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Re: Re: Synthroid

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Holy Moly, Batman! That's really sick. Where did you

read that????


The Nazis used fluoride to subdue the prisoners in

concentration camps. What did fluoride do? It made them




I honestly think if

the real truth ever got out, like how many TRULY have thyroid disease

it would take over the news media. No one wants to hear there is an

epidemic in this country let alone all over the world. I have actually

wondered if there isn't a conspiracy to cover it all up as we (the

cattle) are so much easier led when hypo. Kinda makes ya wonder


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Holy Moly, Batman! That's really sick. Where did you

read that????


The Nazis used fluoride to subdue the prisoners in

concentration camps. What did fluoride do? It made them




I honestly think if

the real truth ever got out, like how many TRULY have thyroid disease

it would take over the news media. No one wants to hear there is an

epidemic in this country let alone all over the world. I have actually

wondered if there isn't a conspiracy to cover it all up as we (the

cattle) are so much easier led when hypo. Kinda makes ya wonder


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Good luck!

-----Original Message-----From: Courtenay Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2004 6:02 PMTo: Texas_Thyroid_Groups Subject: RE: Re: Synthroid

What it comes down to is that people don't want to be bothered with what does not concern them. It is much easier to ignore it than confront it. It's like mental illness-- people don't want to deal with the subject because they fear they have it.

As far as Oprah goes, a thyroid story is right up her alley. We just need to get past the gauntlet and appeal to her belief in helping others.



And Oprah doesn't think thyroid disease is serious enough to discuss on her show ... and many doctors think thyroid disease is easy to treat. How utterly sad. I lost an Aunt and a cousin to suicide. Looking back on it now, I wonder if it was somehow related to thyroid disease, as it is so prevalent in my family.

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Good luck!

-----Original Message-----From: Courtenay Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2004 6:02 PMTo: Texas_Thyroid_Groups Subject: RE: Re: Synthroid

What it comes down to is that people don't want to be bothered with what does not concern them. It is much easier to ignore it than confront it. It's like mental illness-- people don't want to deal with the subject because they fear they have it.

As far as Oprah goes, a thyroid story is right up her alley. We just need to get past the gauntlet and appeal to her belief in helping others.



And Oprah doesn't think thyroid disease is serious enough to discuss on her show ... and many doctors think thyroid disease is easy to treat. How utterly sad. I lost an Aunt and a cousin to suicide. Looking back on it now, I wonder if it was somehow related to thyroid disease, as it is so prevalent in my family.

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Good luck!

-----Original Message-----From: Courtenay Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2004 6:02 PMTo: Texas_Thyroid_Groups Subject: RE: Re: Synthroid

What it comes down to is that people don't want to be bothered with what does not concern them. It is much easier to ignore it than confront it. It's like mental illness-- people don't want to deal with the subject because they fear they have it.

As far as Oprah goes, a thyroid story is right up her alley. We just need to get past the gauntlet and appeal to her belief in helping others.



And Oprah doesn't think thyroid disease is serious enough to discuss on her show ... and many doctors think thyroid disease is easy to treat. How utterly sad. I lost an Aunt and a cousin to suicide. Looking back on it now, I wonder if it was somehow related to thyroid disease, as it is so prevalent in my family.

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The women's pharmacy is an option..thanks. I had heard of Dr. Mann but I think I checked to see if he took BCBS and he did not. I had heard about Garza..hadn't checked him out yet.

What do you all think about S.'s book ..The Thyroid Diet? Just another diet book or might it be helpful? -e-

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The women's pharmacy is an option..thanks. I had heard of Dr. Mann but I think I checked to see if he took BCBS and he did not. I had heard about Garza..hadn't checked him out yet.

What do you all think about S.'s book ..The Thyroid Diet? Just another diet book or might it be helpful? -e-

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Your family------You have to love yourself enough to do what is best for

you, even if they don't/won't understand. They may not want to understand

(selfishness), but they'll just have to go along with the program because

they can't stop it. I am very strong on this sort of thing.

