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fermented foods

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Since learning about the works of Dr. Price and reading " Nourishing

traditions " Ive been trying to add more fermented foods into my

diet. But I dont seem to be able to tolerate them very well.

Commercial yogurt is fine I dont seem to have problems with it, but

when I use the whey from the yogurt to make kraut and beet kvass it

gives me bad gas and bloating sometimes even diarrhea. Does anyone

else have this problem? Also, I think I have a zinc deficiency (I

have lots of white spots on my nails and horizontal ridges) and I

cant seem to fix it. Ive been eating a lot of red meat and

occationally oysters and even supplementing with zinc tablets and the

white spots keep coming. Im not sure what else i can do about it.

Any ideas? Thanks

Greg Marcott

Missoula MT

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  • 5 months later...



>you a group that has interest in fermented foods? I thought you were but I

>re-read the group into and there was nothing about it. I don't want to be

>off-topic with my focus on it.

We absolutely are! And apologies for the misleading group intro; it's

years out of date and I keep meaning to update it.


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> Are you a group that has interest in fermented foods? I thought you were but I

> re-read the group into and there was nothing about it. I don't want to be

> off-topic with my focus on it.


Fermented foods is on topic for this group I would think.

You might want to check out this other group as well:


regards, Bruce

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  • 1 year later...

Hi everyone,

We are studying the health benefits of fermenting foods in school right now

so I thought I'd pass along some information I found online tonight. This

website strongly recommends making your own yogurt, kefir and fermented

vegetables. Here are a few recipes.

Today marks the end of my Starbuck's habit! I gave myself until the end of

the month to start new for 2006. No sweets and no Starbucks! :) I'm an all

or nothing kind of gal, it's easier for me to cut things out than to eat

them every once in a while.

Fermented foods are to be used as condiments, not as full meals.


" Support bacteria - they're the only culture some people have. "


" Oh Lord annointed with the yogurt of the milk-maids worship (Krishna), Oh

savior of the fallen, Oh Master of Shiva, please protect me. " -Sanscrit Poem

Fermenting is Fun

Fermenting your own foods can be a healthy, fun, and nutritious hobby.  We

feel that anything you can make at home is much better than commercialized

foods.  We have put together a summary of fermented foods followed by a few

recipes.  Enjoy.

The Power of Microbes:

We live in a world dominated by microbes.  The Earth¹s microorganisms are

able to adapt to almost any environment and thrive.  Bacteria have been

found in the icy regions of Antarctica, near the surface of volcanic vents

in the Atlantic, and even in our digestive tracts. Our civilization is but a

pale comparison to the invisible world of microbes that surrounds us. It is

likely that these microbes will adapt and survive beyond human existence.

 It is not surprising that microbes have become experts of adaptation when

you consider the evolutionary pressures of their world. They are constantly

disrupted by changes in environment, competition from other species, attacks

from specialized viruses (i.e. bacteriophages), and a shifting  food supply.

Imagine trying to survive in a world filled with rampant diseases, famines,

hurricanes, and floods, and you¹ll begin to appreciate the world of the


Some microbes have colluded with the competition to form symbiotic

relationships. For example, the bacterial strains Streptococcus thermophilus

and Lactobacilllus bulgaricus, work together and transform milk into tasty

yogurt. The thirty or so strains of bacteria and yeast found in Kefir, a

traditional fermented drink of the Caucasians, band together to form complex

ecology capable of digesting almost any food source and staving off harmful

pathogens. The microbes of Kefir even provide themselves with homes in the

form of Kefir grains that are composed of a polysaccharide matrix.

Our ancient ancestors did not live in a sterile environment. It is likely

that they ingested various microbes found naturally in their foods. Some of

these microbes were beneficial to their life while others caused infections

and disease. Somewhere along the way in their struggle for survival, our

ancestors allied themselves with certain species of microbes. Our intestines

have evolved into a perfect microbial farm. We provide these microbes with

furnished home and plenty of food, in return, they produce beneficial

nutrients and help defend us from pathogens. About a thousand years ago, our

ancestors began to experimenting with fermenting their own foods with

beneficial strains to prevent spoilage, fight infections, and increase

absorption of nutrients. This action further allied our bodies with the

microbial world.

Benefits of Fermented Foods:

Nobel Prize winner Dr. Elie Metchnikoff was one of the first scientists to

recognize the benefits of eating fermented foods. His research in the early

1900¹s focused on the Bulgarians. He believed the daily ingestion of yogurt

was a major contribution to their superior health and longevity. Today, if

you search the Internet on probiotics, you will find an almost endless

supply of reasons why ³good bacteria² are good for you. We hope to convince

you that fermenting your own foods is cheaper, more fun, and better for you

than just popping a pill of freeze dried bacteria.

