one I have found so far that is covered that has any experience

treating OCD. My son doesn't understand OCD at all despite my trying

to explain it to him. He is at the stage where he tries telling

people when he gets in trouble that he has OCD and he can't help it.

OCD doesn't make him hit his brother. That is just sibling stuff.

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----- Original Message -----

> BTW, does depression go with OCD or is that a separate issue?

*****Depression is a disorder in its own right, but people with OCD have a

higher chance of having depression too than people without OCD.

But it's not a given, my child has had OCD for over five years but has not

had an episode of depression so far. We do keep an eye out for this though.

Kathy R. in Indiana

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Hi , oh you are not doing anything wrong. You can't punish away OCD

compulsive behavior. If you've tried consequences repeatedly for a certain

issue, and it has not changed your boy's behavior, then I'd bet my right arm

it's OCD. The " consequences have no effect " has been a very definitive

" test " around here over time, to differentiate between compulsion vs. poor


Yes collecting things is a normal childhood passion and lots of kids are

hooked on the Pokemon cards, just as they are video games and so on. Just

because something is " normal " doesn't make it exempt from compulsiveness in

an OCD child. Many normal behaviors become compulsive: after all it's

normal to wash hands, try to do well on homework, want to avoid getting

sick, etc. etc. etc. yet these all and many more are common OCD compulsions,

it's a matter of degree. My child had a bike-riding compulsion for Pete's

sake, what's more normal for a kid than bike riding?? She also for years

had a compulsion to only allow herself her second choice--so she'd be

sitting there eating a cookie (instead of the popsicle she really wanted) or

watching TV (instead of going to the pool), wearing her second-favorite

outfit. I had a devil of a time communicating that compulsion to the


If the social worker is otherwise doing a good job with your son, could you

just agree to disagree on the collecting? Maybe you could set up exposures

to reduce this sort of thing on your own. I found I pretty much had to do

this anyway " in the moment. " For example, instead of throwing things away

yourself behind the scenes, could you challenge your son to toss one item

every day, maybe working toward a prize when all the glass or whatever is

gone? This approach worked well with my child and her extensive dead marker

collection. She was pretty young, I offered one mini Tootsie Roll for each

marker she tossed. Some days she only got one or two, after awhile I had to

think of a different reward since she was eating way too many Tootsie Rolls!

Another hoarding issue that was really severe for awhile was picking up

trash and so on from parking lots. When she would spy something in a lot, I

would offer on the spot a toy or whatever in the store if she walked on by

without picking it up. Sometimes she would stand in the lot for quite

awhile, wrestling with the compulsion vs. her desire for whatever I had

offered. These two compulsions were the first that my child successfully

bossed back, two years before we had an opportunity for professional


Good luck ,

Kathy R. in Indiana

----- Original Message -----

> My son's social worker told me today she does not believe his

preoccupation with his collectable cards is OCD. She thinks it is normal

boy stuff and I just haven't set clear enough limits. I could scream. I

have set limits. Many times over the last 3 years he has been fixated on

these trading card games. I try not to be too harsh at first for fear that

my harshness will just exacerbate the situation (i.e., taking everything

away at the first slip up will just cause him to lie and sneak around).

When that doesn't work, the punishments get harsher and harsher, each time

lots of explaining what the rules are and how to get the cards back.


> Nothing I have done works. Eventually, it just goes away on its on,

usually to be replaced by something else. She thinks the candy was the same

thing. She isn't getting it. He stopped worrying about candy when he

started focusing on these cards. Now that he doesn't have the cards anymore

and all his searching through people's drawers (even relatives drawers in

their separate houses) has not produced any cards, now he can't stop

collecting rocks and filling his pockets. Rocks aren't new either. I am

forever taking rocks out of his room and putting them back outside. They

aren't even attractive and he just leaves them all over the floor. He gets

very upset when I throw them outside. I have tried to set limits on this

too. Sometimes he even brings home pieces of broken glass " because it is

pretty " . I don't care how pretty it is, it is sharp.


> Why is it that for all other areas, I can set limits and establish rules

and consequences and they work. When it comes to collecting (and hoarding),

my rules and consequences never work? Why does that mean that I am doing

something wrong yet again? I am so sick of being blamed for the things my

son does. I can tolerate it from know it all strangers but not from someone

who should know better. I bust my behind to be a good mom for this child.

I have read many books and tried the stuff that makes sense. Most of the

time it works but not for this. If it is so easy to fix then why is it no

one I know has any suggestions for how to help him with this?


> Thanks for listening.


> R.

