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Re: Adrenal support, anyone?

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This is my first time here and your post was perfect timing. I just

have to respond here.

I had asthma for 9 years, before I figured out I have a severe

hormonal problem called 's disease.

I took DHEA, a hormone made in the adrenals for several months (750

mg at the before I found a doc that knew how to help me). During the

time I took the DHEA my asthma disapeared.

It turned out, I learned later, that the DHEA was helping raises my

cortisol level (another adrenal hormone) and my testosterone levels

(adrenals make 25% testosterone in men).

The doc I see put my on hydrocortisone (4 times weaker than

prednisone per mg). After a month he decided hydro was not strong

enough so I was put on prednisolone (same as prednisone but much

easier on the liver).

My asthma is 99% gone. My doc and I don't figure on me having

anymore problems with asthma. I should mention that with the asthma

I had terrible allergy problems (mainly fall and spring, live in St.

Louis). Allergys did not hit last fall and so far have not hit this


I imagine you all are falling over.. let me explain. Cortisol when

deficient will cause hard to control asthma and when you have a

hormonal deficiency its never just one hormone, so turned out I was

also deficient in Dhea and two steps above my HDL cholesteral was low

(HDL Cholesterol-a hormone makes pregnenolone, which is made into

DHEA, which is made into cortisol, estrogen, testosterone and over a

hundred other hormones).

If you had a stressful event like a bad car accident

(after bad car accident I had PTSD which science has recently found

the cause to be low cortisol levels before and or after the stress of

the event),

months or even over a year before getting asthma and you never had

asthma before, here is probably what happened.

The stress of the event crashed your cortisol production. The asthma

stresses the adrenals, keeping cortisol low, which makes the asthma

continue and possibly get worse. During this time you can get sick

every day for months. I would get sick and as I was getting over it,

another virus would hit. The reason I got sick all the time is that

hormones help keep the immune system working good. Lower the

hormones, the immune system follows. If you get influenza and or

pnuemonia often then your adrenals are stressed out whether or not

the adrenals are the cause.

I don't care how you all got your asthma, asthma is stressful on the

adrenal glands hormone production, consider trying DHEA. Another

symptom of an adrenal insufficiency is IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).

I recommend you read these books before trying DHEA, never take

hormones or herbs without checking it out thoroughly.

" Dhea A Practical Guide " and " Pregnenolone " Ray Sahelian, M.D.

The DHEA Breakthrough Cherniske, M.S.

I also take Pregnenolone which some sourses say is better for women

to take instead of DHEA (women 5 - 10 mg, men 5- 15 mg)

Read this

Pregnenolone Natures Feel Good Hormone Ray Sahelian, M.D.

I mentioned that I took 750 mg daily of DHEA, the normal dose is 25 -

50 mg. Go slow, try 25 mg for a couple of weeks to get your body

adapted and go up higher (add 25 mg extra per week) until you feel

like you are getting a good benefit. Remember this is just a guide

and read the books I mentioned and look at the internet too.

I am on the 's board also.

I hoped this post benefited some of you.

in St. Louis

> Has anyone here used adrenal suppliments?

> Joan

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Guest guest


This is my first time here and your post was perfect timing. I just

have to respond here.

I had asthma for 9 years, before I figured out I have a severe

hormonal problem called 's disease.

I took DHEA, a hormone made in the adrenals for several months (750

mg at the before I found a doc that knew how to help me). During the

time I took the DHEA my asthma disapeared.

It turned out, I learned later, that the DHEA was helping raises my

cortisol level (another adrenal hormone) and my testosterone levels

(adrenals make 25% testosterone in men).

The doc I see put my on hydrocortisone (4 times weaker than

prednisone per mg). After a month he decided hydro was not strong

enough so I was put on prednisolone (same as prednisone but much

easier on the liver).

My asthma is 99% gone. My doc and I don't figure on me having

anymore problems with asthma. I should mention that with the asthma

I had terrible allergy problems (mainly fall and spring, live in St.

Louis). Allergys did not hit last fall and so far have not hit this


I imagine you all are falling over.. let me explain. Cortisol when

deficient will cause hard to control asthma and when you have a

hormonal deficiency its never just one hormone, so turned out I was

also deficient in Dhea and two steps above my HDL cholesteral was low

(HDL Cholesterol-a hormone makes pregnenolone, which is made into

DHEA, which is made into cortisol, estrogen, testosterone and over a

hundred other hormones).

If you had a stressful event like a bad car accident

(after bad car accident I had PTSD which science has recently found

the cause to be low cortisol levels before and or after the stress of

the event),

months or even over a year before getting asthma and you never had

asthma before, here is probably what happened.

