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RE: OT: mold questions

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Carpets hold dust and pollen, and according to the industry they

actually trap it so it's not bothering you. Rather, if you had a bare

floor then all that dirt and dust etc. would be loose and flying around

the air and cause more problems. I don't know how carpet would hold

mold unless it's been washed and not dried properly. In this case, if

you really do have mold you could hire a professional company to come in

and wash the carpets with hot water and -ick- chemicals which would kill

all the germies in there. Then, you must make sure the carpet dries

properly, don't wash it on a steamy day. If you have A/C, crank it up

and dry that carpet out. If not, let the hot air dry it and use fans.

Some companies will use dry chemicals, but I don't know if that works as

well. It's less than $100 here to have most of your house

professionally cleaned. Call around, you might find a company who uses

safer stuff and less water. I'm not an expert though, I hope someone

else can chime in on this.

Do a web search and you'll find a TON of stuff on mold allergies.

Sorry, I don't have a good site that I know of.


OT: mold questions

Hi everyone,

I haven't posted much recently, so I'll recap my health issues. I've

had CFS for 11 years. I got sick in Kenya. I'd lived there for 2

years and had lots of problems w/parasites. Eventually, I just

collapsed w/fatigue. I've been eating strict NT for 2 years, but I

can't eat dairy (even raw & fermented). I also don't eat gluten. I

recently consulted with Tom Cowan and he believes my liver was

poisoned by all the anti-parasitic druge I took in Kenya. I've seen

very small improvement in my health even with the diet changes --

really, nothing to write home about.

When I came back from Kenya I moved back into my father's house as

I'm unable to work (and thus afford anywhere else). The carpeting

here is OLD and a lot of it is wall-to-wall shag. I'm pretty sure

there is mold in the carpet and within the past few weeks -- all of a

sudden -- I started having moderate-severe allergy symptoms while in

the house. Itchy throat, eyes, nose, sneezing, etc... My GUESS is

that somehow the mold has gotten worse and is at a level I can't


My questions:

1. Is there anyway to address this without removing the carpets? My

dad doesn't want to do this and he is skeptical that mold is a

problem and that removing them would help me. I should say that in

the past when I've been in a mold-free environment for a week or

more, my health has not improved.

2. Does anyone have any reputable info on the dangers of mold, or

mold allergies?

I need to do SOMETHING as it's clear by the constant throat-itching

during the past 2 weeks that something is really bothering me. I'd

like to move out, but that's not an option.

TIA for your help,

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you have my sympathy. if you're lucky this is an allergic

reaction to mildew, dust, mites, rot & such.

if it is mold you're not going to like this...

in short:

if you suspect it's mold GET OUT NOW

and stay out until you know.

do not underestimate this stuff.

there are several species (aspergillus, Stachybotrys, Penicillium,

Mucor, ect) that given suitable conditions (individual suseptibilty,

level of exposure(time/quanity)) will wipe you out, even chronically.

having been through it i assure you it's hideous. I went

from reasonably healthy to never having been so sick in my life

in a matter of days...3 years later i'm still not whole.

what you risk from continued exposure is adding the symptoms of

emphysema, MCS, loss of mental faculty, ect to your CFS...and

apparently to some degree it's permanent.

again, if you suspect it's mold GET OUT until you know.

being away from the environment may be the easiest way to

attribute cause...in my case it was nearly a month before

the worst symptoms began to abate. I should add, if you're

already sensitized you'll need to also be separate from

anything that's been exposed. yes, even your clothes. sorry.

you can kill the spores with an oxidizer (chlorine, ozone,...),

but it's the mycotoxins that do the damage...think toxic dump...

anything porous, let it go. hepa is no solution either they're

too small.

it may be under/in your carpet, tho' i'd think it likely

in a wall, under the floor, or in the HVAC system...anywhere

there's moisture & dust, cellulose, ect.

have someone track it down...it's fairly simple to take samples

& not so expensive ($30-40) to have a local lab culture a plate

....then you'll know.

'till then you'd be safer in a tent in the yard.

i'm not kidding.

i realize this seems alarmist, even having been through it i can

hardly believe it myself. let me say again, it's hideous.

there's bunches of writing on mold now, there's money in it.

it's a mess to sort what's real & what's BS, here's an easy

read by a physician who's also learned the hard way/


be good to yourself, better over-cautious & even greatly

inconvenienced than surprised by how badly you've been hurt.

i hope in your case it's just an allergen, but be sure...

it's not that hard to do.

if you have any questions feel free to mail me off-list.

good luck,


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> OT: mold questions



>I need to do SOMETHING as it's clear by the constant throat-itching

>during the past 2 weeks that something is really bothering me. I'd

>like to move out, but that's not an option.


>TIA for your help,



Hi ,

Nice to see you're still on the board :-) I bought an inexpensive mold kit a

year or two ago, but never got around to using it. I'm planning on moving

soon, so don't have any need for it. I'd be happy to send it to you, if you

like. Send me your addy offlist, if so. At least then, you could know for

sure whether you have a mold problem or not.

Suze Fisher

Lapdog Design, Inc.

Web Design & Development


Weston A. Price Foundation Chapter Leader, Mid Coast Maine



“The diet-heart idea (the idea that saturated fats and cholesterol cause

heart disease) is the greatest scientific deception of our times.” --

Mann, MD, former Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry at Vanderbilt

University, Tennessee; heart disease researcher.

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Sent this through the other night and groups bounced it then we had a



links protozoa to environmental disease. Wormwood suggested with some


Found olive leaf extract and Pau D'Arco to both be anti protozoan.

http://www.mold-survivor.com/index1.html has diet elimination along with



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You can try beating and vacuuming your mattress and pillow, and

getting those allergenic mattress and pillow covers, worked for my


What about just shampooing the carpet? Get a company that has a truck

mounted unit (WAY more powerful) to give it a real intense cleaning?

> Hi everyone,


> I haven't posted much recently, so I'll recap my health issues.


> had CFS for 11 years. I got sick in Kenya. I'd lived there for 2

> years and had lots of problems w/parasites. Eventually, I just

> collapsed w/fatigue. I've been eating strict NT for 2 years, but I

> can't eat dairy (even raw & fermented). I also don't eat gluten.


> recently consulted with Tom Cowan and he believes my liver was

> poisoned by all the anti-parasitic druge I took in Kenya. I've


> very small improvement in my health even with the diet changes --

> really, nothing to write home about.


> When I came back from Kenya I moved back into my father's house as

> I'm unable to work (and thus afford anywhere else). The carpeting

> here is OLD and a lot of it is wall-to-wall shag. I'm pretty sure

> there is mold in the carpet and within the past few weeks -- all of


> sudden -- I started having moderate-severe allergy symptoms while


> the house. Itchy throat, eyes, nose, sneezing, etc... My GUESS is

> that somehow the mold has gotten worse and is at a level I can't

> tolerate.


> My questions:

> 1. Is there anyway to address this without removing the carpets?


> dad doesn't want to do this and he is skeptical that mold is a

> problem and that removing them would help me. I should say that in

> the past when I've been in a mold-free environment for a week or

> more, my health has not improved.


> 2. Does anyone have any reputable info on the dangers of mold, or

> mold allergies?


> I need to do SOMETHING as it's clear by the constant throat-itching

> during the past 2 weeks that something is really bothering me. I'd

> like to move out, but that's not an option.


> TIA for your help,


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