Detoxify and Preserve:

If there¹s anything that the microbial world does well, it is detoxifying

things. Today, Bacteriologists periodically visit old military facilities in

search of new strains of bacteria living off of contaminants in the soil. If

you put it in the ground and give them enough time to mutate and evolve,

these microbes will find a way to break it down. This probably holds true

for any organic chemical. These earthly microbes purify the world.

Not only have we been able to use the detoxifying properties of microbes to

breakdown nasty substances, such as oil spills, military dumps, and sewer

plants, we also use them to detoxify our food and water and increase shelf

lives. For centuries, Europeans used wine as a source of clean, durable

water. Bulgarians perfected the art of detoxifying and preserving milk

(removing the lactose and predigesting the proteins) and transforming it

into yogurt and cheese. The Caucasians used Kefir grains for the same

purpose: detoxify milk products to make Kefir.  Vegetables were also

fermented to preserve them from spoilage.  Most of the pickled products

found on our grocery shelves were at one time a fermented product: pickles,

saurkraut, and even catsup (a Chinese word for pickled fish brine). However,

since fermentation isn¹t always a uniform process, manufacturers found

another way to make these products.

Fight Off Infections:

Competition between microbes can be fierce. The good bacteria that are

normal inhabitants of our intestinal tracts will fight off many foreign

intruders. They can be seen as our first line of defense in the war of

infection.  Scientists have documented many different substances produced by

lactobacilli (lactic acid bacteria) that have been found to inhibit harmful

microorganisms. For example, lactobacillus acidophilus produces several

substances while fermenting milk, including acidolin, acidophillin,

lactobacillan, and lactocidin. These substances have been shown to inhibit

pathogenic bacteria, such as Salmonella, while leaving other lactobacilli

and human cells unharmed  These antibiotic agents are found in fermented

milk, but not always in a probiotic pill.  A 2000 study led by Dr. Chitra N.

koon of the University of Alberta, Edmonton, found that fermented milk

products, like yogurt, can kill Helicobacter pylori (the ulcer causing

bacteria) but that the beneficial bacteria alone cannot. This means that

probiotics in pill form would have no effect on H. pylori but that homemade

yogurt and Kefir would.

Nutritious to Boot:

Fermented products are a great source of amino acids, vitamins, and

minerals.  The process of fermentation increases the amounts of some

vitamins.  Fermented milk is a great source of energetic B vitamins while

fermented vegetables are a great source of Vitamin C.  Sauerkraut often

served as military rations in ancient armies, most notably the Mongolians,

and was used to prevent scurvy. The process of fermentation also increases

the bioavailability of these foods.

Harnessing the Power of Microbes:

Pills versus Food:

We have already mentioned earlier that dairy products fermented with

lactobacilli have been shown to kill pathogenic bacteria, such as H. pylori,

while the lactobacilli alone did not. This means that some of the antibiotic

properties of these good bacteria may be missing in the probiotic pills you

see on the shelves. Also, you have no way of verifying the potency or

vitality of these products. Bacteria are living organisms and must be alive

when you eat them in order to reap their benefits. It does no good to ingest

dead, good bacteria. Furthermore, good quality probiotics are often very

expensive. For instance, a month¹s supply from a popular vendor may cost as

much as $80 to $100 per month. With a budget of $100 per month, you can make

all the sauerkraut, kefir, and yogurt you¹ll need. Not only will you be

getting the benefits of these beneficial bacteria, you will be making

delicious and healthy meals as well. The only benefit store probiotics offer

is convenience. However, once you get started, fermenting your own foods is

very easy.

Please Use Caution:

Before we get too far into fermenting your own foods, we want to emphasize

two caveats of fermentation. First, the process of fermentation is only good

for you if it occurs outside of your body. What does this mean? It means

that if you ingest foods that provide an abundance of sugar and growth media

for bacteria, they will ferment those foods inside of you. An overgrowth of

fermentative bacteria in your body can cause all kinds of medical problems,

including Crohn¹s Disease, Ankylosing Spondylitis, candidiasis , and

Irritable Bowel Syndrome. So the key is to pre-ferment your foods, that is

to say, ferment your milk before you eat it.