The stress of the event crashed your cortisol production. The asthma

stresses the adrenals, keeping cortisol low, which makes the asthma

continue and possibly get worse. During this time you can get sick

every day for months. I would get sick and as I was getting over it,

another virus would hit. The reason I got sick all the time is that

hormones help keep the immune system working good. Lower the

hormones, the immune system follows. If you get influenza and or

pnuemonia often then your adrenals are stressed out whether or not

the adrenals are the cause.

I don't care how you all got your asthma, asthma is stressful on the

adrenal glands hormone production, consider trying DHEA. Another

symptom of an adrenal insufficiency is IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).

I recommend you read these books before trying DHEA, never take

hormones or herbs without checking it out thoroughly.

" Dhea A Practical Guide " and " Pregnenolone " Ray Sahelian, M.D.

The DHEA Breakthrough Cherniske, M.S.

I also take Pregnenolone which some sourses say is better for women

to take instead of DHEA (women 5 - 10 mg, men 5- 15 mg)

Read this

Pregnenolone Natures Feel Good Hormone Ray Sahelian, M.D.

I mentioned that I took 750 mg daily of DHEA, the normal dose is 25 -

50 mg. Go slow, try 25 mg for a couple of weeks to get your body

adapted and go up higher (add 25 mg extra per week) until you feel

like you are getting a good benefit. Remember this is just a guide

and read the books I mentioned and look at the internet too.

I am on the 's board also.

I hoped this post benefited some of you.

in St. Louis

> Has anyone here used adrenal suppliments?

> Joan

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Guest guest


This is my first time here and your post was perfect timing. I just

have to respond here.

I had asthma for 9 years, before I figured out I have a severe

hormonal problem called 's disease.

I took DHEA, a hormone made in the adrenals for several months (750

mg at the before I found a doc that knew how to help me). During the

time I took the DHEA my asthma disapeared.

It turned out, I learned later, that the DHEA was helping raises my

cortisol level (another adrenal hormone) and my testosterone levels

(adrenals make 25% testosterone in men).

The doc I see put my on hydrocortisone (4 times weaker than

prednisone per mg). After a month he decided hydro was not strong

enough so I was put on prednisolone (same as prednisone but much

easier on the liver).

My asthma is 99% gone. My doc and I don't figure on me having

anymore problems with asthma. I should mention that with the asthma

I had terrible allergy problems (mainly fall and spring, live in St.

Louis). Allergys did not hit last fall and so far have not hit this


I imagine you all are falling over.. let me explain. Cortisol when

deficient will cause hard to control asthma and when you have a

hormonal deficiency its never just one hormone, so turned out I was

also deficient in Dhea and two steps above my HDL cholesteral was low

(HDL Cholesterol-a hormone makes pregnenolone, which is made into

DHEA, which is made into cortisol, estrogen, testosterone and over a

hundred other hormones).

If you had a stressful event like a bad car accident

(after bad car accident I had PTSD which science has recently found

the cause to be low cortisol levels before and or after the stress of

the event),

months or even over a year before getting asthma and you never had

asthma before, here is probably what happened.

The stress of the event crashed your cortisol production. The asthma

stresses the adrenals, keeping cortisol low, which makes the asthma

continue and possibly get worse. During this time you can get sick

every day for months. I would get sick and as I was getting over it,

another virus would hit. The reason I got sick all the time is that

hormones help keep the immune system working good. Lower the

hormones, the immune system follows. If you get influenza and or

pnuemonia often then your adrenals are stressed out whether or not

the adrenals are the cause.

I don't care how you all got your asthma, asthma is stressful on the

adrenal glands hormone production, consider trying DHEA. Another

symptom of an adrenal insufficiency is IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).

I recommend you read these books before trying DHEA, never take

hormones or herbs without checking it out thoroughly.

" Dhea A Practical Guide " and " Pregnenolone " Ray Sahelian, M.D.

The DHEA Breakthrough Cherniske, M.S.

I also take Pregnenolone which some sourses say is better for women

to take instead of DHEA (women 5 - 10 mg, men 5- 15 mg)

Read this

Pregnenolone Natures Feel Good Hormone Ray Sahelian, M.D.

I mentioned that I took 750 mg daily of DHEA, the normal dose is 25 -

50 mg. Go slow, try 25 mg for a couple of weeks to get your body

adapted and go up higher (add 25 mg extra per week) until you feel

like you are getting a good benefit. Remember this is just a guide

and read the books I mentioned and look at the internet too.

