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Re: Confirmation of Diagnosis

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> Confirmation of Diagnosis

> I was just diagnosed by an M.D with A.S prior it had been from a

psychologist suggested by a developmental psychologist.

May I congratulate? (Since I think Aspie is a pretty cool thing to be.)

> I'm still thinking about psychosocial button pushing.

By whom?


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> I'm still thinking about psychosocial button pushing.By whom?Someone said I had been pushing buttons lately on the board.

After a few days of thought I have the complex working in my mind but no words to express it.

"There is no way of telling when another is pushing psychosocial buttons. The psychosocial mirror affect is always applicability whether online or in life." "Another being (Organic conscious unit) is just the selfs reflection of there own self. It is not that another doesnt exist its simply not of self.

Also thinking in pictures is a trait of visual spatial learning.

IngerFAM Secret Society is a community based on respect, friendship, support and acceptance. Everyone is valued.

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> I'm still thinking about psychosocial button pushing.By whom?Someone said I had been pushing buttons lately on the board.

After a few days of thought I have the complex working in my mind but no words to express it.

"There is no way of telling when another is pushing psychosocial buttons. The psychosocial mirror affect is always applicability whether online or in life." "Another being (Organic conscious unit) is just the selfs reflection of there own self. It is not that another doesnt exist its simply not of self.

Also thinking in pictures is a trait of visual spatial learning.

IngerFAM Secret Society is a community based on respect, friendship, support and acceptance. Everyone is valued.

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> I'm still thinking about psychosocial button pushing.By whom?Someone said I had been pushing buttons lately on the board.

After a few days of thought I have the complex working in my mind but no words to express it.

"There is no way of telling when another is pushing psychosocial buttons. The psychosocial mirror affect is always applicability whether online or in life." "Another being (Organic conscious unit) is just the selfs reflection of there own self. It is not that another doesnt exist its simply not of self.

Also thinking in pictures is a trait of visual spatial learning.

IngerFAM Secret Society is a community based on respect, friendship, support and acceptance. Everyone is valued.

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>>> I'm still thinking about psychosocial button pushing.


>> By whom?


> Someone said I had been pushing buttons lately on the board.

I see. Probably inadvertently. That can happen sometimes.

> After a few days of thought I have the complex working in my mind but no

> words to express it.

Must be frustrating.

> " There is no way of telling when another is pushing psychosocial buttons. "

Right. I'm always surprised when I find that people have buttons. Only when

they explain their past experiences and general disposition do their

reactions make sense. Unfortunately only a few explain, so all you usually

get is the puzzling reaction.

> " The psychosocial mirror affect is always applicability whether online or

> in life. "

I find this to be true too.

" Another being (Organic conscious unit) is just the selfs reflection of

there own self. It is not that another doesnt exist its simply not of self. "

Right. We all tend to project our own selves onto others sometimes.

> " Also thinking in pictures is a trait of visual spatial learning. "

Correct. This can make it difficult, arduous or impossible to translate

one's concepts back into words. And then those words have to be communicated

to another person who will interpret them according to his or her own

personal understanding of those words and back into a concept in their own

mind. Much can get warped along the way. If one could just sort of 'fax'

over the original thoughtform straight into the other person's mind, there

could be no room for translation errors. But unfortunately, that's not the

communication mode used on this planet. Pity, isn't it?


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Inger Lorelei wrote:

:>>> I'm still thinking about psychosocial button pushing.Inger:>> By whom?:> Someone said I had been pushing buttons lately on the board.

Maybe it was a private e-mail. This board can be confusing simply because its three boards with the option to reply to everyone and also an individual. The actual ID is not important due to the fact it seemed to be a reversive understanding of social causation or simply KEY words and phrases with emotional values attached uniquely to that individual.

It is impossible to know the universe of another. So then what one is to conclude is it happens all the time? So there is some kind of social popularities system based upon unknown functions.