Your doctor-----Scenario---- " Doctor, you told me in the beginning that you

would consider a more natural approach, but you're not fulfilling your

promise to me on that count. " If he is insistant on having his way, then

it's time to find another doctor, or you're just spinning your wheels,

waiting for something to change there. Meanwhile, you're feeling terrible,

when you could be feeling better.

Re: Synthroid

> Thank you so much. Your reply is very encouraging. This " process "

> has been very difficult. My dr. refuses to treat by sympton or use

> Armour Thryroid as even an option. He only treats by test

> results...even though when I sought him out he said he would consider

> a more natural approach.


> This condition has all kinds of symptons and he sends me in 20

> different directions including it must be in my head! I've tried to

> explain that I have lived with me for 47 years and understand

> myself. The fatigue, body aches, sore eyes, (my eye dr. that I've

> had for years indicates it could be the synthroid causing the

> swelling of the muscles around my eyes)which I didn't have this

> sympton until moving to synthroid are very difficult to deal with. Of

> course my dr. wants to send me to an eye specialist. Last time my

> eyes were this sore he reduced the dose of synthroid and they were

> fine again.


> My family doesn't understand any of this. They are always reminding

> me of my responsibilities and look at me cross-eyed when I don't

> fulfill their list of what I should be doing or used to be able to

> do.

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Your family------You have to love yourself enough to do what is best for

you, even if they don't/won't understand. They may not want to understand

(selfishness), but they'll just have to go along with the program because

they can't stop it. I am very strong on this sort of thing.

Your doctor-----Scenario---- " Doctor, you told me in the beginning that you

would consider a more natural approach, but you're not fulfilling your

promise to me on that count. " If he is insistant on having his way, then

it's time to find another doctor, or you're just spinning your wheels,

waiting for something to change there. Meanwhile, you're feeling terrible,

when you could be feeling better.

Re: Synthroid

> Thank you so much. Your reply is very encouraging. This " process "

> has been very difficult. My dr. refuses to treat by sympton or use

> Armour Thryroid as even an option. He only treats by test

> results...even though when I sought him out he said he would consider

> a more natural approach.


> This condition has all kinds of symptons and he sends me in 20

> different directions including it must be in my head! I've tried to

> explain that I have lived with me for 47 years and understand

> myself. The fatigue, body aches, sore eyes, (my eye dr. that I've

> had for years indicates it could be the synthroid causing the

> swelling of the muscles around my eyes)which I didn't have this

> sympton until moving to synthroid are very difficult to deal with. Of

> course my dr. wants to send me to an eye specialist. Last time my

> eyes were this sore he reduced the dose of synthroid and they were

> fine again.


> My family doesn't understand any of this. They are always reminding

> me of my responsibilities and look at me cross-eyed when I don't

> fulfill their list of what I should be doing or used to be able to

> do.

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You could have adrenal fatigue issues also. Many times, it comes first, before the thyroid problems. Sometimes afterward, being long and chronically hypo.

Re: Re: Synthroid

, can you give a detail on how you adjust your meds with body temp? The endo I saw yesterday bah-humbugged the body temp deal.

I am on SR-T3 37.5 mcg...can get my temp to 98.6 (after a month) but only in the afternoon/evening. Just checked my temp this a.m. 96.6...any suggestions?

"I haven't felt this good in years"...wow, can't wait to have those words coming out of my mouth! -e-

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You could have adrenal fatigue issues also. Many times, it comes first, before the thyroid problems. Sometimes afterward, being long and chronically hypo.

Re: Re: Synthroid

, can you give a detail on how you adjust your meds with body temp? The endo I saw yesterday bah-humbugged the body temp deal.

I am on SR-T3 37.5 mcg...can get my temp to 98.6 (after a month) but only in the afternoon/evening. Just checked my temp this a.m. 96.6...any suggestions?

