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Re: Study on Active Counterpositioning vs Orthotic Device

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I have read an abstract from that study. It is not referring to the

DOCband. It is referring to an orthotic helmet. Which to me is a

passive helmet. A passive helmet sits on the baby's head, eventually

the baby's head will grow into the shape of the helmet, round. The

DOCband and the STARband are active bands, meaning they actually

redirect the growth of head, through gentle pressure.

It is true that some baby's heads will round out, but who know which

ones? There is a group for parents of children with plagio that

went untreated. It is very sad to read their stories. Their

children's heads didn't round out. I opted to get my daughter a

DOCband. Maybe I did opt for the quick fix, but I know I will never

get 100% correction. It wasn't possible for me to reposition my

daughter due to her having torticollis. Maybe a study needs to be

done on repositioning vs helmets in babies with torticollis. Tort and

plagio go hand in hand. I think its something like 80+% of children

with plagio, have/had tort. There are so many studies out there,

stating how beneficial banding is. I think that maybe your doctor

needs to read some of the updated ones.


> Hi:


> Our periatrician who is skeptical about the efficacy of DOC Bands

> says that the latest study performed by an outside party shows that

> the band works only faster and not any better. The study was

> published in the Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2001 by

> P.T. loveday etal. Management time was 21.9 weeks with the helmet

> and 63.7 weeks with counterpositioning.


> Our ped says that most of the support for the helmet comes from the

> company itself and is often prescribed so that overly worried


> feel that they are doing something, although it is typically

> unnecessary except in the most severe cases.


> Please let me know if you can help with our confusion.


> Thanks

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I think I've read this study as well. I've heard Dr. 's name

mentioned in our group before as well as the Cranial Tech discussion

board. If memory serves me correct, Dr. is VERY opposed to

banding children, why, I'm not sure.

I can tell you that my daughter's head has not rounded much at all,

if any, since she graduated from her band 16 mos ago, she's now 32

mos old..

I often compare the use of these bands/helmets to braces for your

teeth. Most parents don't think twice about getting their child

braces to correct crooked teeth. What gets me so riled up here, and

I apologize for going off on a rant, is why are so many Drs opposed

to the use of these bands????? Seriously, many say " noone's head is

perfect " , etc.etc.etc.....well why don't they oppose braces for teeth

then? I mean really, they are pretty much the same with the

exception bands/helmets don't cause any pain to the baby, unlike the

discomfort teeth braces often cause.

The fact is, noone really knows IF the baby's head will in fact round

out on it's own over time. And for many of us, it's just not a risk

we are willing to take.

Does Dr. 's (isn't he from Yale?) study report how many cases

of plagio were not corrected over time w/o using a helmet (meaning

the plagio did not fully correct)?

I apologize for getting all worked up about this & I don't want to

confuse you any more than you already are, but I am just saddened to

hear of so many mis-informaed medical professionals still out there.

In the end, the ultimate to decision to band or not is yours & your

family's. This is a very tough decision to come to, but please know,

we'll support you 150% no matter which decision you make!!!!

Debbie Abby's mom DOCGrad



> > Hi:

> >

> > Our periatrician who is skeptical about the efficacy of DOC Bands

> > says that the latest study performed by an outside party shows


> > the band works only faster and not any better. The study was

> > published in the Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2001 by

> > P.T. loveday etal. Management time was 21.9 weeks with the


> > and 63.7 weeks with counterpositioning.

> >

> > Our ped says that most of the support for the helmet comes from


> > company itself and is often prescribed so that overly worried

> parents

> > feel that they are doing something, although it is typically

> > unnecessary except in the most severe cases.

> >

> > Please let me know if you can help with our confusion.

> >

> > Thanks

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