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The Infiniti Suite for TLC Assessment and The Integrated Neurofeedback Suite

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Francois Dupont

De :

Francois Dupont, Ph.D., C.Psych.

Envoyé : 2 juillet 2008 02:54

À : 'braintrainer '

Cc : Mark

Schwartz (projectmgr@...); Didier

Combatalade (research@...); Lawrence Klein

(lawrence@...); Hal Myers (hal@...); Marc Saab; FRANK DeGregorio (TECHSUPPORT@...)

Objet : The Infiniti Suite

for TLC Assessment and The Integrated Neurofeedback Suite

Hello everyone,

I’ll take a moment

of this Canada Day holiday to present an update regarding the Infiniti Suite

for TLC Assessment and Training.

In short, it is not

available in this format anymore.

It started as a

“patch” to allow doing the TLC assessment on the BioGraph Infiniti

platform (Nobody had the time to do it, so I did!).

Then, it became a BFE

Suite with scripted sessions that take you step by step to complete the

assessment, with written instructions and pictures directly on the screen as

you perform the assessment. It even shows you where to put the sensors next and

what to tell the person being assessed!

With new features from

BioGraph Infiniti version 3, I was able to create assessment scripts for 4 and

6 simultaneous EEG channels, with physiology sensors. In parallel, the TLC team

enhanced the TLC Assessment Excel file so it can now receive data from 18


Soon after the first

release of the Suite, due to popular demand, I added training screens. People

were asking for screens to apply Van Deusen’s training approach on

the Infiniti platform. I did it; and much more. Last year,

graciously suggested that the training aspect of the Suite should become a

suite of its own, given the personal direction I gave it and given the amount

of work that is required to create, and test in vivo these screens.

More recently, thanks to

the great new features from BioGraph Infiniti version 4, I was able to create a

totally new training suite, The Integrated Neurofeedback. First of all, the quality

of the audio feedback has improved a lot. All the training screens have been

made from scratch to include more simultaneous levels of feedback within a

given screen, as well as more (optional) inhibit and artefact bands in the

background, for security (see attachment for details). While this Suite

includes the classics inspired by the TLC approach, it is really a new Suite.

So, beginning July 1st,

2008, there are now 2 Suites as the result of this continuous work in progress:

- The Infiniti Suite for

TLC Assessment (TLC Suite), and

- The Integrated


These 2 Suites are

produced by the Biofeedback Foundation of Europe (www.bfe.org), a non-profit organization which was founded to promote a greater awareness of

biofeedback among health professionals and, through training workshops, educate

clinicians in the use of biofeedback techniques and technology. The BFE

supports the deployment of technology and training to establish teams of

clinicians and researchers to collect data in International Research &

Education Projects (IREP).

Each Suite costs $150

and can be bought at: www.bfe.org, www.brain-trainer.com or http://www3.sympatico.ca/fdupont-phd

(to support me!).

There are also 2 online training courses (6 hours

each) at $150 each. Consult www.bfe.org for

dates. Workshops will also be announced soon.

You can order now. The official date of release is

the ISNR 2008 conference (www.isnr.org).


information about the Infiniti Suite for TLC



assessment from Van Deusen provides multiple accurate pictures

of brain activation patterns that are practically oriented toward telling us

what and where to train. What differentiates the TLC is that it is easy to

do, with your regular encoder, fast to do, more focused on training than data,

and yet it gives the trainers data that is very consistent with what they learn

from QEEG's. The TLC assessment tool provides 10-18 channels of EEG data in

different views (histograms, head-maps, ratio and peak frequency data, variance

graphs, etc.), which allow you to compare eyes-closed, eyes-open and challenge

task activation patterns across the head. In contains a built-in system for

reviewing the data in a structured way focused on identifying highly effective

training strategies based on patterns and relationships between sites and

frequencies within the client’s own brain. These specific

relationships (identified and validated by QEEG pattern analysis) stand out in

the data and can be compared against the client’s training goals. These

lead more directly to training approaches.

The Infiniti Suite for TLC Assessment (TLC Suite) is a set of easy-to-run scripts, a feature unique to BioGraph

Infiniti, which can be used with 2, 4 and 6 EEG electrodes (with physiology

measures), and allow you to accurately run the three activities needed in the

TLC assessment: eyes closed, eyes open and a different task associated with the

electrode placements. After each activity you see the statistics for that

activity and you have the option to repeat it if something went wrong (like too

many artefacts), allowing you to record the data over again for that specific

activity. When you are ready to proceed with an activity, all you have to

do is press a key to continue. A status bar at the bottom of the screen lets

you know what is happening during the script. On-screen instructions

guide you through the assessment and help you find electrode placement and

instruct your client. Special screens are created to use with the automatic and

manual artefact rejection functions.

The TLC Suite is built

to facilitate the transfer of data recorded with the script to the TLC Excel

spreadsheet. Nonetheless, on its own the TLC Suite will give you many statistics,

including % power and many ratios, which you can use the way you want. For

example, you may decide to compare theta²/beta² ratio at Cz to norms found

elsewhere. You may also use the TLC Suite to create trend reports between pre

and post assessments from within BioGraph Infiniti.

It is essential to understand that, at this point in time, you need

to learn the INTERPRETATION of data collected during a TLC assessment, from Van Deusen

himself. This is a commercial agreement between Van Deusen and the

Biofeedback Foundation of Europe.

Please see attached file

for details about The Integrated Neurofeedback Suite.

Francois Dupont, Ph.D., C.Psych.

Clinical, health, and rehabilitation


Therapy, assessment, and consultation

Private practice



University of Ottawa; Health Services

100-100 Marie-Curie, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6N5 Canada

Tel.: ext. 500; Fax:

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