Secondly, please do not eat spoiled fermented foods. In some rare instances,

fermented foods can be overtaken by mold or become spoiled. In these cases,

throw out the result and start anew.

Commercial versus Homemade: 

In our opinion homemade products are better all around. For one, you do not

have to trust a manufacturer with your health. You have total control over

what you are eating.  You can purchase the best milk and/or vegetables to

use.  Commercial products are usually geared for taste and not health. In

the case of yogurt, this means that commercial yogurt usually has a high

lactose content and is usually loaded with sugar.  Homemade yogurt can be

made to eliminate virtually all of the lactose and will be much fresher than

anything you can buy in a store.  If the taste isn¹t to your liking, you can

add in fresh fruit and/or honey to sweeten it up. Store bought Kefir has the

same problems, you have no control over the lactose content in the end

product. Another thing to consider is, real Kefir is difficult to find in

the store.  Quite often a manufacturer will label a product as Kefir when in

fact it is not the real thing. In order for Kefir to be real, it needs to

made from Kefir grains and not a powdered starter. As for fermented

vegetables, such as sauerkraut, most commercial products have been

pasteurized and do not contain live cultures.  The pasteurization process

not only kills the beneficial bacteria, but may also destroy many of the

enzymes and nutrients.  Commercial sauerkraut may also contain a fair amount

of unnatural preservatives.  We know that you will find fermenting your own

foods at home more rewarding, healthier, cheaper than probiotics, and more

enjoying than anything you could purchase in the store.

Getting Started

So you want to start fermenting your own foods, eh? Glad we could convince

you. To get you started we¹ve listed a few easy at home products you can


1. Yogurt:

Making yogurt is very easy, especially if you own a yogurt maker.  We

recommend purchasing a Yogourmet Multi ­ they are cheap, easy to use, and

can make 2 quarts per batch.  You can get a yogurt maker and yogurt starter

from a trusted friend at Lucy¹s Kitchen Shop.  Once you have a starter and a

yogurt maker, all you need is some milk (we recommend using Half-n-Half) and

some patience.  The directions that come with the maker provide a

fermentation of 6 hours. However, we recommend you ferment your yogurt for

24 hours to eliminate all lactose in the yogurt.  Any residual lactose could

be used as food for bacteria already found in your GI-tract and result in

fermentation in your intestines. CAUTION: Those of you following the SC Diet

MUST ferment your yogurt for 24 hours in order to stay on the diet. Please

refer to page 131 of ³Breaking the Vicious Cycle² for more instructions on

making SCD legal yogurt.

2. Kefir:

Kefir is a fermented milk product made from Kefir grains. Unlike yogurt,

Kefir is made from lactobacillus bacteria and several different yeast

organisms and is fermented at room temperature.  The most difficult step in

making Kefir is getting someone to sell/give you some Kefir grains.  It

would be impossible for us to give Kefir any justice when there is a website

out there that will describe everything and anything you need to know about

Kefir. The web site is called Dom¹s Kefir In-site. Dom also sponsors an

egroups list you can join to find someone to share Kefir grains with you and

to answer any question you may have about Kefir.  For those of you on the SC

Diet, here are some directions from the wise Dominic about eliminating the

lactose in the Kefir:

³I find a good way to eliminate lactose even further is to ferment the kefir

per usual (24 hours), strain, then keep the strained kefir in a bottle (at

room temperature) for a further 2 -3 days before consuming (ongoing

fermentation). I don't keep my strained kefir in the fridge any more, but

keep it like this in a cupboard. The kefir is still good even after 6-7

days. One must give the bottle which the kefir is continuously fermenting

in, a shake at least once daily. This is so that the microbes (mainly the

yeasts) are mixed in well. Other wise one may find a film or colonies of

yeast or the acetic acid forming bacteria on top of the kefir. This is safe,

but some lactose digesting yeasts may be flourishing mainly in this top

layer, shaking will help to distribute them into the kefir, where you want

them to do their work (breaking down lactose).  This continuous fermentation

can also be done in the fridge, but I find that a more pleasant tasting

kefir, with markedly reduced lactose is achieved this way, (at room temp.).

One can also keep fermenting the kefir, like above, in an air tight bottle.

