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Re: Re: Burning Fat for Energy- ATTN:

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Is there a particular book you would recommend on the metabolic/anabolic diet




slethnobotanist@... wrote:

On Tue, 24 Aug 2004 23:20:42 -0700 (PDT)

<dezinegal@...> wrote:


> I am seriously considering going on Dr. Berstein's diabetes control low

> carb diet(30g a day EVERY day indefinitley) to get the insanely perfect

> blood sugars he promises. However, being that I am already a skinny

> type 1 diabetic, could only stand to loose 10lbs of fat max, and would

> prefer to put on 15lbs of muscle, I am wondering how I will be able to

> prevent any weight loss if it starts? I do not want to end up looking

> like an emaciated ethiopian.


> ~


From my own personal experience with low carb and athletics, if you eat

LOTS of food you will put on muscle while simultaneously losing fat,

which is usually a hard thing to do. If you don't eat lots of food,

especially fat, you will be miserable. Not to mention that it takes at

least six months to effectively make the transition. Until then expect

fatigue until your body makes the switch.

However, if you don't work out all that intensely, your experience might

be different.

These days I prefer the Warrior Diet, but if I were to move back along

the low carb line I think I would do the metabolic/anabolic diet, where

you are very low carb all week and then completely reverse it for one or

two days on the weekend. Before your body has a chance to leave fat

burning mode because of the switch, you are already back to the low carb

regimen on monday. It is BY FAR my favorite way to low carb eat outside

of the WD, which may or may not be low carb depending on whether you pig

out like and myself, who are poster boys for FEASTING (no Suze -

we don't need your .02 at this point, lol!)

War, the God That Failed


" They told just the same,

That just because a tyrant has the might

By force of arms to murder men downright

And burn down house and home and leave all flat

They call the man a captain, just for that.

But since an outlaw with his little band

Cannot bring half such mischief on the land

Or be the cause of so much harm and grief,

He only earns the title of a thief. "

--Geoffrey Chaucer, The Manciple's Tale

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>if I were to move back along

>the low carb line I think I would do the metabolic/anabolic diet, where

>you are very low carb all week and then completely reverse it for one or

>two days on the weekend. Before your body has a chance to leave fat

>burning mode because of the switch, you are already back to the low carb

>regimen on monday.

All the evidence I've seen, as well as my own personal experience,

indicates that the body leaves fat-burning mode VERY quickly when you shift

from low-carbing to high-carbing. Alcohol, sugar and starch switch the

body from fat-burning to fat-storing very quickly. My suspicion is that

people who can cycle in this manner have little to no pressing need to

low-carb in the first place.


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