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Re: Wheat and Joint Pain?

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, i was concerned about gluten sensitivity bc of joint pains too,

although not to the extent you mention. I had a comprehensive blood test

that included three screens for gluten sensitivity, one of which the ND said

was very sensitive. Negative on all three (although the book Dangerous Grain

says it can come up positive later in life but heck i'm 37). Here's what my

ND said about wheat aggravating joint pain and psoriasis -- both

inflammation related: My blood panels showed i'm not digesting food well and

she put me on HCl. She said if your stomach doesn't produce enough HCl it

kicks in histamines to digest the food. Bingo-- Histamines cause

inflammation, so the red wine, which has histamines, could have aggravated

your situation. She also said if i'm not digesting food well stuff like

wheat can just sit and ferment in my stomach causing unpleasant side effects

and it's just as well to avoid it. I just feel like i don't have to screen

stuff to the extent someone with celiacs does, thank goodness. I have to

say, after three days on HCl, my head feels like clouds are parting and i've

been in an unusually good mood.


> A few hours later I had TERRIBLE joint pain in my knees that persists even

> today. I'm only 31 and I feel totally decrepit. I used to get this every

> once in awhile, but never really linked it to any specific food. I haven't

> had this in awhile and have been pretty much GF for a few weeks. I know I

> need to keep a food diary, but this seemed so clear to me. Of course, I did

> have a glass of red wine too, but usually if I react to red wine, it's sinus

> congestion, not joint pain.

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Elaine, thanks for the info--I haven't been tested (don't want to spend the

money right now), but I will get my blood tested again soon for vitamin

levels. Last year, many were low, and my cholesterol is VERY low--this

indicates malabsorbtion and gut problems. A healthy gut is such a key

issue, methinks! I've been thinking about trying HCl, but haven't gotten

around to that yet...what brand/dosage are you using?

Re: Wheat and Joint Pain?

My blood panels showed i'm not digesting food well and

> she put me on HCl. She said if your stomach doesn't produce enough HCl it

> kicks in histamines to digest the food. Bingo-- Histamines cause

> inflammation, so the red wine, which has histamines, could have aggravated

> your situation. She also said if i'm not digesting food well stuff like

> wheat can just sit and ferment in my stomach causing unpleasant side


> and it's just as well to avoid it. I just feel like i don't have to screen

> stuff to the extent someone with celiacs does, thank goodness. I have to

> say, after three days on HCl, my head feels like clouds are parting and


> been in an unusually good mood.

> Elaine


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I get lots of vague joint pains if I've had too much sugar the day


Like in the days when I used to drink soda pop...the next day I would

feel bloated and have more pain.

I've never associated wheat with it.

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>WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN???? Does anyone else have this reaction to wheat? I

>guess I'm trying to justify my wheat-free diet to myself since I don't

>really know if I am allergic/sensitive/etc. to the stuff--I just have a

>*gut* feeling about it (heh heh).



It's a fairly typical problem with wheat. My kids used to

get foot pain when they ate wheat too. I get it from too

much corn also, tho I don't seem to be allergic to corn.

However, when I eat wheat my foot bones hurt. When I eat

corn too much my finger joints swell, get red, and hurt.

Go figure.

I'm not sure exactly what causes it though: gut problems

are decidedly associated with arthritis of several forms

but I don't know that there is a consensus on exactly why ...

there may be multiple reasons. One thing that was brought

up once is that the lectins in wheat and corn, if they

escape the intestine, attach to nerves and can set up

an inflammation reaction. And anyone with an IgA reaction

tends to get inflammations of various sorts for other

reasons (AND they get leaky gut ...).

One interesting thing is that when the Indians started

eating corn, they started getting arthritis. Ditto with

the Romans and wheat. I don't know about the Asians

and rice -- seems like there are a lot of Asian old folks

that get around pretty well.

-- Heidi Jean

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I'm using Biotics. I can save you some ND money and tell you what she told

me: Day one take 1 with each meal. Day 2 take 2 with each meal and so on.

When they give you a burning sensation in your gut, cut back to the previous

day's dosage. You shouldn't take more than 7 with each meal as that's the

max the stomach produces. Be sure to take them immediately after eating or

right before your last bite. I'm not sure how long you take them. I go to

her for check in and another blood test after a certain amount of time. My

calcium and phosphorous levels were low (despite a high calcium diet) and my

iron levels were too high. She said these, as well as some other stuff, were

indicative of poor absorption.


> Elaine, thanks for the info--I haven't been tested (don't want to spend the

> money right now), but I will get my blood tested again soon for vitamin

> levels. Last year, many were low, and my cholesterol is VERY low--this

> indicates malabsorbtion and gut problems. A healthy gut is such a key

> issue, methinks! I've been thinking about trying HCl, but haven't gotten

> around to that yet...what brand/dosage are you using?

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