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He's not autistic, but... book by Tenna Merchent

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from the book named above by author Tenna Merchent, interesting stuff:


Autism Releases and Herbs


Aluminum is always present with autism. Release it with the code

SFQU. After you have released it, test to see if the herb

bladderwrack is still needed. Bladderwrack is the most efficient herb

we know of that pulls aluminum from the body. Also test for the herbs

uva ursi and gotu cola, both are high in organic plant based

aluminum, which will help prevent picking up the bad aluminum. Uva

ursi is also a powerful antibiotic, is very good for the kidneys, and

helps prevent kidney stones1 which we often find in children with

autism. Kidney stones will make you miserable and crazy. Gotu kola

produces a very powerful nervous system, reduces brain fatigue, and

revitalizes worn out bodies. It cleans the blood and restores the

brain, it is also a poison antidote2. Check the mother for aluminum

too. Don't be surprised if it continues to surface on different



Release the vaccines. I've done this a couple of ways. You can

release them all at once, or, what I prefer to do is go in and

release each component of each shot. It's much more time consuming,

but I find that I get better results that way. Of course, no autistic

child should have any further vaccines. I recommend the DVD Vaccines:

What CDC Documents and Science Reveal starring Dr. Sherry Tenpenny.

I also advocate homeopathic detoxification of the vaccines.

If your child is vaccine injured, I encourage you to file a report

with http://vaers.hhs.gov/ if you haven't already done so.


The polarity is often reversed in children with autism. This means

the energy running through and around their bodies is running in the

reverse direction from what it is intended. It makes everything you

give them do the exact opposite of what it's supposed to do. Check

the polarity in both the thymus and the solar plexus. If it is

reversed, release it. If the polarity in the solar plexus is out, the

psoas muscle may be pulled and need to be released as well as the

solar plexus. If this turns out to be a chronic (ongoing, long term)

problem, test for the supplements evening primrose or chlorella to

correct it.


Check the pancreas, which always shows up as a problem with autistic

children. The shots make it so the pancreas can't release enzymes,

which in one of the contributing factors to needing the gf/cf diet.

My favorite way to address the lack of enzymes is to use papaya mints

(Nature's Sunshine) to support the digestion. They taste like candy,

provide digestive enzymes, and they calm the stomach.

Healing the Gut

Next we work on healing the gut of yeast and parasites. For this we

use Can-sol by Pure Herbs, two teaspoons a day for at least one

month, possibly for as long as six months. It contains greasewood,

purple loosestrife, and white pond lily. Can-sol is one of the best

remedies we have found to get the yeast under control. Pair that with

6 acidophilus to get the good bacteria back in the digestive system.

Flapping and stimming are normally caused by a yeast overgrowth. In

addition to the Can-sol, release these stimming behaviors.

To kill the parasites, we use one teaspoon of W-W every day for at

least a month. It contains mugwort, black walnut hulls, male fern,

pumpkin seeds3 and Cascara Sagrada4. The W-W will get rid of most of

the parasites.

It is important to keep sugar out of the diet as it feeds both yeast

and the parasites. Raw honey is a safe alternative, as is xylitol.

When cooking with honey, cut the amount called for sugar in half. Do

not use aspartame or any artificial sweeteners. They cause brain and

nerve damage5.

Once they are no longer testing positive for Can-sol and W-W, use

olive leaf extract every day for at least a month to get the last few

remaining parasites. Olive leaf is also a great immune builder that

fights viruses, bacteria, and fungal parasite problems.

Catnip is helpful for digestive pain and gas. It can be taken

internally, just a few drops on the tongue (5-20), or applied to the

abdomen and back6. Catnip has the exact opposite effect on humans as

it does cats. It helps us relax, acts as a sedative, and helps with


Zinc-copper Ratio

At the same time you can use scullcap to balance the zinc-to-copper

ratio. The other advantage of scullcap is it normalizes activity and

prevents hyperactivity. It helps with concentration, calms the nerves

and repairs the nervous system. Scullcap also helps with the insomnia

that is so common among autistic children, and it eases the physical

effects caused by stress8.

Zinc is a very common deficiency. It's the most common deficiency men

have. Zinc and copper have a relationship, so when one goes up, the

other goes down. What we typically see is toxic bio-unavailable

copper, meaning the body can't use it, and this pushes the zinc down.

So first we release the toxic bio-unavailable copper, then release

the zinc copper imbalance, and lastly release the zinc deficiency.

The herbs we use for this are scullcap to correct the zinc copper

balance, and the herbs marshmallow or golden bough (also called

mistletoe) to bring organic zinc back into the body.

Bi-polar and OCD

We often find bi-polar disorder in children with autism. It is

normally caused by trauma to the head. Release the damage to the

hypothalamus, and check for the release codes OGM, PDZQ and OTE.

We use cudweed with bi-polar as it contains a plant based form of

lithium, and does not have the dangerous side effects seen with the

prescription lithium. It helps correct the emotional torment and

abnormal behavior9.

We also use Vinca (also called periwinkle) for bi-polar. It is used

internally for cerebral circulatory impairment and support for the

metabolism of the brain10. It is also used internally for gastritis,

enteritis, and diarrhea11. It has been used for colitis, headaches,

migraines, and nervous conditions12.


Next you can begin testing for the following herbs and supplements;

B. & N.C.-W by Pure Herbs (it stands for Brain & Nerve Cocktail). In

contains alfalfa to clean and feed the pituitary, barberry for the

hypothalamus, chamomile for the pineal gland, gotu kola (no caffeine)

for the brain and memory, parsley for the involuntary nervous system,

and black walnut which cleans and corrects the nerve tissues13.

