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Unraveling the Mystery of AUTISM and Pervasive Developmental

Disorder, by Karyn Seroussi

I have wanted to read these books. Here's a quote from the reviewer.

Link at end of page-- not a nutrition site.

To me, this book is beautiful. It is investigative medical research

carried out by professionals, but written in an emotionally

compelling story form. The author's compilation of information came

about as a result of her own personal effort to find a cure for her

autistic son. As I read Karyn's struggle, it was like reading a

letter from one of our readers, only this time I could read the

solution. Her autistic son is now functioning like any normal child.

It was thrilling to read of the many children who were made whole.

Autism has some bizarre patterns that appear to be devils. The

smearing of feces, the high-pitched screaming, the ceaseless

patterned movements, and the inability to look into anyone's eyes are

strange and suspicious symptoms. Some years back, I had an

opportunity to spend time observing two little boys and one girl who

were autistic, and I knew it had to have a biological source.

Childhood vaccinations were implicated; then yeast, fungus,

antibiotics, allergies, diet, and DNA. The more I learned the more it

seemed a series of fragmented pieces that did not match the wide

range of profoundly bizarre symptoms found in autism.

Karyn shows research findings that will shock you. She will lead you

through the steps of discovery of the scientists who found in the

colon of autistic children the same extremely toxic, non-human

substance found in the colons of LSD users and Schizophrenia

patients. She lets her story unfold as it unfolded to the researchers

themselves. She tells of their shock, disbelief, and struggle to find

answers as to where and how this toxin came about and finally how

they searched for cures. What they found under their microscopes was

often shocking.

The book reveals that genetic predisposition to autism does not

necessarily mean you will be autistic. She follows the trail of

research that proves antibiotics, vaccinations, yeast, ear

infections, allergies, and DNA are all part of a strange puzzle,

sometimes leading to autism—sometimes to other undesirable maladies.

People with a weakened immune system fall victim to disease when a

simple case of candida (yeast) is not destroyed before it turns into

its mycelial form (fungal). She explains how the toxic waste caused

from fungus can affect people in different ways, none of which are

pleasant. Research strongly ties ADHD, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue,

IgG-type allergies, and even schizophrenia to the toxic waste emitted

from the dying fungus.

I have read on the web where other researchers believe even cancer

might get its foothold in the same type of fungus waste. Some of our

missionaries come back from the field with severe stomach and

digestive problems, including parasitical infestation. Skin

disorders, boils, weight loss, achy bones, exhaustion, and many other

symptoms have plagued them. Even after the parasites are gone,

sometimes terrible health issues continue. These missionaries have

chased rabbit trails trying to find cures. This book will help many

of them identify the source of trouble, which will help in finding

the cure.

In the book, Karyn lists foods that provoke extreme allergies due to

this fungus and foods that people who have become allergic to almost

everything, still might be able to eat. She also listed places where

foods can be ordered, and introduces other books on the subject.

There are a few simple recipes. This book is NOT about good

nutrition. She doesn't even address the subject. If you are really

serious about good health, each person reading this should do their

own research into nutrition. Many of her methods of healing could be

dealt with in a different manner. The book is the story of many

professionals working to piece together a strange medical puzzle. The

all-important question, " Why is my child like this? " is answered. You

really need to read the book.

For your convenience we are making this book available to our

readers, but only for a short time. It can also be purchased from

Amazon or and Noble.


id=25 & backPID=17 & swords=autism & tt_news=67

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