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AS Female + NT Male = Better than the reverse??

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Dear Princess:

I am not sure anyone can make a blanket statement that AS Female + NS Male is better or worse than a NT Female + AS Male. I think it depends on the combination and chemistry of the two parties involved and no 2 human beings are the same. With that said, some have reported that an AS female + NS male has worked better due to gender, cultural differences + the nature of some with AS. I live in the USA so my culture of my country might be different than others. I know several AS woman married to NS men that have wonderful relationships. Due to AS, they don't seem to place the emotional demands on their partner that many NT woman do. They are strong, independent and that can be very charming and attractive for some men. Not all AS woman are like this. I think it is case by case. Maybe it is just utilizing your strengths and finding a partner that works for YOU? It that is the case, neither label matters outside of trying to figure out why it works or does not work?????? I think we tend to get hung up on labels and should be looking more at behavior of why or why not the relationship is not working for one or both partners and what partners can do to improve it.

Just me. Others?

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