After the second day or so, an effervescent kefir will be produced. But i

must point out that the bottle must not be filled more that 3/4 full. Of

course, one could also ferment the original kefir for 48 hours, then follow

on with the suggestions above. This may further make sure that the lactose

content would be eliminated to a greater extent, and possibly in a smaller

amount of time.²

3. Sauerkraut:

Sauerkraut can be made in several different ways. The traditional recipe

involves shredding and pounding fresh cabbage, adding salt, and submerging

it under water for several days. The natural bacteria in the cabbage, such

as lactobacillus plantarum, will natural begin to ferment the cabbage while

the salt inhibits other microbes.  You can eliminate the use of salt

altogether by innoculating the shredded cabbage and water solution with

yogurt starter or Kefir grains. A superior recipe can be found on Aquaman¹s

Website.  A traditional recipe follows:


1 Fresh Medium Cabbage (red or green)

2 Tablespoons Pickling Salt (Please no iodine, it will kill the bacteria)

Distilled Water (or filtered and non-chlorinated)

Shred the cabbage. In a large bowl, mix shredded cabbage and salt together.

Pound the cabbage mixture to expel the juices. Place pounded cabbage and

juices in a medium sized glass jar (1 Quart Sized).  Press down firmly on

the cabbage. Add distilled water until cabbage is fully submerged.  Solution

should be at least one inch from the top of the jar. Cover the jar and let

sit for 3 to 7 days at room temperature. Store in the refrigerator.

Alternatively, one can use Kefir grains to ferment the cabbage, just

eliminate the use of salt.

4. Pickled Ginger:


4 lbs fresh ginger root

1 tablespoon pickling salt (no iodine)

1Ž2 package of yogurt starter

1 cup Distilled Water (or filtered and non-chlorinated)

Peel and cut ginger into very thin slices. Pound ginger slices to expel


Place juices and pounded ginger into a glass jar. Mix with salt and water.

Add yogurt starter and seal. Let sit at room temperature for 3 to 5 days.

Store in the refrigerator.


For more information:


Dom¹s Kefir In-site: How to Make Kefir (The best source for Kefir anywhere).

Sauerkraut Fermentation - from the Bacteriology Dept of UW-Wisconsin

Weston A Price Org - Lacto-Fermentation Article

Lucy¹s Kitchen Shop: A trusted source for yogurt makers and starters.

SCD Notes on Yogurt

Aquaman¹s Sauerkraut Recipe

A Sauerkraut Crock Recipe

Kim Chi Recipe



Probiotics: Nature's Internal Healers, by Natash Trenev

Breaking the Vicious Cycle: Intestinal Health through Diet by Elaine


Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct

Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats by Sally Fallon, G. Enig, and Kim


Beyond Probiotics, by Ann Gittleman.

Acidophilus and Colon Health: How to Prevent Illness, Build Immunity, and

Live a Longer, Healthier Life, by Webster.


©2001 The Healing Crow, Inc.

All rights reserved.

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The Healing Crow is a nonprofit corporation. Information published by The

Healing Crow is intended to expand the knowledge of the reader about health

issues. It is not meant to diagnose, prescribe, or replace medical care. Our

mission is to educate the public about chronic illnesses and corresponding

non-drug related treatments. We encourage others to critically examine all

avenues of information pertaining to health including: naturopaths,

chiropractors, physicians, medical and scientific papers, and others; in

order to make an informed decision. We believe a patient has the right to

question a health source without taking any medical advice on faith. The

best patient is an informed one. Before instituting a major change in diet

or nutrition please consult a worthy expert in nutrition or a doctor.

Although we believe our information to be as accurate as possible,

discrepancies may arise. If you have a personal story and would like to

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Thanks Kenda . . . Super article! . . . Your class

must be interesting!

I need to try the yogurt and Keflir recipes. I've been

making my own sauerkraut and like it much better than

commercial types! . . .

If anyone wants that recipe, I'll repost it. There are

variations using beets, ginger, etc.



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You're welcome! I'm enjoying the class, although vitamins and minerals were

a bit tough to memorize! Right now we're studying rejuvenation,

elimination, acid/alkaline balance, food combining and juice therapy. It is

much more interesting to me than vitamins and minerals. I have a tough time

with vitamins and minerals because I meet near the upper level intake with

all vitamins and minerals through my diet yet I am still very low in certain

vitamins. I think it is misleading to be taught that if we eat a fabulous

diet, we will be healthy. There are some of us that need to supplement no

matter how great we eat.


> Thanks Kenda . . . Super article! . . . Your class

> must be interesting!


> I need to try the yogurt and Keflir recipes. I've been

> making my own sauerkraut and like it much better than

> commercial types! . . .


> If anyone wants that recipe, I'll repost it. There are

> variations using beets, ginger, etc.


> Hugs,


> Rogene





> Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice given by licensed

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