I see. Probably inadvertently. That can happen sometimes.> After a few days of thought I have the complex working in my mind but no > words to express it.Must be frustrating.MY internal world is not compatible with this world.> "There is no way of telling when another is pushing psychosocial buttons."Right. I'm always surprised when I find that people have buttons. Only when they explain their past experiences and general disposition do their reactions make sense. Unfortunately only a few explain, so all you usually get is the puzzling reaction.

Everything is a puzzle.

> "The psychosocial mirror affect is always applicability whether online or > in life."I find this to be true too."Another being (Organic conscious unit) is just the selfs reflection of there own self. It is not that another doesnt exist its simply not of self."Right. We all tend to project our own selves onto others sometimes.PsychoSocial Presuptive Values> "Also thinking in pictures is a trait of visual spatial learning."Correct. This can make it difficult, arduous or impossible to translate one's concepts back into words. And then those words have to be communicated to another person who will interpret them according to his or her own personal understanding of those words and back into a concept in their own mind. Much can get warped along the way. If one could just sort of 'fax' over the original thoughtform straight into the other person's mind, there could be no

room for translation errors. But unfortunately, that's not the communication mode used on this planet. Pity, isn't it?

I wonder sometimes what the point of talking is. Such as in the past when I had to it seldom was worth the effort. Well at least in respects to doctors because still in my mind I go back in time and try to figure out a way of explaining or simply understand what they were talking about.

This is true also for my personality which I am unsure that I understand. I’ve always considered myself a programmable mind sphere that attempts to modify itself for compatibility reasons. Each occurrence then is reflected internally and becomes part of the overall program.

States of awareness are simply internal mechanisms and or processing compartments.

<neuropsychology>I wish a school would somehow understand me and allow me to just sit in their classes and not bug me at all. Disrupting ones thoughts is most unpleasing. BAHFAM Secret Society is a community based on respect, friendship, support and acceptance. Everyone is valued.

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BLAH!Inger Lorelei wrote:

> This board can be confusing simply because its three boards with the > option to reply to everyone and also an individual. The actual ID is not > important due to the fact it seemed to be a reversive understanding of > social causation or simply KEY words and phrases with emotional values > attached uniquely to that individual.> It is impossible to know the universe of another. So then what one is to > conclude is it happens all the time? So there is some kind of social > popularities system based upon unknown functions.I used to be very socially confused too. But I've found that if you pay attention to what other people are telling about themselves, and ask questions for clarification, it become less confusing. Although that can be difficult if one is still too absorbed in trying to figure out one's own thoughts. Having to also try figure out others can be a bit overwhelming

then.> MY internal world is not compatible with this world.Appears to be an accurate observation on your part. You seem quite Data-like to me sometimes.

>> "Also thinking in pictures is a trait of visual spatial learning.">> Correct. This can make it difficult, arduous or impossible to translateone's concepts back into words. And then those words have to be communicatedto another person who will interpret them according to his or her ownpersonal understanding of those words and back into a concept in their ownmind. Much can get warped along the way. If one could just sort of 'fax'over the original thoughtform straight into the other person's mind, therecould be no room for translation errors. But unfortunately, that's not thecommunication mode used on this planet. Pity, isn't it?> I wonder sometimes what the point of talking is. Such as in the past when > I had to it seldom was worth the effort.No one is forcing you, actually. "You have the right to remain silent..." ;-)

> Well at least in respects to doctors because still in my mind I go back in > time and try to figure out a way of explaining or simply understand what > they were talking about.Whst specifically do you find puzzling about what they said? Feel free to give some examples. Perhaps we can help you descipher it.That I was wired differently like I was some kind of machine.> This is true also for my personality which I am unsure that I understand. > I've always considered myself a programmable mind sphere that attempts to > modify itself for compatibility reasons. Each occurrence then is reflected > internally and becomes part of the overall program.Perhaps you're just a wee bit too absorbing and need to find your own core personality and beliefs so that you are better able to resist attempts to manipulate your mind?> States of awareness are simply internal mechanisms and or

processing > compartments.<neuropsychology>Sure.> I wish a school would somehow understand me and allow me to just sit in > their classes and not bug me at all. Disrupting ones thoughts is most > unpleasing. BAHLOL, yes its very annoying, isn't it? May I recommend BBC Learning or similar education channels on TV? Then you can watch without being watched. I think they even have a program where you can study like that and get a degree from it. Check out their website for more information. http://www.bbclearning.com/IngerFAM Secret Society is a community based on respect, friendship, support and acceptance. Everyone is valued.