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  • 10 months later...
Guest guest


It's not been scinetifically decided exactly what causee lipodystrophy, but if

possible try to get a regimen with the newer nukes that spares the PI's.


Sanford M. Gross, OD, FAAO

Associate Professor

Illinois College of Optometry

3241 South Michigan Ave

Chicago, Illinois 60616

>>> " Lynda " 07/20/05 6:38 PM >>>

I found out today I need to go back on medication.I have been off of

them for almost a year. Could someone please tell me the best drug

regiment that will not make my Lipodystrophy worse again. My body is

finally gaining the weight back including my face, and I don't want it

to get bad again.

Greatly appreciate the help


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It's not been scinetifically decided exactly what causee lipodystrophy, but if

possible try to get a regimen with the newer nukes that spares the PI's.


Sanford M. Gross, OD, FAAO

Associate Professor

Illinois College of Optometry

3241 South Michigan Ave

Chicago, Illinois 60616

>>> " Lynda " 07/20/05 6:38 PM >>>

I found out today I need to go back on medication.I have been off of

them for almost a year. Could someone please tell me the best drug

regiment that will not make my Lipodystrophy worse again. My body is

finally gaining the weight back including my face, and I don't want it

to get bad again.

Greatly appreciate the help


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In Health,

Vergel (PoWeRTX@...)

List Founder and Moderator

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  • 1 year later...

Acupuncture sounds like a good option. Have you gone to a macro

counselor before? Is there one nearby that you could consult with?

If it's an inflammatory condition, maybe avoid things that would

inflame it more (nightshades, sweets of all kinds until it improves,

vinegar, possibly gluten, etc) and then go for more sea veggies,

greens, and beans like azuki and black soy beans, shiitake mushrooms

and daikon to clean your blood... Your thumb is the lungs/large

intestine meridian.

> Hi..

> I have been trying to heal my thumb area from an injury to no

avail and am open to any suggestions. I saw an Orthopedic physician

today and I allowed him to take some x-rays and for a layman's term,

I have what is called a trigger thumb. Much pain and where my

knuckle is, that area locks.


> Dr. said I have two choices mega cortisone injections and if that

does not work, which he doubts it will, then surgery. I was an

operatiing room nurse at one time, and I rejected both suggestions,

as I have seen this surgery twice and it was not a success. He

gave me a brace to wear, which is similar to one I have.


> I have been treating this area for awhile now, and it is not

becoming any better.. Any suggestions? Appreciate any input on

this.. have pain where the bone is and when the thumb knucle locks.


> Thanks

> Diane M/Florida





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  • 2 years later...

We are reviewing all of our standards of care and care plan guides..

Looking for feedback on bathing the normal newborn.(not hypoglycemic)

All answers would be appreciated! Thanks

1. How old is the infant at first bath?

2:Is the initial bath done in the labor room, nursery or on Mother/baby or postpartum?

3. What about c/s infants? do they go to recovery room with mom, or to a nursery? Are they bathed in nursery or postpartum?

4: if you would do a baby bath on a stable baby after the first breastfeeding, how likely is the mom to comprehend a teaching bath demo vs. just watching the baby have its first photo op bath? Or do you have a separate time that a bath demo is given to mom, like on the next day in the room or in a discharge class?

Thanks, LaurieMake your life easier with all your friends, email, and favorite sites in one place. Try it now.

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  • 1 year later...
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Im sorry about your lack of sleep.  Teething, we use tylenol, baby oregel and we even give him a cold washcloth to chew on, in bed or walking around, we really don't care, as long as our little man is happy ; ) 


I wouldn't take the brace off. 


We had Eli as a little surprise baby, he is 14 years younger than what used to be our youngest child.  HA!   We had bought a house a couple years before Eli arrived and he has had to stay in our room because our extra room is downstairs..too far away from mommy!!  We have an air clearer on when we sleep and when he naps to help with some " white noise " and he sleeps really well with it on! 


Just some ideas : )

I hope he starts sleeping through the night soon!

judy : )




It's been about 2-3 weeks now and Thaddeus has been getting up in the night. Sometimes it's just once sometime he's doesn't really go back to sleep. I'm thinking it's his teeth :( but I really don't know. He was ok when his first teeth came in but this is killing me. I can't see anything comeing in but I can see the gums are going clear like they will becommin in atleast the fang and moler on one side poor man. I've tryed everything now and don't k ow what to do. Tonight we were up at 4 am and he kids was fussy for a few min and drank maybe 2 oz and now went right back to sleep... Any suggestions?? Also we live in a one bed place so I'm wondering if he hears me moving and it wakes him up?! Or if it's a growth spurt or something ?!