I am on the 's board also.

I hoped this post benefited some of you.

in St. Louis

> Has anyone here used adrenal suppliments?

> Joan

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Guest guest

A caution about DHEA- for people with breast cancer history, or who have

fibrocystic breasts need to be careful taking DHEA..it may stimulate the growth

of breast lumps.

Be monitored by a doctor if you take this!

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Guest guest

A caution about DHEA- for people with breast cancer history, or who have

fibrocystic breasts need to be careful taking DHEA..it may stimulate the growth

of breast lumps.

Be monitored by a doctor if you take this!

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Guest guest

A caution about DHEA- for people with breast cancer history, or who have

fibrocystic breasts need to be careful taking DHEA..it may stimulate the growth

of breast lumps.

Be monitored by a doctor if you take this!

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Guest guest

Wonder if I'm having a low hormone prob since I'm having attacks

everyday again well at least it's not 12 times a day this time.




mother of Tomas-spinal bifida, hydrophaleus, sciolosis,

right ear deafness, epilepsy (Tonic-clonic, absence, complex partial,

simple partial, atonic, myoclonic), left-field blindness, tethered cord,

allergies, ezema, lazy eye, developmentally delayed

Anastasia-ezema, allergies, nosebleeds

-mild mental disability(MMD),ezema, allergies, asthma

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Guest guest

Wonder if I'm having a low hormone prob since I'm having attacks

everyday again well at least it's not 12 times a day this time.




mother of Tomas-spinal bifida, hydrophaleus, sciolosis,

right ear deafness, epilepsy (Tonic-clonic, absence, complex partial,

simple partial, atonic, myoclonic), left-field blindness, tethered cord,

allergies, ezema, lazy eye, developmentally delayed

Anastasia-ezema, allergies, nosebleeds

-mild mental disability(MMD),ezema, allergies, asthma

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Guest guest

I'm glad you asked that. Hormones (some hormones are

neurotransmitters) help your nervous system to work. You nervous

system makes your bowels work. If hormones are low the nerves will

miss fire. Instead of bowels moving like an earthworms body, the

movement is out of sync. I would imagine most people with IBS have

problems with arms and legs jumping, but I don't know this for sure.

It is definately worth trying DHEA for IBS as doctors say they don't

know whats wrong and my doctor didn't give my any meds for it.

In my earlier post about Severe Adrenal Suppresion, IBS was a huge

problem at the beginning for me. At the same time my arms and legs

were jumping all over the place, it was unreal.

in St. Louis

> > > Has anyone here used adrenal suppliments?

> > > Joan

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Guest guest

I'm glad you asked that. Hormones (some hormones are

neurotransmitters) help your nervous system to work. You nervous

system makes your bowels work. If hormones are low the nerves will

miss fire. Instead of bowels moving like an earthworms body, the

movement is out of sync. I would imagine most people with IBS have

problems with arms and legs jumping, but I don't know this for sure.

It is definately worth trying DHEA for IBS as doctors say they don't

know whats wrong and my doctor didn't give my any meds for it.

In my earlier post about Severe Adrenal Suppresion, IBS was a huge

problem at the beginning for me. At the same time my arms and legs

were jumping all over the place, it was unreal.

in St. Louis

> > > Has anyone here used adrenal suppliments?

> > > Joan

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Guest guest


I read all your posts and they didn't tell my anything except that

you are new to asthma. Did you have anything stressful happen to you

in the two years before your asthma started? (car accident,

bankruptsy, divorce, lost a loved one, etc).


> Wonder if I'm having a low hormone prob since I'm having attacks

> everyday again well at least it's not 12 times a day this time.


> HUGS!!!



> mother of Tomas-spinal bifida, hydrophaleus, sciolosis,

> right ear deafness, epilepsy (Tonic-clonic, absence, complex


> simple partial, atonic, myoclonic), left-field blindness, tethered


> allergies, ezema, lazy eye, developmentally delayed

> Anastasia-ezema, allergies, nosebleeds

> -mild mental disability(MMD),ezema, allergies, asthma

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Guest guest


I read all your posts and they didn't tell my anything except that

you are new to asthma. Did you have anything stressful happen to you

in the two years before your asthma started? (car accident,

bankruptsy, divorce, lost a loved one, etc).


> Wonder if I'm having a low hormone prob since I'm having attacks

> everyday again well at least it's not 12 times a day this time.


> HUGS!!!