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BLAH!Inger Lorelei wrote:

> This board can be confusing simply because its three boards with the > option to reply to everyone and also an individual. The actual ID is not > important due to the fact it seemed to be a reversive understanding of > social causation or simply KEY words and phrases with emotional values > attached uniquely to that individual.> It is impossible to know the universe of another. So then what one is to > conclude is it happens all the time? So there is some kind of social > popularities system based upon unknown functions.I used to be very socially confused too. But I've found that if you pay attention to what other people are telling about themselves, and ask questions for clarification, it become less confusing. Although that can be difficult if one is still too absorbed in trying to figure out one's own thoughts. Having to also try figure out others can be a bit overwhelming

then.> MY internal world is not compatible with this world.Appears to be an accurate observation on your part. You seem quite Data-like to me sometimes.

>> "Also thinking in pictures is a trait of visual spatial learning.">> Correct. This can make it difficult, arduous or impossible to translateone's concepts back into words. And then those words have to be communicatedto another person who will interpret them according to his or her ownpersonal understanding of those words and back into a concept in their ownmind. Much can get warped along the way. If one could just sort of 'fax'over the original thoughtform straight into the other person's mind, therecould be no room for translation errors. But unfortunately, that's not thecommunication mode used on this planet. Pity, isn't it?> I wonder sometimes what the point of talking is. Such as in the past when > I had to it seldom was worth the effort.No one is forcing you, actually. "You have the right to remain silent..." ;-)

> Well at least in respects to doctors because still in my mind I go back in > time and try to figure out a way of explaining or simply understand what > they were talking about.Whst specifically do you find puzzling about what they said? Feel free to give some examples. Perhaps we can help you descipher it.That I was wired differently like I was some kind of machine.> This is true also for my personality which I am unsure that I understand. > I've always considered myself a programmable mind sphere that attempts to > modify itself for compatibility reasons. Each occurrence then is reflected > internally and becomes part of the overall program.Perhaps you're just a wee bit too absorbing and need to find your own core personality and beliefs so that you are better able to resist attempts to manipulate your mind?> States of awareness are simply internal mechanisms and or

processing > compartments.<neuropsychology>Sure.> I wish a school would somehow understand me and allow me to just sit in > their classes and not bug me at all. Disrupting ones thoughts is most > unpleasing. BAHLOL, yes its very annoying, isn't it? May I recommend BBC Learning or similar education channels on TV? Then you can watch without being watched. I think they even have a program where you can study like that and get a degree from it. Check out their website for more information. http://www.bbclearning.com/IngerFAM Secret Society is a community based on respect, friendship, support and acceptance. Everyone is valued.

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You are right on how to handle people. It takes practice to listen to what they are are saying and learning how to ask questions and all that. Still, it can be done. Once you have made progress along those lines it becomes possible to pay more attention to facial expressions and body language. Body language is easier to handle since it tends to be more overt and longer lasting than than facial expressions. It is also easier for me than facial expressions since I don't like staring at people's faces all the time.

One thing about body language though. I once came across the following story. There was a party at a college for the professors, their families and friends. This one professor of psychology was making observations about people based on their body language. He noticed this one married couple sitting side by side on a sofa. This prof declared that their marriage would not last long because of the way their crossed their legs: they were crossed away from each other rather than toward each other which meant hostility and distrust. The professors he told this to laughed at him and explained. That prof and his wife had been married for 30 years. They crossed their legs the way they did because one was right handed and the other left handed. The professor had a habit of writing in a notebook place on this lap and the wife reading a book placed in her lap. Their handedness made having one leg on top of the other more comfortable. They had been doing that for so long that their bones had adjusted to that position and they were practically unable to cross their legs the other way without great discomfort. I imagine that actually managed to shut the blowhard up for a little while.

