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Re: Need your advice? HELP PLEASE!!!

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i think that lupus is not an unreasonable suspicion, given the symptoms.

they are definitely celiac-related symptoms, as well (and lupus is a

celiac-related disorder).

i have two lupus clients, and we've had tremendous success with the following:

- going completely gluten free (absolutely no cheating)

- also lactose/casein free (though i think that might be able to be

temporary. they do use grassfed ghee, which is casein free. one also uses

kefir made from raw milk)

- increasing coconut oil in the diet up to many tablespoons a day (work up

to this)

- absolutely, positively zero processed food, and strict adherence to NT


- herbal preparations as appropriate, including liver and kidney detox

- lots of natural probiotics (kimchi, kefir beer, rejuvenac)

- cod liver oil, butter oil

one also takes dr. ron schmidt's vitamins.

one fellow is doing so well that his hair is starting to grow back! :)

in your suggestions - they're pretty good. the raw nuts - i'd say *not*

walnuts, but yes almonds - just NOT raw. make sure he sprouts them instead.

the eggs don't so much need to be whole - more he needs the yolks.

the water recommendation ...i think it's a bit high, especially if he

hasn't normally done that. if he isn't a big water drinker, start him on

one quart a day (in particular let that be a good herbal tea instead, such

as nettle/dandelion leaf/red clover/calendula), and increase by a half

quart when it feels comfortable.


At 06:03 AM 9/16/2004, you wrote:

>I have a friend that approached me about his deteriating health and here are

>some of the symptoms: Night sweats(changes shirt twice a night!), Rash on

>back that itches uncontrollably, Fingertip pain only on Left hand, that

>feels similar to a needle sensation, Extreme fatigue, weight loss, Joint

>pain in shoulders, neck, and lower back that isn't muscular related. The

>doctors are looking for Lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. He has been cleared

>of Lymes Disease and Type 2 Diabetes.


>His diet is devoid of fat, high in sugars and refined processed foods and

>carbohydrates. He drinks fruit juices, cooks in vegetable oil and is

>deficiant in Omega 3's and EFA's. Here's what I suggested besides finding a

>qualified Holistic Health Practitioner: Eat only organic meats(Variety) and

>vegetables, eggs(whole), Raw nuts(Walnuts and pecans), Blueberries,

>Raspberries, Strawberries, Blackberries with the nuts for snacks. Animal

>product with every meal with atleast 1 cup of vegetables. Half his body

>weight in water along with cooking only in coconut oil and butter. NO boxed

>goods, NO Dairy and no hydrogenated oils. I also recommended Garden of Life

>Multi or Super Nutrition multi for men, Primal Defense Pro Biotic and a good

>quality Fish oil.


>Does anyone have any suggestions first of all on what this is? Could it be a

>food intolerance?Secondly, can anyone give me any of there advice on how

>they might handle this diet wise? Tests to recommend? Ever heard of these

>symptoms? How's my advice and did I leave anything out?


>Thanks for any advice! He is getting desperate.


>Matt Pack

>Impack Total Fitness


>NLC 1

>Miami, Florida







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He should be careful adding good fats back into his diet - don't

want to freak out the gallbladder - add them slowly. Maybe consider

eliminating grains.

I was in pretty bad health (somewhat similiar symptoms to your

friends)... mine was due to: mercury+candida+grains.

> How's my advice and did I leave anything out?

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Have they tested your friend for polymyalgia rheumatica? it's a strong

possibility given the symptoms.

check out the following -




From: Matt Pack <<I have a friend that approached me about his deteriating

health and here are some of the symptoms: Night sweats(changes shirt twice a

night!), Rash on back that itches uncontrollably, Fingertip pain only on

Left hand, that feels similar to a needle sensation, Extreme fatigue, weight

loss, Joint pain in shoulders, neck, and lower back that isn't muscular

related. The doctors are looking for Lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. He has

been cleared of Lymes Disease and Type 2 Diabetes.>>

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Well, of course I'll offer my usual! The pain in the fingers is really common,

also worrying (it means the nerves are getting damaged). Anyway, what

you are describing is pretty standard celiac stuff, so if the docs

haven't tested him, shame on them! You can give him the following



Symptoms vary from diarrhoea, weight loss, absorption problems, tired all the

time, bone pain, bloating, night sweats. Anaemia, and irritability. It is also

important to note that symptoms are not always gastrointestinal. However,

untreated, the long term chances of serious gastrointestinal disease is


If he has celiac, he won't absorb fats well at all, and he's at risk for gall

bladder problems, though he'd very likely feel better on the diet

you gave him if for no other reason than it avoids wheat! Also more

nutrients are good. But once it gets to the weight loss stage, the

digestion is shot to heck and the person usually needs easy to

digest food and enzyme supplements. The weight loss stage is

also kind of an " end game " scenario, if it is celiac, and he should get

help fast! Some folks end up in the hospital, weighing 90 lbs on

an IV drip and with a tentative diagnosis of gut cancer, before they finally

get diagnosed. (that happened to a person in our local group ... !).

