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This is SPAM - Re: Important : Interesting opportunities, worth exploring

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there was a similar spam message recently promoting some health goods/health store equipment. dont worry about sounding harsh. BE HARSH. i cant stand spammers. it is an intrusion in to this group, presumably one we have to tolerate. hfoisyca wrote: I googled pasgom.org and variants of this message have been posted innumerous open forums. Regardless of the good intent, first of all, wedon't use this forum to "promote" any special interest or group. Thisforum is for

discussion DIRECTLY to AS. Secondly this site promotes aparticular brand of religion and in this group we DO NOT PUSH onereligion over another. Sorry this sounds harsh, but this postconstitutes SPAM and is forbidden here. - Helen>> Important : Interesting opportunities, worth exploring > A few days ago, I discovered a web page that, I think, Ipersonally found very beneficial. I feel I should send it for thebenefit of interested members of this GROUP. You may click on:http://www.pasgom.org/Stores.html for more insight. If you also findit beneficial, you may copy this link and send to others.> Nka> > > ---------------------------------> Be a better friend,

newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.>

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Hi ,

You wrote:

> there was a similar spam message recently promoting some health

goods/health store equipment.

Yup! Saw it when I did my little Google search.

> dont worry about sounding harsh. BE HARSH. i cant stand spammers.

Thank you! I agree. However, I did want to give the benefit of the

doubt - at first. Maybe he was a new member who is a bit over zealous,

and doesn't understand the rules. But, upon further investigation I

found that this member didn't just " discover this web-page. " It's his

own personal web-site.

> it is an intrusion in to this group, presumably one we have to


Actually, no we don't. Here is the rule pertaining to promoting on

this list.

No Commercial Use.

Any use of information derived from ASPIRES is not to be used for

professional, commercial, or financial gain and is cause for immediate

termination. In addition, the ASPIRES listserv is not to be used for

selling or contacting possible purchasers of any item or service.

- taken from " Joining ASPIRES and list rules "


- Helen

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good call Helen, I looked, I agree with you 110%. jkzI googled pasgom.org and variants of this message have been posted innumerous open forums. Regardless of the good intent, first of all, wedon't use this forum to "promote" any special interest or group. Thisforum is for discussion DIRECTLY to AS. Secondly this site promotes aparticular brand of religion and in this group we DO NOT PUSH onereligion over another. Sorry this sounds harsh, but this postconstitutes SPAM and is forbidden here. - Helen>> Important : Interesting opportunities, worth exploring > A few days ago, I discovered a web page that, I think, Ipersonally found very beneficial. I feel I should send it for thebenefit of interested members of this GROUP. You may click on:http://www.pasgom.org/Stores.html for more insight. If you also findit beneficial, you may copy this link and send to others.> Nka> > > ---------------------------------> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.>

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