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You are right on how to handle people. It takes practice to listen to what they are are saying and learning how to ask questions and all that. Still, it can be done. Once you have made progress along those lines it becomes possible to pay more attention to facial expressions and body language. Body language is easier to handle since it tends to be more overt and longer lasting than than facial expressions. It is also easier for me than facial expressions since I don't like staring at people's faces all the time.

One thing about body language though. I once came across the following story. There was a party at a college for the professors, their families and friends. This one professor of psychology was making observations about people based on their body language. He noticed this one married couple sitting side by side on a sofa. This prof declared that their marriage would not last long because of the way their crossed their legs: they were crossed away from each other rather than toward each other which meant hostility and distrust. The professors he told this to laughed at him and explained. That prof and his wife had been married for 30 years. They crossed their legs the way they did because one was right handed and the other left handed. The professor had a habit of writing in a notebook place on this lap and the wife reading a book placed in her lap. Their handedness made having one leg on top of the other more comfortable. They had been doing that for so long that their bones had adjusted to that position and they were practically unable to cross their legs the other way without great discomfort. I imagine that actually managed to shut the blowhard up for a little while.

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You are right on how to handle people. It takes practice to listen to what they are are saying and learning how to ask questions and all that. Still, it can be done. Once you have made progress along those lines it becomes possible to pay more attention to facial expressions and body language. Body language is easier to handle since it tends to be more overt and longer lasting than than facial expressions. It is also easier for me than facial expressions since I don't like staring at people's faces all the time.

One thing about body language though. I once came across the following story. There was a party at a college for the professors, their families and friends. This one professor of psychology was making observations about people based on their body language. He noticed this one married couple sitting side by side on a sofa. This prof declared that their marriage would not last long because of the way their crossed their legs: they were crossed away from each other rather than toward each other which meant hostility and distrust. The professors he told this to laughed at him and explained. That prof and his wife had been married for 30 years. They crossed their legs the way they did because one was right handed and the other left handed. The professor had a habit of writing in a notebook place on this lap and the wife reading a book placed in her lap. Their handedness made having one leg on top of the other more comfortable. They had been doing that for so long that their bones had adjusted to that position and they were practically unable to cross their legs the other way without great discomfort. I imagine that actually managed to shut the blowhard up for a little while.

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I've thought in pictures and in metaphors of my own biographical

experience all my life.

Temple Grandin's online exerct from her book, Thinking in pictures

and My Mind works like a Web Browser were so reassuring and joyful to






> > I'm still thinking about psychosocial button pushing.


> By whom?


> Someone said I had been pushing buttons lately on the board.




> After a few days of thought I have the complex working in my mind

but no words to express it.


> " There is no way of telling when another is pushing psychosocial

buttons. The psychosocial mirror affect is always applicability

whether online or in life. " " Another being (Organic conscious unit)

is just the selfs reflection of there own self. It is not that

another doesnt exist its simply not of self.


> Also thinking in pictures is a trait of visual spatial learning.








> Inger






> FAM Secret Society is a community based on respect, friendship,

support and acceptance. Everyone is valued.





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I've thought in pictures and in metaphors of my own biographical

experience all my life.

Temple Grandin's online exerct from her book, Thinking in pictures

and My Mind works like a Web Browser were so reassuring and joyful to






> > I'm still thinking about psychosocial button pushing.


> By whom?


> Someone said I had been pushing buttons lately on the board.




> After a few days of thought I have the complex working in my mind

but no words to express it.


> " There is no way of telling when another is pushing psychosocial

buttons. The psychosocial mirror affect is always applicability

whether online or in life. " " Another being (Organic conscious unit)

is just the selfs reflection of there own self. It is not that

another doesnt exist its simply not of self.