> mother of Tomas-spinal bifida, hydrophaleus, sciolosis,

> right ear deafness, epilepsy (Tonic-clonic, absence, complex


> simple partial, atonic, myoclonic), left-field blindness, tethered


> allergies, ezema, lazy eye, developmentally delayed

> Anastasia-ezema, allergies, nosebleeds

> -mild mental disability(MMD),ezema, allergies, asthma

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Guest guest

Hi Chris: I have had lack of bowel responce and arms legs etc. jumping too! Think its hormones. Think I have dhea somewhgere in my boxes of remedies. Thanks for this advice.


Re: Adrenal support, anyone?

I'm glad you asked that. Hormones (some hormones are neurotransmitters) help your nervous system to work. You nervous system makes your bowels work. If hormones are low the nerves will miss fire. Instead of bowels moving like an earthworms body, the movement is out of sync. I would imagine most people with IBS have problems with arms and legs jumping, but I don't know this for sure.It is definately worth trying DHEA for IBS as doctors say they don't know whats wrong and my doctor didn't give my any meds for it.In my earlier post about Severe Adrenal Suppresion, IBS was a huge problem at the beginning for me. At the same time my arms and legs were jumping all over the place, it was unreal.in St. Louis> > > Has anyone here used adrenal suppliments?> > > Joan

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Guest guest

Hi Chris: I have had lack of bowel responce and arms legs etc. jumping too! Think its hormones. Think I have dhea somewhgere in my boxes of remedies. Thanks for this advice.


Re: Adrenal support, anyone?

I'm glad you asked that. Hormones (some hormones are neurotransmitters) help your nervous system to work. You nervous system makes your bowels work. If hormones are low the nerves will miss fire. Instead of bowels moving like an earthworms body, the movement is out of sync. I would imagine most people with IBS have problems with arms and legs jumping, but I don't know this for sure.It is definately worth trying DHEA for IBS as doctors say they don't know whats wrong and my doctor didn't give my any meds for it.In my earlier post about Severe Adrenal Suppresion, IBS was a huge problem at the beginning for me. At the same time my arms and legs were jumping all over the place, it was unreal.in St. Louis> > > Has anyone here used adrenal suppliments?> > > Joan

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I knew it (arm and leg thing). Don't give up if it takes more than

25 or 50 mg, you may have to do higher, wait a week before raising

dose each time. Take milk thistle (for liver health) with it as DHEA

is converted (sulfated) to DHEA-S in the liver and the conversion is

hard on the liver. Also I recommend finding a holistic or

environmental doc (ask first if they can help IBS sufferers). I use

an environmental doc for my 's disease and hypothyoid. I see

him next saturday. I'll ask him if he treats IBS successfully and if

he uses hormones for it or what.


> > > > Has anyone here used adrenal suppliments?

> > > > Joan




> --------------------------------------------------------------------



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I knew it (arm and leg thing). Don't give up if it takes more than

25 or 50 mg, you may have to do higher, wait a week before raising

dose each time. Take milk thistle (for liver health) with it as DHEA

is converted (sulfated) to DHEA-S in the liver and the conversion is

hard on the liver. Also I recommend finding a holistic or

environmental doc (ask first if they can help IBS sufferers). I use

an environmental doc for my 's disease and hypothyoid. I see

him next saturday. I'll ask him if he treats IBS successfully and if

he uses hormones for it or what.


> > > > Has anyone here used adrenal suppliments?

> > > > Joan




> --------------------------------------------------------------------



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Guest guest

I can't believe I forgot to give the warning, thanks for stepping in

(it was late, could not sleep), yes if you have the beginnings of a

cancer (including, but not limited to - prostate, breast, ovarian,

uterine) that has not been detected, the DHEA can cause it to grow

faster. It's is a really good idea to be screened first.



> A caution about DHEA- for people with breast cancer history, or who


> fibrocystic breasts need to be careful taking DHEA..it may

stimulate the growth

> of breast lumps.

> Be monitored by a doctor if you take this!

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Guest guest

I can't believe I forgot to give the warning, thanks for stepping in

(it was late, could not sleep), yes if you have the beginnings of a

cancer (including, but not limited to - prostate, breast, ovarian,

uterine) that has not been detected, the DHEA can cause it to grow

faster. It's is a really good idea to be screened first.



> A caution about DHEA- for people with breast cancer history, or who


> fibrocystic breasts need to be careful taking DHEA..it may

stimulate the growth

> of breast lumps.

> Be monitored by a doctor if you take this!

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Guest guest

I can't believe I forgot to give the warning, thanks for stepping in

(it was late, could not sleep), yes if you have the beginnings of a

cancer (including, but not limited to - prostate, breast, ovarian,

uterine) that has not been detected, the DHEA can cause it to grow

faster. It's is a really good idea to be screened first.



