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I have been thinking about this as Meyer (AS) sent me a series of emails that were addressed to him and me (old email address and I never got them). It was from a man in Canada who never mentioned being dx. with an ASD. His response to the writer was at the end. This man is clearly paranoid and writing advocates everywhere and posting his words on blogs as he always included a web link. 's response was to seek mental health services. I than shared a post that I shared on ASPIRES of a woman dx. with AS. My writer starts off good and makes some good points and than she starts to ramble and rant. was saying, look at the similarities in the writings although totally different facets of the diamond. Impaired theory of mind, organizational issues, etc., etc., etc.. Now keep in mind we were just discussing the writings of these two people and how we saw them. This is not a reflection on anyone else with AS nor does it mean or take on it was correct.

When I read the writings of the man in Canada I though of a cousin of mine and 2 words popped in to my head, "paranoid sychophrenic" often misdiagnosed and many times AS for some folks with a dash of other issues. Here is a man writing anyone and everyone with his thoughts they he believes are true. People are trying to kill him. He has written the paper naming the company and contacts, dates and times and HOW they were trying to do it. He wants justice. Lucky he is a man of little words unlike my writer who goes on and on. was talking about how he and others with AS write and can come across to those without AS and he made a good point, AS is considered by some a different way of thinking, but many times at the moment it comes across as delusional thinking and one has to be careful about being drawn into their web. As brilliant as some can be, some thoughts are out of sync with reality and they want everyone to think like they do and that just does not happen in most cases. Than there is the "knee jerk response" that we saw in some writers like and still deals with this. Immediately from the brain to the email with no filters.

My cousin is a good example. Home bound since High School with medical problems. I sent my Uncle some info on AS years ago and he thanked me but dismissed it. Doug emailed me a couple of years ago and I sent a copy to Lorelie and said, what do U think as she has had experience in the mental health field. Text book paranoid sychophrenic. But is it? He is very much like this man from Canada. Everyone is out to get him. The police and FBI have hidden cameras all over the house including the toilet. They want to put him away. The neighbors are plotting against hm. My Uncle passed away last year. He was a Corporate Attorney and Rabbi. Dough has 2 brothers who tell everyone, just ignore him. My mom was saying the family was concerned since my Uncles passing, my Aunt is starting to buy in to his delusions. I am sure like this writer Doug is all over the internet everywhere he can spreading his delusions asking for justice. Most folks probably just ignore him. I am sure over the years Doug probably has had every mental health label possible except the correct one and medication. My mom was saying he now looks like in his last years. The hair and nails, etc.

How far to you go to adapt is the question? If someone with AS is planted on the spectrum not open to change or anything that is outside how they view life, how far do you go? Maybe it depends on YOU. We are all different. YOU have to be getting something out of the relationship and the bottom line with me when I raised my kids was, it did not matter how far I would go to adapt but how far society will go. If they can not adapt that might mean no relationships or employment. Sinatra was one of the few men that could say, "it is my way or the highway," and get away with it due to his money and power. No two AS or NS folks are alike and every relationships has different components as we are all different. Some combinations seem to work better and others are toxic and end just like employment when you don't fit the picture that the administration or powers to be are looking for or feel it is a good fit.

What really is adapting? Anyone? Comments? Is it different for all of us? Is it a personal thing? When does one cross over in to what some consider delusional thinking? Many are praised for thinking out of the box. When does out of the box cross over in to delusional thoughts? When does NS cross over to AS? Anyone?

Just thinking out loud.

Happy New Year!

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