> Also thinking in pictures is a trait of visual spatial learning.








> Inger






> FAM Secret Society is a community based on respect, friendship,

support and acceptance. Everyone is valued.





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I've thought in pictures and in metaphors of my own biographical

experience all my life.

Temple Grandin's online exerct from her book, Thinking in pictures

and My Mind works like a Web Browser were so reassuring and joyful to






> > I'm still thinking about psychosocial button pushing.


> By whom?


> Someone said I had been pushing buttons lately on the board.




> After a few days of thought I have the complex working in my mind

but no words to express it.


> " There is no way of telling when another is pushing psychosocial

buttons. The psychosocial mirror affect is always applicability

whether online or in life. " " Another being (Organic conscious unit)

is just the selfs reflection of there own self. It is not that

another doesnt exist its simply not of self.


> Also thinking in pictures is a trait of visual spatial learning.








> Inger






> FAM Secret Society is a community based on respect, friendship,

support and acceptance. Everyone is valued.





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I cannot tell a lie; it was I who brought up the " button pushing. " I

didn't mean to imply that you were pushing buttons. Rather, it was

your posts that elicited reactions in me and some others that I

referred to as button pushing.

For me, it was the frustration about being stuck and feeling defeated

that I read into your posts. That brings up the desire to say, " No,

don't feel defeated, do something about it. " I think that's a natural

human reaction to want to help and to feel that you would hate to be

in that place, so no one else should be allowed to stay in that place


In any event, I feel that many of the responses came from a place of

compassion, even if the suggestions were not always applicable to your

actual situation.



> :

> >>> I'm still thinking about psychosocial button pushing.


> Inger:

> >> By whom?



> :

> > Someone said I had been pushing buttons lately on the board.



> Maybe it was a private e-mail. This board can be confusing simply

because its three boards with the option to reply to everyone and also

an individual. The actual ID is not important due to the fact it

seemed to be a reversive understanding of social causation or simply

KEY words and phrases with emotional values attached uniquely to that





> It is impossible to know the universe of another. So then what one

is to conclude is it happens all the time? So there is some kind of

social popularities system based upon unknown functions.





> I see. Probably inadvertently. That can happen sometimes.


> > After a few days of thought I have the complex working in my mind

but no

> > words to express it.


> Must be frustrating.


> MY internal world is not compatible with this world.


> > " There is no way of telling when another is pushing psychosocial

buttons. "


> Right. I'm always surprised when I find that people have buttons.

Only when

> they explain their past experiences and general disposition do their

> reactions make sense. Unfortunately only a few explain, so all you


> get is the puzzling reaction.

> Everything is a puzzle.



> > " The psychosocial mirror affect is always applicability whether

online or

> > in life. "


> I find this to be true too.


> " Another being (Organic conscious unit) is just the selfs reflection of

> there own self. It is not that another doesnt exist its simply not

of self. "


> Right. We all tend to project our own selves onto others sometimes.


> PsychoSocial Presuptive Values


> > " Also thinking in pictures is a trait of visual spatial learning. "


> Correct. This can make it difficult, arduous or impossible to translate

> one's concepts back into words. And then those words have to be


> to another person who will interpret them according to his or her own

> personal understanding of those words and back into a concept in

their own

> mind. Much can get warped along the way. If one could just sort of


> over the original thoughtform straight into the other person's mind,


> could be no room for translation errors. But unfortunately, that's

not the

> communication mode used on this planet. Pity, isn't it?




> I wonder sometimes what the point of talking is. Such as in the past

when I had to it seldom was worth the effort. Well at least in

respects to doctors because still in my mind I go back in time and try

to figure out a way of explaining or simply understand what they were

talking about.


> This is true also for my personality which I am unsure that I

understand. I've always considered myself a programmable mind sphere

that attempts to modify itself for compatibility reasons. Each

occurrence then is reflected internally and becomes part of the

overall program.