> A caution about DHEA- for people with breast cancer history, or who


> fibrocystic breasts need to be careful taking DHEA..it may

stimulate the growth

> of breast lumps.

> Be monitored by a doctor if you take this!

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Guest guest


I read all your posts and they didn't tell my anything except that

you are new to asthma.  Did you have anything stressful happen to you

in the  two years before your asthma started? (car accident,

bankruptsy, divorce, lost a loved one, etc).


Hi Chris!

Well let's see:

My father died. 10/03

My son had 2 surgeries and getting ready for another. 7/03, 10/03

Had a car accident. 5/03

Think that's all.




mother of Tomas-spinal bifida, hydrophaleus, sciolosis,

right ear deafness, epilepsy (Tonic-clonic, absence, complex partial,

simple partial, atonic, myoclonic), left-field blindness, tethered cord,

allergies, ezema, lazy eye, developmentally delayed

Anastasia-ezema, allergies, nosebleeds

-mild mental disability(MMD),ezema, allergies, asthma

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Guest guest


I read all your posts and they didn't tell my anything except that

you are new to asthma.  Did you have anything stressful happen to you

in the  two years before your asthma started? (car accident,

bankruptsy, divorce, lost a loved one, etc).


Oh that last one was just the past year.

8/02 son became epileptic

7/02 son had surgery

8/02 son had 2 more surgeries

let's see that's 7 episodes in the past 2 years.




mother of Tomas-spinal bifida, hydrophaleus, sciolosis,

right ear deafness, epilepsy (Tonic-clonic, absence, complex partial,

simple partial, atonic, myoclonic), left-field blindness, tethered cord,

allergies, ezema, lazy eye, developmentally delayed

Anastasia-ezema, allergies, nosebleeds

-mild mental disability(MMD),ezema, allergies, asthma

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Guest guest


I read all your posts and they didn't tell my anything except that

you are new to asthma.  Did you have anything stressful happen to you

in the  two years before your asthma started? (car accident,

bankruptsy, divorce, lost a loved one, etc).


Oh that last one was just the past year.

8/02 son became epileptic

7/02 son had surgery

8/02 son had 2 more surgeries

let's see that's 7 episodes in the past 2 years.




mother of Tomas-spinal bifida, hydrophaleus, sciolosis,

right ear deafness, epilepsy (Tonic-clonic, absence, complex partial,

simple partial, atonic, myoclonic), left-field blindness, tethered cord,

allergies, ezema, lazy eye, developmentally delayed

Anastasia-ezema, allergies, nosebleeds

-mild mental disability(MMD),ezema, allergies, asthma

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Guest guest


I read all your posts and they didn't tell my anything except that

you are new to asthma.  Did you have anything stressful happen to you

in the  two years before your asthma started? (car accident,

bankruptsy, divorce, lost a loved one, etc).


Oh that last one was just the past year.

8/02 son became epileptic

7/02 son had surgery

8/02 son had 2 more surgeries

let's see that's 7 episodes in the past 2 years.




mother of Tomas-spinal bifida, hydrophaleus, sciolosis,

right ear deafness, epilepsy (Tonic-clonic, absence, complex partial,

simple partial, atonic, myoclonic), left-field blindness, tethered cord,

allergies, ezema, lazy eye, developmentally delayed

Anastasia-ezema, allergies, nosebleeds

-mild mental disability(MMD),ezema, allergies, asthma

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I highly suspect that you have an adrenal insufficiency (low

cortisol - you were already stressed,car accident probably threw you

over)is the cause of your problem with asthma. Have you ever had

problems with Irritable Bowel sydrome or Post traumatic Stress from

the car accident? When did the asthma start?


> Hi,

> I read all your posts and they didn't tell my anything except that

> you are new to asthma.  Did you have anything stressful happen to


> in the  two years before your asthma started? (car accident,

> bankruptsy, divorce, lost a loved one, etc).

> Chris





> Oh that last one was just the past year.


> 8/02 son became epileptic

> 7/02 son had surgery

> 8/02 son had 2 more surgeries


> let's see that's 7 episodes in the past 2 years.


> HUGS!!!



> mother of Tomas-spinal bifida, hydrophaleus, sciolosis,

> right ear deafness, epilepsy (Tonic-clonic, absence, complex


> simple partial, atonic, myoclonic), left-field blindness, tethered


> allergies, ezema, lazy eye, developmentally delayed

> Anastasia-ezema, allergies, nosebleeds

> -mild mental disability(MMD),ezema, allergies, asthma

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