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NT pregnancy

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well, that totally proves what the doctors tell you wrong then because my doctor

always said not to eat liver while pregnant because the high vit A content

causes toxicity for baby

Message: 1

Date: Sun, 06 Jun 2004 21:00:16 -0000

From: " beckymauldin2001 " <beckymauldin@...>

Subject: Re: successful NT pregnancy?

I had a very easy pregnancy eating NT foods. Took alot of

supplements also and tried to eat as much raw food as possible,

including liver. I had no health problems while pregnant and the

baby is incredibly healthy. This was my first child and the birth

itself was not easy...I suppose I was hoping for a more primitive-

culture-type of birth where they just have the baby and keep on

truckin! Oh, well, there's always next time.

Nearly everyone that sees our baby makes a comment on how alert

and " with it " she is. She could support her own body weight on her

legs from the day she was born. Hardly ever cries, sleeps like a

log....I could go on and on...Needless to say, eating all that liver

sure paid off!

And I have to say, an NT diet sure makes cute babies!!


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....well, that totally proves what the doctors tell you wrong then because my

doctor always said not to eat liver while pregnant because the high vit A

content causes toxicity for baby...

I doubt you could over-dose on vitamin A just from the liver. Maybe if you are

already taking a supplement or ate nothing but liver all day ;) Over-dosing on

supplements would be more of a worry. It is far safer to get it from your food

than supps.



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<<well, that totally proves what the doctors tell you wrong then because my

doctor always said not to eat liver while pregnant because the high vit A

content causes toxicity for baby>>

The subject of Vitamin A has come up on another of the lists and while i am

not in the position of being preggers i do take CLO and there is a good

article on Vit A in the files section of this group.

Kathy A.

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I thought that the problem with periodic consumption the fat soluble

vitamins (A, D, E, K) was that it could become toxic if enough of it

accumulated in the fatty tissues of your body, unlike the other vitamins

which didn't stick around.

Anyways, here's an interesting abstract on vitamin A overdoses and children.

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve & db=pubmed & dopt=Abstra\

ct & list_uids=8470309

According to this page, the tolerable upper intake levels of Vitamin A for

pregnant women 19+ is 10K IU/3000 ug, but 3 oz of cooked beef liver has 30K



However, it doesn't quantify how much of that is absorbed.

(Besides, one vitamin A anecdote that is dependent on many variables hardly

" proves " anyone is right or wrong. That's a scary way to make health


Re: NT pregnancy

> ...well, that totally proves what the doctors tell you wrong then because

my doctor always said not to eat liver while pregnant because the high vit A

content causes toxicity for baby...


> I doubt you could over-dose on vitamin A just from the liver. Maybe if you

are already taking a supplement or ate nothing but liver all day ;)

Over-dosing on supplements would be more of a worry. It is far safer to get

it from your food than supps.


> Cheers,

> Tas'.


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> Re: NT pregnancy



>I thought that the problem with periodic consumption the fat soluble

>vitamins (A, D, E, K) was that it could become toxic if enough of it

>accumulated in the fatty tissues of your body, unlike the other vitamins

>which didn't stick around.


>Anyways, here's an interesting abstract on vitamin A overdoses and


>http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve & db=pubme

>d & dopt=Abstract & list_uids=8470309

Well I tend not to rely on pubmed abstracts for reliable info. But it is

interesting that they say the gave a 1 year old 1,612,500 I.U. of vit. A

over a 3 week period with no toxicity symptoms. Wonder if it was natural

vitamin A or a synthetic man-made derivative (known to cause birth



>According to this page, the tolerable upper intake levels of Vitamin A for

>pregnant women 19+ is 10K IU/3000 ug, but 3 oz of cooked beef liver has 30K



Well, you get what you pay for when you depend on the gov't for reliable

nutrition info ;-)

Suze Fisher

Lapdog Design, Inc.

Web Design & Development


Weston A. Price Foundation Chapter Leader, Mid Coast Maine



“The diet-heart idea (the idea that saturated fats and cholesterol cause

heart disease) is the greatest scientific deception of our times.” --

Mann, MD, former Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry at Vanderbilt

University, Tennessee; heart disease researcher.

The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics



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If you haven't studied this area of WAP, please do, it will answer your

questions about the vitamin A thing.



and about women, pregnancy and babies



Re: NT pregnancy

I thought that the problem with periodic consumption the fat soluble

vitamins (A, D, E, K) was that it could become toxic if enough of it

accumulated in the fatty tissues of your body, unlike the other vitamins

which didn't stick around.

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