> States of awareness are simply internal mechanisms and or processing



> <neuropsychology>


> I wish a school would somehow understand me and allow me to just sit

in their classes and not bug me at all. Disrupting ones thoughts is

most unpleasing. BAH







> FAM Secret Society is a community based on respect, friendship,

support and acceptance. Everyone is valued.





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I cannot tell a lie; it was I who brought up the " button pushing. " I

didn't mean to imply that you were pushing buttons. Rather, it was

your posts that elicited reactions in me and some others that I

referred to as button pushing.

For me, it was the frustration about being stuck and feeling defeated

that I read into your posts. That brings up the desire to say, " No,

don't feel defeated, do something about it. " I think that's a natural

human reaction to want to help and to feel that you would hate to be

in that place, so no one else should be allowed to stay in that place


In any event, I feel that many of the responses came from a place of

compassion, even if the suggestions were not always applicable to your

actual situation.



> :

> >>> I'm still thinking about psychosocial button pushing.


> Inger:

> >> By whom?



> :

> > Someone said I had been pushing buttons lately on the board.



> Maybe it was a private e-mail. This board can be confusing simply

because its three boards with the option to reply to everyone and also

an individual. The actual ID is not important due to the fact it

seemed to be a reversive understanding of social causation or simply

KEY words and phrases with emotional values attached uniquely to that





> It is impossible to know the universe of another. So then what one

is to conclude is it happens all the time? So there is some kind of

social popularities system based upon unknown functions.





> I see. Probably inadvertently. That can happen sometimes.


> > After a few days of thought I have the complex working in my mind

but no

> > words to express it.


> Must be frustrating.


> MY internal world is not compatible with this world.


> > " There is no way of telling when another is pushing psychosocial

buttons. "


> Right. I'm always surprised when I find that people have buttons.

Only when

> they explain their past experiences and general disposition do their

> reactions make sense. Unfortunately only a few explain, so all you


> get is the puzzling reaction.

> Everything is a puzzle.



> > " The psychosocial mirror affect is always applicability whether

online or

> > in life. "


> I find this to be true too.


> " Another being (Organic conscious unit) is just the selfs reflection of

> there own self. It is not that another doesnt exist its simply not

of self. "


> Right. We all tend to project our own selves onto others sometimes.


> PsychoSocial Presuptive Values


> > " Also thinking in pictures is a trait of visual spatial learning. "


> Correct. This can make it difficult, arduous or impossible to translate

> one's concepts back into words. And then those words have to be


> to another person who will interpret them according to his or her own

> personal understanding of those words and back into a concept in

their own

> mind. Much can get warped along the way. If one could just sort of


> over the original thoughtform straight into the other person's mind,


> could be no room for translation errors. But unfortunately, that's

not the

> communication mode used on this planet. Pity, isn't it?




> I wonder sometimes what the point of talking is. Such as in the past

when I had to it seldom was worth the effort. Well at least in

respects to doctors because still in my mind I go back in time and try

to figure out a way of explaining or simply understand what they were

talking about.


> This is true also for my personality which I am unsure that I

understand. I've always considered myself a programmable mind sphere

that attempts to modify itself for compatibility reasons. Each

occurrence then is reflected internally and becomes part of the

overall program.


> States of awareness are simply internal mechanisms and or processing



> <neuropsychology>


> I wish a school would somehow understand me and allow me to just sit

in their classes and not bug me at all. Disrupting ones thoughts is

most unpleasing. BAH







> FAM Secret Society is a community based on respect, friendship,

support and acceptance. Everyone is valued.





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I cannot tell a lie; it was I who brought up the " button pushing. " I

didn't mean to imply that you were pushing buttons. Rather, it was

your posts that elicited reactions in me and some others that I

referred to as button pushing.

For me, it was the frustration about being stuck and feeling defeated

that I read into your posts. That brings up the desire to say, " No,

don't feel defeated, do something about it. " I think that's a natural

human reaction to want to help and to feel that you would hate to be

in that place, so no one else should be allowed to stay in that place


In any event, I feel that many of the responses came from a place of

compassion, even if the suggestions were not always applicable to your

actual situation.



