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There are a few different head pieces out there. At http://www.bio-medical.com/product_info.cfm?inventory__imodel=FLEXCAP there is a flex cap.


TLC training screens not opening in InfinitiHello,Has anyone working with Thought Tech. Infiniti noticed that a wholebunch of your TLC training screens (that came with the CD) do notopen? The error message just says it can't open them.This is true for maybe 30% of the screens I've tried in certainoft-used categories (within the realms of windowed squashes andwide-band inhibits, among others). I'm not talking about the DVD ones,I understand you need to put a DVD in to open those. These are regularold mandalas, etc.Wondering how to explore this problem further...Also, does anybody know how to select five NON-contiguous screens onthe list? Control, Shift, none of those work. The problem is, let'ssay that, in a list of five screens for one protocol that I'veselected, the second screen will not open. So, if I select screens 1-5for that protocol, all I get is an error message ("can't open [name ofsecond screen]) for that second screen; it won't open ANY of the five.So I can only open screen 1. Then after training with screen 1 I haveto go back to the menu of screens and select, say, screen numbers 3-5)Does this make sense? in other words, if one screen is screwed up (andtoo many of them seem to be), I can no longer select five screens to"load" for training because those broken screens are messing up my "list."Thanks for any help,Liz

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Neurofeedback in Queensland parliament tonight

Posted by: "Mark Darling Neurotherapy" markmarkdarlingneurotherapy markdarling2003

Mon Apr 28, 2008 6:42 pm (PDT)

Hi everyone,Just to keep you up-to-date ... neurofeedback will be introduced to stateparliament tonight. Ever since the Queensland Education Department cancelledmy school-based neurofeedback program over a year ago, I have been lobbyingto have it reintroduced. I only got the official letter about a month ago,which states that neurofeedback was cancelled for the following reasons:1. Neurofeedback is a treatment modality that is yet to be universallyaccepted as an empirically-validated practice within medical, psychological,or educational discourses;2. There is an absence of consistent evidence supporting the generaluse of neurofeedback; and3. There is an ongoing international controversy surrounding the use ofneurofeedback.I've sent a letter to the Education Minister, Rod Welford, addressing eachof those issues. The independent member for borough, Foley, hasjust sent me an e-mail saying he will raise the issue in the parliamenttonight and then start the lobbying process with his fellow members. Iwasn't expecting things to take this direction, but here we go! Foleylives in the district where the special school that won two awards for theneurofeedback program is located.The bizarre thing in my mind is that this is the department that firstawarded the school-based neurofeedback program with an Excellence inInnovation award, only to cancel the program two years later.The adventure continues ...Mark

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Re: Cygnet

Posted by: "karyn.tonyxtra (DOT) co.nz" karyn.tonyxtra (DOT) co.nz lookseenz

Mon Apr 28, 2008 9:38 pm (PDT)

Hi AllThankyou for the replies. The power of advertising I guess. Yes Pete I wouldbe interested in the online training to learn how to hook the designs up toSomaticCheers Tony-----Original Message-----From: braintrainer [mailto:braintrainer ] OnBehalf Of Merrifield, Ph.D.Sent: Monday, 28 April 2008 10:31 a.m.To: braintrainer Subject: Re: CygnetHi guys,I have a Neuroamp and Cygnet, so I'll just chime in with my humble opinionon what may be a clarifiaction for Tony. Cygnet is designed to run on theNeuroamp, period. It's the Othmers' way of providing a sofware interface tosupport their approach to training. I haven't heard any talk that Cygnetwill be supporting platforms other than Neuroamp. Now, it may be possibleto hijack Cygnet to work with the underlysing BioEra software, but if you doit by going through Cygnet, don't expect to get support from EEG Info forthis. The folks there are good to work with, but the primary agenda isexplicitly their very low frequency approach. If your agenda is to dootherwise you might be better off to just buy BioEra and tough out thelearning curve. Again, just my opinion. Good luck,-------------- Original message from <gmartinusfamily (DOT) net>:-------------- Pete, It is quite expensive given that it runs over Bioera which costs just$250.00.Tony,It's not true that Somatic Vision games require you to use only theirdesigns. You can set them up to work with any design. If there is enoughinterest, I'll do a one-hour workshop online on how to adapt designs forthese programs.Cygnet is apparently a shell that runs over BioReview. That's a great idea,but my understanding has been that it's pretty expensive and that currentlyit is limited to one main design.PeteOn Sat, Apr 26, 2008 at 5:20 PM, Tony <HYPERLINK"mailto:karyn.tonyxtra (DOT) co.nz"karyn.tonyxtra (DOT) -co.nz> wrote:Has anybody started using Cygnet yet it seems like a one stop shop, that is going to have on going support. Am not sure if it will have the flexibility to enable design changes etc. I am finding with somatic games you have to use their designs. With bioexplorer seemingly to be left to flounder by its creator. It does seem a cheaper option than just buying the games one by one. Your thoughts on the matter would be much apreciated.._-- Van DeusenHYPERLINK "mailto:pvdtlcgmail"pvdtlc@gmail-comHYPERLINK "http://www.brain-trainer.com/"http://www.brain--trainer.com305/433-3160The Learning Curve, Inc. HYPERLINK"mailto:georgemartinnorthstarneurofeedback"georgemartin@-northstarneurofe-edback.comwww.northstarneurof-eedback.com--- HYPERLINK "http://www.usfamily.net/mkt-freepromo.html"Get FREE HighSpeed Internet from USFamily.Net! ---No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG.Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 269.23.4 - Release Date: 4/23/2008 12:00a.m.No virus found in this outgoing message.Checked by AVG. Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 269.23.4 - Release Date: 4/23/2008 12:00a.m.