I agree with Katja's diet ... coconut oil is about the easiest fat to

handle. Raw/undercooked meats are good too (lox is easy to

convince people to eat, or rarer steak).

BTW lupus and polymyalgia are also possibly gluten related, so he

may well have either or both and still be celiac:


Here is the list of the diseases linked to the gene that might respond to

restriction of gluten containing foods. My advice is that ANY patient with one

of the following diagnoses be taken off ALL grain and ALL dairy products until

their involvement is ruled out.

’s Disease

Autoimmune hemolytic anemia

Celiac disease

Childhood asthma

Chronic autoimmune hepatitis

Dermatitis herpetiformis

Grave’s disease

Insulin dependent (type 1) Diabetes mellitus

Lupus erythematosis

Myesthenia gravis

Pernicious anemia [100% also suffer total lack of stomach acid]

Polymyalgia rheumatica


Sjogren’s syndrome


Ulcerative colitis


Heidi Jean

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> I was in pretty bad health (somewhat similiar symptoms to your

> friends)... mine was due to: mercury+candida+grains.

Ooooo! I just had a brain flash. Mercury is put into vaccines as a

preservative, right? It's toxic, right? Toxic to what?

Microorganisms? Like good bacteria as well as bad ones? So maybe

the biggest harm it does is not just that it settles in your tissues

and doesn't go away, but that it kills off the good bacteria that we

don't know how to take care of.

So once you've got it in your system, it stays there, continuing to

kill off good bacteria--perhaps faster than bad bacteria?

No wonder the candida have a heyday. And the fungal contamination in

the grains finds a nice place to live--in us!

That NYT article " Putting Good Bacteria to Work " (

http://www.nytimes.com/2004/09/14/health/14brod.html?pagewanted=1 )

got me to thinking about it. How about this: If we knew more about

how to really cultivate the good bacteria in our bodies (by eating

more naturally lactofermented foods and/or taking probiotics?), it

sounds like a lot of ailments would go away. For example, they're

even saying that kidney stones might be caused by a deficiency of a

particular species of bacteria.

And could it be that gluten intolerance is due to inadequate good

bacteria in our digestive systems???? Look at cows: I just learned

that they don't produce hydrochloric acid. The bacteria in their

rumen digests their high-fiber, natural diet. They can adapt to a

grain-based diet, but it isn't good for them. They have digestive

distress for a while. And they stop producing the same high amounts

of things like CLA if you feed them grain even one time. CLA is

produced by the bacteria in the rumen. I guess those bacteria take a

big hit when grain is introduced.

Do they put mercury into cattle vaccinations??

(Feeling the effects of re-introducing coffee)


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That's fabulous that you have had such results with Lupus patients.

My dad has Lupus.

What I wouldn't give for him to listen to some of my recommendations

for diet and nutrition!



> >I have a friend that approached me about his deteriating health and

here are

> >some of the symptoms: Night sweats(changes shirt twice a night!),

Rash on

> >back that itches uncontrollably, Fingertip pain only on Left

hand, that

> >feels similar to a needle sensation, Extreme fatigue, weight loss,


> >pain in shoulders, neck, and lower back that isn't muscular

related. The

> >doctors are looking for Lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. He has been


> >of Lymes Disease and Type 2 Diabetes.

> >

> >His diet is devoid of fat, high in sugars and refined processed

foods and

> >carbohydrates. He drinks fruit juices, cooks in vegetable oil and is

> >deficiant in Omega 3's and EFA's. Here's what I suggested besides

finding a

> >qualified Holistic Health Practitioner: Eat only organic

meats(Variety) and

> >vegetables, eggs(whole), Raw nuts(Walnuts and pecans), Blueberries,

> >Raspberries, Strawberries, Blackberries with the nuts for snacks.


> >product with every meal with atleast 1 cup of vegetables. Half his body

> >weight in water along with cooking only in coconut oil and butter.

NO boxed

> >goods, NO Dairy and no hydrogenated oils. I also recommended Garden

of Life

> >Multi or Super Nutrition multi for men, Primal Defense Pro Biotic

and a good

> >quality Fish oil.

> >

> >Does anyone have any suggestions first of all on what this is?

Could it be a

> >food intolerance?Secondly, can anyone give me any of there advice

on how

> >they might handle this diet wise? Tests to recommend? Ever heard of


> >symptoms? How's my advice and did I leave anything out?

> >

> >Thanks for any advice! He is getting desperate.

> >

> >Matt Pack

> >Impack Total Fitness

> >CHEK !

> >NLC 1

> >Miami, Florida

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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At 04:51 PM 9/16/2004, you wrote:



>That's fabulous that you have had such results with Lupus patients.

>My dad has Lupus.


>What I wouldn't give for him to listen to some of my recommendations

>for diet and nutrition!





lupus is so hard, misunderstood, scary...i can't say that i entirely

understand it either, just that we're having luck. one of the fellows is a

good friend of mine, and the other is " just " a client - i didn't know him

beforehand. for my friend, he couldn't bring himself to get off the drugs

for quite some time - he was just too scared (the drugs take 6 months to

start working).

lots of sympathy!!


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