> :

> >>> I'm still thinking about psychosocial button pushing.


> Inger:

> >> By whom?



> :

> > Someone said I had been pushing buttons lately on the board.



> Maybe it was a private e-mail. This board can be confusing simply

because its three boards with the option to reply to everyone and also

an individual. The actual ID is not important due to the fact it

seemed to be a reversive understanding of social causation or simply

KEY words and phrases with emotional values attached uniquely to that





> It is impossible to know the universe of another. So then what one

is to conclude is it happens all the time? So there is some kind of

social popularities system based upon unknown functions.





> I see. Probably inadvertently. That can happen sometimes.


> > After a few days of thought I have the complex working in my mind

but no

> > words to express it.


> Must be frustrating.


> MY internal world is not compatible with this world.


> > " There is no way of telling when another is pushing psychosocial

buttons. "


> Right. I'm always surprised when I find that people have buttons.

Only when

> they explain their past experiences and general disposition do their

> reactions make sense. Unfortunately only a few explain, so all you


> get is the puzzling reaction.

> Everything is a puzzle.



> > " The psychosocial mirror affect is always applicability whether

online or

> > in life. "


> I find this to be true too.


> " Another being (Organic conscious unit) is just the selfs reflection of

> there own self. It is not that another doesnt exist its simply not

of self. "


> Right. We all tend to project our own selves onto others sometimes.


> PsychoSocial Presuptive Values


> > " Also thinking in pictures is a trait of visual spatial learning. "


> Correct. This can make it difficult, arduous or impossible to translate

> one's concepts back into words. And then those words have to be


> to another person who will interpret them according to his or her own

> personal understanding of those words and back into a concept in

their own

> mind. Much can get warped along the way. If one could just sort of


> over the original thoughtform straight into the other person's mind,


> could be no room for translation errors. But unfortunately, that's

not the

> communication mode used on this planet. Pity, isn't it?




> I wonder sometimes what the point of talking is. Such as in the past

when I had to it seldom was worth the effort. Well at least in

respects to doctors because still in my mind I go back in time and try

to figure out a way of explaining or simply understand what they were

talking about.


> This is true also for my personality which I am unsure that I

understand. I've always considered myself a programmable mind sphere

that attempts to modify itself for compatibility reasons. Each

occurrence then is reflected internally and becomes part of the

overall program.


> States of awareness are simply internal mechanisms and or processing



> <neuropsychology>


> I wish a school would somehow understand me and allow me to just sit

in their classes and not bug me at all. Disrupting ones thoughts is

most unpleasing. BAH







> FAM Secret Society is a community based on respect, friendship,

support and acceptance. Everyone is valued.





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> One thing about body language though. I once came across the following story. There was a party at a college for the professors, their families and friends. This one professor of psychology was making observations about people based on their body language. He noticed this one married couple sitting side by side on a sofa. This prof declared that their marriage would not last long because of the way their crossed their legs: they were crossed away from each other rather than toward each other which meant hostility and distrust. The professors he told this to laughed at him and explained. That prof and his wife had been married for 30 years. They crossed their legs the way they did because one was right handed and the other left handed. The professor had a habit of writing in a notebook place on this lap and the wife reading a book placed in her lap. Their handedness made having one leg on top of the other more comfortable. They had been doing that for so long that their bones had adjusted to that position and they were practically unable to cross their legs the other way without great discomfort. I imagine that actually managed to shut the blowhard up for a little while.

LOL! That's exactly how NTs often misinterpret us Aspies. They confuse neurological signs with psychological. This was an excellent example of such a situation.

Lesson to be taught by it: what looks exactly the same may have many different causes. And the same cause may have many different effects. This goes for everything, including both psychology and medicine.


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> I cannot tell a lie; it was I who brought up the " button pushing. " I

didn't mean to imply that you were pushing buttons. Rather, it was

your posts that elicited reactions in me and some others that I

referred to as button pushing.

