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heart disease and stroke

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My father in law had a sudden blinding stroke in one eye on Thanksgiving

last year. He has had eye operations and has had bad pain in his eye and

headaches. A few years back he also had to have a stint put in one of the

vessels of his heart. He has high blood pressure and high cholesterol too.

I know he is on many traditional medications but I don't know exactly which


I know very little about the connection between stroke and heart disease,

but assume this all has something to do with bad blood. I don't really feel

good telling my father in law not to eat his 0g trans fat per serving

margarine (still contains up to 5 grams trans fat per serving. I know

because I called the company of I can't believe its not butter and asked) or

his egg beaters or his low-fat milk because I think he would not listen to

me and would rather listen to his statin prescribing doctor. Does anyone

know what foods could help a person with this condition?

Thank you,


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  • 3 years later...

Okay Ladies, Im freaking out about the lady who wrote in with the 2 friends that died from stroke and heart disease and implant problems. I have been experciencing stroke like symptoms for some time. Does anyone know how old these women were???



From: seekingthetruthaboutimplants@...Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 17:19:49 +0000Subject: Re: Cathie

I actually saw this old fuddy duddy of a doctor once this summer because my regular doctor was out of town, and I was having so much trouble. Well, this was before I knew it was implants causing all my problems, and I asked him about the possibility of this one disease that I read about on the internet, and he actually looked at me like I was nuts, he had never heard of it!! It's like "come on, who is the doctor here?!" I actually had to explain to him what it was, what caused it and how it was treated! He really didn't know what to say to me. What a waste of time and a $20 co-pay that was!These doctors are really going to have to get in the game when it comes to breast implant illnesses because their doors are going to soon be flooded with women who need help. Like I keep saying, it is going to become an epidemic! The plastic surgeons are going to have to start specializing in explants!~Krista> > >> > > Maybe we should pool our money and put someone thru med school > and > > then all > > > move into a hotel next to his/her office...> > > > > > Cathie> > > In a message dated 10/29/07 1:26:50 PM, nnnttwilliams@ writes:> > > > > > > > > > the funniest part that all my strange symptoms seem totally > > logical to> > > > me! The drs always look at me like I am crazy. I guess I am so > > used> > > > to hearing everyones symptoms here that it seems normal. Love > Nan> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > **************************************> > > See what's new at http://www.aol.com> > >> >> Windows Live Hotmail and Microsoft Office Outlook – together at last. Get it now!

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Stacie,Age isn't much of a factor in heart attack and stroke . . . You can have them at any age. Generally you have risk factors that are predictive . . . high blood pressure is a major one.I've been active in implant support for many years . . . A few women have had strokes and heart attacks - but, thankfully, very few women have reported either.If you suspect you are having a stroke, don't mess around . . . Get yourself to the emergency room. If they decide you have had a stroke, they can give you a medication that will dissolve a clot before it does major damage.Many women have experienced feelings of numbness and difficulty finding words . . . I suspect that's what you're

concerned about. That seems to go with implants. It should go away, for the most part, after explanting and detoxing.Hugs,Rogene

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