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I can only speak to how the TLC system works. You have the equipment. You have the protocols. But you don't have the central piece that links them together. The TLC Assessment is a free download from brain-trainer.com, with instructions and necessary files. The Training Plan service is also available on the website to turn the assessment into a training plan.

There are certainly training systems widely available that do what you are asking for: provide a " prescription " for a particular symptom. The TLC system doesn't do that. In fact, hopefully, most clinicians wouldn't do that either. If someone comes to a physician with enuresis that has developed over the past several years, wouldn't you hope the physician would gather a more complete history and physical and list of symptoms before deciding how to treat it?! Demos BAT system is a nice simple approach to the brain. I don't know if it takes into account things like coherence, or symmetry or relationships between sites in specific frequencies. If it works for you, then USE it. Look at your enuresis client or your nosophobia client and check out their BAT relationships and just follow the Demos system to train them.

My recommendation is very simple: Go ahead and try the WHOLE TLC system instead of picking a piece here and there. Especially try the most important, most central part: do an assessment and spend $175 to have it evaluated for signal quality, cleaned up of artifact if the quality level is acceptable, loaded into an assessment and analyzed into a training plan. Then you'll have 4-6 options actually to try which actually are based on the client's full symptom package, training goals and brain activation patterns. Each one will tell you where to put the electrodes and which protocol to use and how to use it. You might find that the signal you are recording has nothing to do with your client's brain. Or you might learn that you need to work a bit on helping the client control artifact. Best of all, you might find that, with that central hole in your system filled, you'd actually start getting some decent results with clients.

Of course in order to do an assessment--or train effectively--you'll need to be able to perform the 3 basic skills every effective brain trainer must master: You have to be able to find sites on the head quickly and accurately, you have to be able to place electrodes to get a good connection so you really read and train the brain signal and not just noise. And you need to be able to look at a signal in your software and recognize whether it is clean or not. You can buy headsets that may help you to find the sites more or less accurately--if you put them on properly. You can also get the TLC Skills Video on FInding Sites ($95) and spend some time actually learning how to do it. Even with headbands, though, if you don't get good electrode connections, then your training and assessment will be garbage. If you can't put them on your own head, get a friend or colleague or family member to help you. It does take some practice to do it well on yourself, but many people on this list have learned to do it.


Sorry folks, I do not participate actively to the group due to particular circumstances.

Also, I have not inolved actively in biofeedback practising at the moment but I'm just finished the arrangment of my little office in which I hope to offer my servise in cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy and biofeedback.

1. However, I always find myself searhing about neurofeedback issues....

Yesterday, I observed that some Bioexplorer flash such as pacman, boxes, braincats did not work properly while hyperpong works ok (on the same design). Has any any clue why that happens?

2. Also, I recently met a person who has troubles in nocturnal enuresis (she is about 47 years old and the last 5 years, every night goes to toilet 5-6 times a night). Has anybody has any clue about particular cites? Also, I would like to ask you particular sites regarding nosophobia...

3. Another issue I start considering is about protocols. I have a lot of TLC protocols but most of them have no any notes about, so it is difficult to guess how and what circumstances should be used (eg. balance, phase, pct traing, ratio.bxd etc). Has anybody has info about how theses TLC protocols they used?

4. Lastly, as I do not use QEEG I consider DEMOS rules (book: getting started with Biofeedback - BAT triad) as one of the ways to identify if there is a particular problem (apart from TLC assessment) to a given person. Has anybody any experience in using it?

5. As I have troubles to do my own neurofeedback to my self because of difficulties to identify the cites and clean them up from the hairs, I was searching on internet to find a helmet that I could adapt to my equipment but, alas, I could not find any. I wonder if someone of you had try to make a hand-made one, or if there is any cite on WWW where one could find useful info about making one...

..-- Van Deusenpvdtlc@...http://www.brain-trainer.com

305/433-3160The Learning Curve, Inc.

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