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RE: Maggie's getting the band

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My son is 5 months old and is having tubes put in today. We are getting fitted for a band next week. I haven't thought about there being a connection but I will ask the ENT today.

mom to Noah

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There has been great speculation that the 2 are connected. Several

moms here can testify to that!!!


tbi3655190@... wrote:

My son is 5 months

old and is having tubes put in today. We are getting

fitted for a band next week.

I haven't thought about there being a

connection but I will ask the ENT


mom to Noah

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Hi , This is gabby. I know it has been a while since I have posted, but we

are presently in helmet therapy(not doc). I just had to comment on the ears.

We just gor our ENT referral today. My a is on her fifth ear infection

since mid August. I would guess that we will wind up with tubes . Our

plastic surgeon, who is in charge of a's therapy told us that ear

infections are very common with plagio, especially in the ear of the flat

side. He said that the eustation(sp) tube is not formed as it should be in

babies with plagio, and to certainly visit the dr, when she gets a fever to

rule out ear infections. ( of course a has not had but one fevr with

hers, she just gets cranky and has trouble going down at night when her ears

hurt.) I believe that after treatment, the problem is not as prevalent.



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My other son Jarred (the one that doesn't have

plagio) had tubes put in his ears July 3rd. He is

now on his 2nd wicked ear infection since. I know

alot of people swear by them, but is not a cure all.

It will help drain the fluid, but the inner ear can

still get infected. There is a brand new vaccine on

the market called Prevnar just for ear infections. I

would suggest this before surgery. It is a series of

3 shot like hep b. Jarred has had only 1 of the

series so far. So hopefully by the time he has had

his 3rd, he won't get them anymore.

Just I would throw in my 2 cents, for what it's

worth! Good luck.......Jill

--- todd537@... wrote:

> Hi , This is gabby. I know it has been a while since

> I have posted, but we

> are presently in helmet therapy(not doc). I just

> had to comment on the ears.

> We just gor our ENT referral today. My a is on

> her fifth ear infection

> since mid August. I would guess that we will wind

> up with tubes . Our

> plastic surgeon, who is in charge of a's therapy

> told us that ear

> infections are very common with plagio, especially

> in the ear of the flat

> side. He said that the eustation(sp) tube is not

> formed as it should be in

> babies with plagio, and to certainly visit the dr,

> when she gets a fever to

> rule out ear infections. ( of course a has not

> had but one fevr with

> hers, she just gets cranky and has trouble going

> down at night when her ears

> hurt.) I believe that after treatment, the problem

> is not as prevalent.






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I am preparing my appeal for insurance and was told by the RN who heads

the plagio clinic that banding for plagio is only cosmetic, and

that correction wasn't medically necessary. . .and no known long term side

effects. (although they support correction for patients there) I

feel otherwise, naturally, and am continually in wonder about how

it could be considered only cosmetic. The cranio surgeon did write

me a letter for the appeal that I hope will be helpful--it is a well written

letter and encourages me to contact the state board of medical examiners

if my denial is not overturned. . . the fight goes on.

todd537@... wrote:

Hi , This is gabby. I know it has been a while since

I have posted, but we

are presently in helmet therapy(not doc). I just had to comment

on the ears.

We just gor our ENT referral today. My a is on her

fifth ear infection

since mid August. I would guess that we will wind up with tubes

.. Our

plastic surgeon, who is in charge of a's therapy told us that ear

infections are very common with plagio, especially in the ear of the


side. He said that the eustation(sp) tube is not formed as it

should be in

babies with plagio, and to certainly visit the dr, when she gets a

fever to

rule out ear infections. ( of course a has not had but one

fevr with

hers, she just gets cranky and has trouble going down at night when

her ears

hurt.) I believe that after treatment, the problem is not as





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Sorry to jump in but I wanted to add that my sister's baby (7 months) is also getting the vaccine. He's had one ear infection after another since he was 2 months old. I think he's had 2 of the shots and he's been taking an antibiotic as a preventative. So far so good! It's definitely worth looking into!!!

(Hunter's mom)

-----Original Message-----

From: Jill [sMTP:v2jb@...]

Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2000 7:06 AM


Subject: Re: Maggie's getting the band


My other son Jarred (the one that doesn't have

plagio) had tubes put in his ears July 3rd. He is

now on his 2nd wicked ear infection since. I know

alot of people swear by them, but is not a cure all.

It will help drain the fluid, but the inner ear can

still get infected. There is a brand new vaccine on

the market called Prevnar just for ear infections. I

would suggest this before surgery. It is a series of

3 shot like hep b. Jarred has had only 1 of the

series so far. So hopefully by the time he has had

his 3rd, he won't get them anymore.

Just I would throw in my 2 cents, for what it's

worth! Good luck.......Jill

--- todd537@... wrote:

> Hi , This is gabby. I know it has been a while since

> I have posted, but we

> are presently in helmet therapy(not doc). I just

> had to comment on the ears.

> We just gor our ENT referral today. My a is on

> her fifth ear infection

> since mid August. I would guess that we will wind

> up with tubes . Our

> plastic surgeon, who is in charge of a's therapy

> told us that ear

> infections are very common with plagio, especially

> in the ear of the flat

> side. He said that the eustation(sp) tube is not

> formed as it should be in

> babies with plagio, and to certainly visit the dr,

> when she gets a fever to

> rule out ear infections. ( of course a has not

> had but one fevr with

> hers, she just gets cranky and has trouble going

> down at night when her ears

> hurt.) I believe that after treatment, the problem

> is not as prevalent.






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hi jill

Thanks for your reply. a is getting that vaccine too. I certainly

hope it works too. You said your child is on his 2nd infection since July.

Did he have alot before the tubes? a is averaging one to two per month.

Thanks gabby

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Jarred used to have one after the other. With in a

week of being off an antibiotic it was back again!

The last one before the tubes lasted 6 weeks.

Like I said this is second one the tubes were put in

July 3rd. They seem to be more severe now, but less

in frequency. I don't want to go into this thinking

it will cure all your problems, like I did, because in

my case, it didn't. Although a majority of people DO

have great success with this....

Good Luck and please keep posted!


--- todd537@... wrote:

> hi jill

> Thanks for your reply. a is getting that

> vaccine too. I certainly

> hope it works too. You said your child is on his

> 2nd infection since July.

> Did he have alot before the tubes? a is

> averaging one to two per month.

> Thanks gabby



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