> For me, it was the frustration about being stuck and feeling defeated

that I read into your posts. That brings up the desire to say, " No,

don't feel defeated, do something about it. " I think that's a natural

human reaction to want to help and to feel that you would hate to be

in that place, so no one else should be allowed to stay in that place


Thanks for explaining it this way, Ken. I think you hit it right on the


And do you see how much easier it is for the other person not to feel

attacked when you talk about YOUR feelings like you just did here, instead

of saying what you think the other person should do or not do (to fix his

situation and ease your frustration)? This is what Marshall Rosenberg calls

speaking Giraffe.

> In any event, I feel that many of the responses came from a place of

compassion, even if the suggestions were not always applicable to your

actual situation.

Yes, I this is the impression I got too. And how I meant my own input as

well. But it's always hard when one does not have enough facts of the

situation. That's why I wanted to know more before forming an opinion or

giving any advice.


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> I cannot tell a lie; it was I who brought up the " button pushing. " I

didn't mean to imply that you were pushing buttons. Rather, it was

your posts that elicited reactions in me and some others that I

referred to as button pushing.

> For me, it was the frustration about being stuck and feeling defeated

that I read into your posts. That brings up the desire to say, " No,

don't feel defeated, do something about it. " I think that's a natural

human reaction to want to help and to feel that you would hate to be

in that place, so no one else should be allowed to stay in that place


Thanks for explaining it this way, Ken. I think you hit it right on the


And do you see how much easier it is for the other person not to feel

attacked when you talk about YOUR feelings like you just did here, instead

of saying what you think the other person should do or not do (to fix his

situation and ease your frustration)? This is what Marshall Rosenberg calls

speaking Giraffe.

> In any event, I feel that many of the responses came from a place of

compassion, even if the suggestions were not always applicable to your

actual situation.

Yes, I this is the impression I got too. And how I meant my own input as

well. But it's always hard when one does not have enough facts of the

situation. That's why I wanted to know more before forming an opinion or

giving any advice.


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I understand your point, Inger, and I absolutely agree. What I'm not

completely clear on is how to respond when someone says they are in

the pits and don't know how to get out. Then you seemed to say that

you were drawn to try and offer helpful advice but needed more

information. Are you saying that it's fine to offer help, but only if

you have enough information to do so?



> Thanks for explaining it this way, Ken. I think you hit it right on the

> mark.


> And do you see how much easier it is for the other person not to feel

> attacked when you talk about YOUR feelings like you just did here,


> of saying what you think the other person should do or not do (to

fix his

> situation and ease your frustration)? This is what Marshall

Rosenberg calls

> speaking Giraffe.


> > In any event, I feel that many of the responses came from a place of

> compassion, even if the suggestions were not always applicable to your

> actual situation.


> Yes, I this is the impression I got too. And how I meant my own

input as

> well. But it's always hard when one does not have enough facts of the

> situation. That's why I wanted to know more before forming an

opinion or

> giving any advice.


> Inger

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I understand your point, Inger, and I absolutely agree. What I'm not

completely clear on is how to respond when someone says they are in

the pits and don't know how to get out. Then you seemed to say that

you were drawn to try and offer helpful advice but needed more

information. Are you saying that it's fine to offer help, but only if

you have enough information to do so?



> Thanks for explaining it this way, Ken. I think you hit it right on the

> mark.


> And do you see how much easier it is for the other person not to feel

> attacked when you talk about YOUR feelings like you just did here,


> of saying what you think the other person should do or not do (to

fix his

> situation and ease your frustration)? This is what Marshall

Rosenberg calls

> speaking Giraffe.


> > In any event, I feel that many of the responses came from a place of

> compassion, even if the suggestions were not always applicable to your

> actual situation.


> Yes, I this is the impression I got too. And how I meant my own

input as

> well. But it's always hard when one does not have enough facts of the

> situation. That's why I wanted to know more before forming an

opinion or

> giving any advice.


> Inger

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