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The Prevention and Treatment of Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage

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Carruthers Posted:

The Prevention and Treatment of Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage.

Sports Med. 2008;38(6):483-503.

Howatson G, van Someren KA.

Conversely, there is unequivocal evidence that prior bouts of

eccentric exercise provide a protective effect against subsequent

bouts of potentially damaging exercise. Further research is warranted

to elucidate the most appropriate dose and frequency of interventions

to attenuate EIMD and if these interventions attenuate the adaptation

process. This will both clarify the efficacy of such strategies and

provide guidelines for evidence-based practice.

Casler writes:

Hi , good stuff and a topic I have looked at quite often.

I am wondering if anyone else finds it interesting that many who write about

DOMS and EIMD always suggest that " future bouts " provide a protective

effect. I find that suggestion NOT realistic. The mechanism is one of

simply adaptation to the stressor and not Protection from it. If you change

the exercises or routine you will again have a nice case of DOMS until the

adaptation to that different or greater stressor takes place.

In fact, since I train a little heavy (for me) I have DOMS/EIMD on more days

than not. (and have for the last 10 years) I don't seem to be getting that

promised protection LOL!!! I have the Torso, Hips Thighs and Calves today.

It also stands to reason that a stronger, more conditioned muscle is still

subject to DOMS/EIMD but at a higher load level. But continued bouts are

not prophylactic to all loads, only loads below the most recent adaptive


I guess it is much like saying an adequate intake of nutrients staves off

disease, but it just seems a little strange that it is termed a " protective

effect " .

Maybe I might say that it " increases resistance " to DOMS/EIMD, but does not

protect against it if the load is high enough.

Maybe I have too much time on my hands. I mean don't get me started on the

role of the eccentric action in all this.

Train Hard, Stay Hungry and seek DOMS, :)


TRI-VECTOR 3-D Force Systems

Century City, CA

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