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Jim Fannin's Top 5 Tips for 2005

So, how can you get your mind "In The Zone" in 2005? Zone Coach Jim Fannin offers the following 5 tips to start your New Year right:


The 90-second rule

The Five-second rule

Become a palm tree when faced with adversity

Have Fun and Enjoy Framing Every performance has a beginning, middle and an end. Framing is the art of starting performances well prepared with focused energy and closing performances with positive actions and intentions.The champion, however, frames backwards. Knowing how you want to finish dictates how you start. See in your mind how you want the performance to close.Framing can be executed for the year. Start the first quarter of the year with a plan and deliver energy to your performances. Finish the year on your terms. Close the last three months with purpose and conviction. Months, weeks and days can all be framed like this.Make up your mind that you will wake up happy and go to bed happy. This is framing your days.Now frame your performances. Open a speech with purpose and enthusiasm while engaging the audience. Lastly, close the performance with the understanding of what you want the audience to think once they drive away alone in their car. Close with positive energy and enthusiasm.Two golfers shoot 73. One is happy and one is upset. The first golfer is playing poorly all day until the last three holes. Here three birdies in a row leave this person smiling. The other golfer is having the round of a lifetime. Until the last three holes. Three straight bogies leave a bad taste in his mouth with thoughts of shoulda', coulda' and woulda' lingering into the next day's performance. Open like a champion and close like a champion. Do this in your life and not just your sport. Say hello like you mean it and say goodbye with enthusiasm and high energy. Enter your office with a smile and a plan for the day. Greet your team with consistent positives. Leave your office with a positive mindset regardless of the outcome from your day. Go home positive with a smile. Framing. Start and finish all performances like a champion.The 90-second ruleIt works at the office, home or any place where you care about the occupants. The first 90-seconds upon seeing people that you care about-such as family and close friends-that you have been away from for at least two hours, has more impact than spending hours with them later. The next time you go home after an absence of two or more hours, prepare to give your family and/or friends your undivided attention. 90 seconds. That's all it takes to say with your attentive words and actions, "I love you?I need you?I missed you?I value you?I need you in my life." The Five-Second RuleTruly great performers execute the five-second rule-you are only as good as the five seconds immediately following every performance. Those first five seconds provide an opportunity to make a deposit or withdrawal from your bank account of Optimism. The key to sustaining a Zone state is not to go back into the past but to operate in the present. When you make an error or mistake in any endeavor, do one of the following immediately after the performance. Act like it didn't happen-no thought, no judgment, no acting like a victim. Replay the performance correctly in your mind (this is only good if time allows). You can also gather your energy for the next objective, target or performance. Lastly, make a deposit of positives by saying the desired results as if it is so. Become a palm tree when faced with adversityA palm tree reacts to a hurricane or violent storm (a.k.a. adversity) by bending with the wind to allow the negativity to pass through it. After the storm dissipates, the palm tree stands up straight to see another day of sunshine. An oak tree, on the other hand, braces itself and fights the 80-100 mph forces with all of its strength so as not to succumb to the force of the hurricane. With a mighty, but futile attempt, it is left with broken branches or a tree trunk. Most of the time a palm tree attitude works and the demeanor of an oak tree does not. By becoming aware of your true thoughts and feelings keeping both of these images in your mind, you will learn to control your actions and ultimately your results.Have Fun and EnjoyEnjoying challenges and competition is the mark of a peak performer. Champions look at adversity as an opportunity and so should you. If you have abnormal dreams, you must think in an abnormal way to reach them. For most people laughing, smiling and 24/7 enjoyment, especially during times of adversity, is not the norm. The true champion, however, delivers passion regardless of the conditions or circumstances.

VergelDirectorProgram for Wellness Restoration, PoWeRA 501 © 3 non profit national organizationpowerusa.orgsalvagetherapies.orgfaciawasting.orgDisclaimerThis information (and any accompanying printed material) is not intended to replace the attention or advice of a physician or other health care professional. Anyone who wishes to embark on any dietary, drug, exercise, or other lifestyle change intended to prevent or treat a specific disease or condition should first consult with and seek clearance from a qualified health care professional.

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