"I haven't felt this good in years"...wow, can't wait to have those words coming out of my mouth! -e-

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There are some listed on our site in "Links" under pharmacies that don't need a prescription.

RE: Re: Synthroid

Where can you buy prescription drugs without a prescription?


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There are some listed on our site in "Links" under pharmacies that don't need a prescription.

RE: Re: Synthroid

Where can you buy prescription drugs without a prescription?


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The only adverse effect I had from that one was that the second 12 hr dose kept me awake, over and over, so I changed it to just taking the dose that you take when getting out of bed. It also doesn't have the weight gain features like some of the old ones and some of the new ones, new ones meaning the highly addictive SSRIs (Paxil, Prozac, Zoloft, Celexa, and others). The SSRIs also block the thyroid hormone from getting into the cells, and that is a well known fact at this time. Wellbutrin increases all 3 of the major substances for depression---norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine, dopamine being the different one here. The dopamine is the reason why it is prescribed for an attempt to quit smoking. Addicts, including heroin addicts are known to be unable to produce enough dopamine, so this is what perpetuates the habit, as these habits help increase dopamine in the brain, not to say that these habits are good for us, God forbid, but it is true. A short term try with Wellbutrin might be ok in some cases, but better to treat the thyreoid hormones.

RE: Re: Synthroid

Interesting! I took it for a month and didn’t have any adverse effects at all.

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The only adverse effect I had from that one was that the second 12 hr dose kept me awake, over and over, so I changed it to just taking the dose that you take when getting out of bed. It also doesn't have the weight gain features like some of the old ones and some of the new ones, new ones meaning the highly addictive SSRIs (Paxil, Prozac, Zoloft, Celexa, and others). The SSRIs also block the thyroid hormone from getting into the cells, and that is a well known fact at this time. Wellbutrin increases all 3 of the major substances for depression---norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine, dopamine being the different one here. The dopamine is the reason why it is prescribed for an attempt to quit smoking. Addicts, including heroin addicts are known to be unable to produce enough dopamine, so this is what perpetuates the habit, as these habits help increase dopamine in the brain, not to say that these habits are good for us, God forbid, but it is true. A short term try with Wellbutrin might be ok in some cases, but better to treat the thyreoid hormones.

RE: Re: Synthroid

Interesting! I took it for a month and didn’t have any adverse effects at all.

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The only adverse effect I had from that one was that the second 12 hr dose kept me awake, over and over, so I changed it to just taking the dose that you take when getting out of bed. It also doesn't have the weight gain features like some of the old ones and some of the new ones, new ones meaning the highly addictive SSRIs (Paxil, Prozac, Zoloft, Celexa, and others). The SSRIs also block the thyroid hormone from getting into the cells, and that is a well known fact at this time. Wellbutrin increases all 3 of the major substances for depression---norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine, dopamine being the different one here. The dopamine is the reason why it is prescribed for an attempt to quit smoking. Addicts, including heroin addicts are known to be unable to produce enough dopamine, so this is what perpetuates the habit, as these habits help increase dopamine in the brain, not to say that these habits are good for us, God forbid, but it is true. A short term try with Wellbutrin might be ok in some cases, but better to treat the thyreoid hormones.

RE: Re: Synthroid

Interesting! I took it for a month and didn’t have any adverse effects at all.

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It doesn't surprise me though. They gave speed to their

fighter pilots. In fact, they created crystal methamphetamine in

their own labs..

Karilee Shames told me about that. I do not have a

link handy. It was a converstion over lunch.



Holy Moly, Batman! That's really

sick. Where did you read that????


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It doesn't surprise me though. They gave speed to their

fighter pilots. In fact, they created crystal methamphetamine in

their own labs..

Karilee Shames told me about that. I do not have a

link handy. It was a converstion over lunch.



Holy Moly, Batman! That's really

sick. Where did you read that????


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