The herbal combination Broad Beans by Pure herbs. Broad beans are

loaded with vitamin A, B-1, B-2, B-3, B-5, B-12, B-15, B-17, niacin,

pantothenic acid, vitamins C and E. Children with autism normally

have a very depleted level of A and B vitamins. The pantothenic acid

is very important to their adrenal glands, which are always depleted

do to the constant stress they are under. And the vitamins C and E

help build their struggling immune systems. Broad beans also contain

chlorine (the healthy kind) that is essential to the production of

stomach acid, as well as many minerals such as calcium, iodine, iron,

magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, silicon, sodium, sulphur and zinc.

The beans are sprouted and then made into an extract so that all the

nutrients are easily absorbed14.

Wormseed helps with convulsions, epilepsy, pain on the side of the

head and helps with aphasia (uh-faze'-yuh), where a person can't

express themselves through speech or has a loss of verbal

comprehension. The wormseed is particularly good for children with

super-sensitive hearing and ear batting (which can also be caused by

the adrenal glands so check them too).

You will likely need to adjust their herbs as often as every week.

When Clay and I were sick, the supplements we tested for changed

every day.

B. & N.C.-W by Pure Herbs (stands for Brain & Nerve Cocktail),



food enzymes,

Heavy Metal Detox by Nature's Sunshine,


Papaya Mints by Nature's Sunshine,

PDA (Protein Digestive Aid),

Trace Minerals,


Check to see if folic acid was too low while in vitro. If so, release

it. Also check for and release genetically low folic acid. Then check

to make sure they can absorb folic acid.

If the child is experiencing constipation, test for Cascera Sagrada,

Vitamin C, and Magnesium.

Release the stimming behaviors.

Test for birth trauma and release.

Release the lack of communication within the brain. Visualize the

brain communicating effectively, picture it in six different

sections, then visualize each section communicating and connecting

with all the other sections.

Check to see if the mother has low thyroid. If it is release the

impact that had on the baby in utero. Then check the mother's thyroid

to see if it is calcified, genetically down, or simply needs

supplementation with a seaweed such as, kelp, dulse, bladderwrack or

Irish moss, all of which are high in plant based iodine. If the

thyroid is calcified or genetically down, release it.

Check to see if the egg which became the baby was not fully

developed, if it tests positive release the code O.Q.Q.

Test for mercury with vegetable glycerine and the code N.T.U.P.. Make

sure you get the vegetable glycerine at the health food store. It is

a very old poison remedy, and will also pull the mercury from the

body. One teaspoon a day until it no longer tests positive.

Test for lead with the herb horsetail and the release code U.U.J.U.K,

use the same amount of horsetail as with the vegetable glycerine.

The parents will need a lot of emotional support. Many of them have a

huge sense of quilt, and often anger. Bach flower remedies will help

a lot, I would start with Rescue Remedy for the whole family, then

test to see what others would help each family member. Explain to the

parents how important forgiveness is. They will need to forgive

themselves, the pediatricians, the pharmaceutical companies, anyone

that they blame for their child's illness. Click here for more

information on Bach flower remedies.




1Dr. A.B. , Herbal Extracts, Build Better Health with Liquid

Herbs (Berkly, Michigan, The Blue Goose Press, 2005), 234-235.

2Ibid 139

3Hanna Kroeger, Parasites The Enemy Within (Boulder CO, Hanna Kroeger

Publications, 1991), 60.

4Dr. A.B. , Supplement to the copyrighted work Herbal Extracts,

Build Better Health with Liquid Herbs (Berkly, Michigan, The Blue

Goose Press, 2005), 159.

5 " Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World " Directors Cori Brackett and J.T.

Waldron, Sound and Fury Productions, Inc., January 31, 2006, DVD.

6Ibid, 100-101.

7 Mark Pedersen, Nutritional Herbology, A Reference Guide to Herbs

(Warsaw, IN, Wendell W. Whitman Company), 65.

8Dr. A.B. , Herbal Extracts, Build Better Health with Liquid

Herbs (Berkly, Michigan, The Blue Goose Press, 2005), 212.

9Dr. A.B. , Supplement to the copyrighted work Herbal Extracts,

Build Better Health With Liquid Herbs (Berkly, Michigan, The Blue

Goose Press, 2005), 119.

10PDR for Herbal Medicine, Third Edition (Montvale, NJ, Thomson PDR),



12 Louise Tenney, M.H., Today's Herbal Health, The Essential

Reference Guide (Pleasant Grove, Utah, Woodland Publishing), 100.

13Dr. A.B. , Supplement to the copyrighted work Herbal

Extracts, Build Better Health With Liquid Herbs (Berkly, Michigan,

The Blue Goose Press, 2005), 80.

14Ibid, 81.

" This book has given me a sense of relief that someone else has gone

through what I have and come out of it with a happy and healthy

child. It also began my journey into alternative medicines, doctors,

and diets. I take my time making decisions that are best for my

children rather than going forth with anything a conventional MD

might recommend (especially if it involves just treating the symptoms

with any drug, prescription or over the counter). I research and

explore all possible options and I have learned how to pay attention

to the 'whole child'; meaning not only my children's physical signs

of discomfort, but the emotional and behavioral ones too. Everything

is connected; and so far, everything has been treatable through diet

and holistic avenues. I truly believe that the outcome would have

been very different if this book had not started me down the path

toward health. "

— Nicki di Filippo, Computer Teacher, Winthrop Middle School

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