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Re: Digest Number 2700

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Hey Katja,

I hope that bag's tricky enough for Liddy Bug, she's stubborn . Lydia's 3

months old on Monday, she's been having bottles since 6 weeks. The doctor's

puting me on something to increase the supply and I'm trying to find a lactation

aide (man Canada's useless LOL everything of value is olny available elsewhere

LOL) I regretted so much not nursing Zack, I so don't want to lose the

opportunity with Bug (oh where DO we come up with these nick names? LOL)

how old is your daughter now? ( /me rummages around in

the bag of tricks...)

i'm so sorry for your story - this sounds so sad. but

as mothers, we all

have things with which we hurt ourselves - if it

wasn't this, it'd be some

other regret. just do your best to be kind!


Mrs. Siemens

Helpmeet to , mommy to Zachary & Lydia

" For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto

salvation.... "

-Romans 1:16a-


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<<Third, there are herbal remedies that will slightly help increase your

milk supply. I'd tell you what they are (again it's been years) but the

brain is going, and my herbal books are already packed up and stashed


deep in a pile.>>

Dear ,

OK. Here is what I know after nursing 4 babies (I am still nursing one,

but am not planning on marketing kefir breast milk at this time :) ).

Fenugreek and blessed thistle are a couple of the herbs recommended for

helping increasing your milk supply. There is an herbal tea called

“Mothers Milk” which has these in it. It tried it once, but wasn’t

desperate enough to try it again.

When nursing the baby make sure you are relaxed and have something to

drink while you are nursing and right before you are nursing. Water is

great as well as milk. Put your feet up. Hard to do when you are chasing

after a toddler, but use that time to read a story to him as well. (I

have a Zachary also, he is two) Stay away from caffeine and sodas. Make

sure you are eating and drinking enough for you and the baby.

Nurse on one side until it is empty before switching to the 2nd side.

That is probably one of the most crucial things to do, but are taught

differently in the hospital. (where they teach you to nurse 10 minutes

on one side and then switch, at least the hospital I was at) The baby

does not then get the hindmilk which is the cream and so important for

weight gain. So try to make sure your baby has drained one side before

switching. Don’t wait until the baby starts crying before you start to

feed her. As some one else said start her close to the time when both

of you are calm. Let her use you as a pacifier. She may not be getting

much milk but the sucking helps to build your milk supply as well.

From you signature I am guessing you are a Christian. Remember (and I

cannot currently think of the book, chapter & verse), but be anxious for

nothing, but in prayer and supplication let your request be made known

to God. (Paraphrase)

I hope this is helpful.




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> Fenugreek and blessed thistle are a couple of the herbs recommended for

> helping increasing your milk supply. There is an herbal tea called

> “Mothers Milk” which has these in it. It tried it once, but wasn’t

> desperate enough to try it again.

hah! I actually like it but quite honestly its herbal concentration

isn't enough to help; its main benefit is getting extra liquid in the


Lynn S.


Lynn Siprelle * web developer, writer, mama, fiber junky




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<<I am new to this list and have been reading all the many

posts and still don't understand what NT stands for. Edith>>

Somebody correct me if I am wrong. I am fairly new to this list too,

but I do believe NT stands for Nourshing Traditions. The title of a the

book by Sally Fallon that this group is based on.

HTH (Hope this helps)



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>There is 1 message in this issue.


>Topics in this digest:


>1. L8 - The control of legionella bacteria in water systems. Approved C

> From: Sharpe, Ian [DI]





>1. L8 - The control of legionella bacteria in water systems. Approved C

> Posted by: " Sharpe, Ian [DI] " Ian.Sharpe@...

> Date: Wed Nov 26, 2008 9:34 pm ((PST))






>Does anyone have an electronic copy of L8 The control of Legionella

>bacteria in water systems. Approved Code of Practice and guidance.




>I have a hard copy at home but need the info quite urgently.




>Thanks and Best Wishes








> --------------------------------------------------------------

>Ian Sharpe (b2b Rick Shepherd)

>H.S.E Advisor


>D-Island Installation Hook Up & Completions













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There are many good brands. There are several forms of both. You need to find the one that works best for you. I use Magnesium Oil from www.magneticclay.com (Ancient Minerals) I buy my selenium from either VRP.com or Biotics Research Se-Zyme.


Re: Digest Number 2700

What brand is the best selenium and magnesium to buy ?Thank you,lyn

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