He has had his brace for about 6 weeks and he was ok with it when he first got it but do you think something could be bothering him? Could it hurt? I really don't want to leave it off for a night but I might have to I guess to see it it's that... I really don't know what going on with him but I really need to get some sleep b4 I go crazy lol.

Thanks mom to Thaddeus 13 months

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Im sorry about your lack of sleep.  Teething, we use tylenol, baby oregel and we even give him a cold washcloth to chew on, in bed or walking around, we really don't care, as long as our little man is happy ; ) 


I wouldn't take the brace off. 


We had Eli as a little surprise baby, he is 14 years younger than what used to be our youngest child.  HA!   We had bought a house a couple years before Eli arrived and he has had to stay in our room because our extra room is downstairs..too far away from mommy!!  We have an air clearer on when we sleep and when he naps to help with some " white noise " and he sleeps really well with it on! 


Just some ideas : )

I hope he starts sleeping through the night soon!

judy : )




It's been about 2-3 weeks now and Thaddeus has been getting up in the night. Sometimes it's just once sometime he's doesn't really go back to sleep. I'm thinking it's his teeth :( but I really don't know. He was ok when his first teeth came in but this is killing me. I can't see anything comeing in but I can see the gums are going clear like they will becommin in atleast the fang and moler on one side poor man. I've tryed everything now and don't k ow what to do. Tonight we were up at 4 am and he kids was fussy for a few min and drank maybe 2 oz and now went right back to sleep... Any suggestions?? Also we live in a one bed place so I'm wondering if he hears me moving and it wakes him up?! Or if it's a growth spurt or something ?!

He has had his brace for about 6 weeks and he was ok with it when he first got it but do you think something could be bothering him? Could it hurt? I really don't want to leave it off for a night but I might have to I guess to see it it's that... I really don't know what going on with him but I really need to get some sleep b4 I go crazy lol.

Thanks mom to Thaddeus 13 months

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IF it's his teeth you may try and find Hylands teething tablets. These are great

and we used them all three of our kids. You can usually get them at walgreens or

walmart in the pharmacy area. They are all natural and melt in there mouth. WE

used them with a combination of tylenol, motrin and orajel. Hope this helps.



> It's been about 2-3 weeks now and Thaddeus has been getting up in the night.

Sometimes it's just once sometime he's doesn't really go back to sleep. I'm

thinking it's his teeth :( but I really don't know. He was ok when his first

teeth came in but this is killing me. I can't see anything comeing in but I can

see the gums are going clear like they will becommin in atleast the fang and

moler on one side poor man. I've tryed everything now and don't k ow what to do.

Tonight we were up at 4 am and he kids was fussy for a few min and drank maybe 2

oz and now went right back to sleep... Any suggestions?? Also we live in a one

bed place so I'm wondering if he hears me moving and it wakes him up?! Or if

it's a growth spurt or something ?!


> He has had his brace for about 6 weeks and he was ok with it when he first got

it but do you think something could be bothering him? Could it hurt? I really

don't want to leave it off for a night but I might have to I guess to see it

it's that... I really don't know what going on with him but I really need to get

some sleep b4 I go crazy lol.


> Thanks

> mom to Thaddeus 13 months


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IF it's his teeth you may try and find Hylands teething tablets. These are great

and we used them all three of our kids. You can usually get them at walgreens or

walmart in the pharmacy area. They are all natural and melt in there mouth. WE

used them with a combination of tylenol, motrin and orajel. Hope this helps.



> It's been about 2-3 weeks now and Thaddeus has been getting up in the night.

Sometimes it's just once sometime he's doesn't really go back to sleep. I'm

thinking it's his teeth :( but I really don't know. He was ok when his first

teeth came in but this is killing me. I can't see anything comeing in but I can

see the gums are going clear like they will becommin in atleast the fang and

moler on one side poor man. I've tryed everything now and don't k ow what to do.

Tonight we were up at 4 am and he kids was fussy for a few min and drank maybe 2

oz and now went right back to sleep... Any suggestions?? Also we live in a one

bed place so I'm wondering if he hears me moving and it wakes him up?! Or if

it's a growth spurt or something ?!


> He has had his brace for about 6 weeks and he was ok with it when he first got

it but do you think something could be bothering him? Could it hurt? I really

don't want to leave it off for a night but I might have to I guess to see it

it's that... I really don't know what going on with him but I really need to get

some sleep b4 I go crazy lol.


> Thanks

> mom to Thaddeus 13 months


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