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Re: To Mo - Homeopathy, etc

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Hi Mo, The muscle testing you are describing is called kinesiology. You sound like you did very well with it for your first appointment. People are usually as awkward with it as someone on a first date and it can take a few sessions to get clear communication going. Sorry you had trouble with your flu shot. My homeopathic and MD (who moved FAR away many years ago - before I got pg - and left me feeling quite lost without her) always stressed that I never take flu shots. She said she had absolute faith in her ability to treat me successfully if I got the flu (and this was right after finishing cancer treatments, when I was very vulnerable), and someone with a sensitive immune system like mine should not aggrivate it with flu shots (or steroids or antibiotics unless ABSOLUTELY necessary). Since she is gone, I have never found another MD who knows herbs, nutrician and homeopathy along with it as she did. Now when I go to my medical appointments I feel like I'm

walking through a mine field. I hope you have good rapport with your new homeopath and that, by some miracle, you can find an MD who respects her and works along with her!! I got a fair amount of training in kinesiology when I trained for something called One Brain Integration. I LOVE it. I think of it as a way humans can ask for guidance from overlighting energies and get answers in a manner more grounded and trustworthy than waiting for hearing voices or getting visions. It is avery efficient way to get answers and it is extremely well suited for health issues (whether they be physical or emotional - and usually those are two sides of the same coin). I tried a few types of therapy in efforts to heal the scars of being raised by alcoholics. One Brain cut right through my mind games and resistance to the truth. So i trust that it can do likewise with medical issues. I used to have regular sessions on an exchange basis with another One Brain

student who completed the class after mine. It has been years since I had a practioner to work with and I miss it terribly. I test myself for things almost every day, but I sure trust the process better when someone else is doing it. I gather that we all drive our doctors crazy because they don't know what to with us, and we get so frustrated in our desperate pain and immobility. Can you imagine the reaction I draw when I add to this by agreeing or disagreeing with their recommendations based on my muscle testing? You may know how authoritative and superior some doctors can be when they prescribe things. I don't think they are very used to being questioned or challenged by patients. I look them straight in the eye and say, "yes" or "no" to their orders and tell them my reasoning is based on muscle testing. They think I'm from another planet (and my children and husbands have thought so too, more than once). Well, with the treatments being

worse than the diseases so often, and especially with rare issues that MDs have few if any answers for -- why should I trust an MD more than I trust my tailor made higher power? Since we are seeming to be comfortable being perfectically frank with each other on indelicate matters............ My current resident in medical clinic only goes by the numbers on my lab results and will listen to nothing I have to say about my symptoms. I had terrible pain and bleeding with hemorrhoids. She didn't want to hear about it. I was concerned that it might be related to pg. Months would go by between clinic appointments. I would bring it up again and ask for a rectal exam. Resistance. She finally did order a hemocult (or whatever the test is called when you dab feces on a slide for a few days). I made sure to do it when there was plenty of blood. Well, my next appointment she told me I didn't have any problem. I told her I had

terrible pain, that the whole issue was getting much more severe since I started taking pain meds. I tell her there is so much blood that I have to wear sanitary napkins. She looks me straight in the face and tells me the test says there is no blood and if there was, it would show up in the test. She feels the same way about blood tests as an effective cancer screening. I tell her she places way too much faith in numbers from test results. I tell her I had a lymphoma one third the size of my left lung twelve years ago and my blood work said I was cancer free. She looks at me like a deer caught in the headlights. So, what the hell do I have to loose by comforting myself with muscle testing in the face of such scientific maddness? I know muscle testing is about me as a unique individual, and specifically about present time. And it takes in all factors, physical, emotional and mental. And you can throw absolutely anything into the question. Any treatment option from any

field, and any underlying condition issues. The field of options is not limited to any speciality. And the magic homeopathic pills show results, or not so rapidly. No toxic side effects. No being told that you have to try them for weeks before you can see if they are working or not. Now the herbs and zinc, omegas, etc are different. You can have harmful effects and interactions with those. But homeopathic remedies are pretty darn safe when monitored by a professional. AND talk about sustainability!!!!!!!! How ecologically correct and affordable can medicine possibly get. Did your homeopath seach you about using the "magic" pills in water and adjusting the dose by successions? So fun reading about you Brits discovering each other!! Tina pg '04Maureen Frostick wrote: Hi Musi, no you're not far away at all. I saw a homeopath this evening. She's given me all sorts of magic pills to take, including one to deal with harmful effects a flu vaccine I had in October may have had and one to boost my immunity against viruses. I have never tried homeopathy before and found it extremely strange. She asked me questions and then I lay on a coach and she pulled my arm out to the side, whilst telling me to try and resist her pulling. Sometimes she would put her other hand elsewhere on my body and other times she would lay small bottles of liquid or substances like zinc or flu vaccine on my

chest while she was doing the pulling. When i couldn't resist her pulling, she would put that bottle aside and that helped her decide what remedies I needed. The treatment she was doing was called something kinetic therapy. I start her magic pills on Wednesday so will let you know what happens. She also told me I need to get more omega 3, 6, zinc and b12.I also had to see a nurse today at the surgery to tell her I couldn't continue with my Naproxen or hydrochloroquine as I had blood in my poo (sorry to be crude but I can't think how else to say it). She said I was right to stop but that I don't need anything to fix my stomach it will heal alone. I'm wondering if that's right or not but she did say to go back if things hadn't changed in two days so I guess I'll survive till then. I don't think my consultant will be impressed that I'm not taking what he's prescribed but I'm not giving myself an illness that's worse

than the one I've got to please him. My pain has subsided a lot and I'm hoping to go back to work next week part-time, although I'm still anxious that the stress I suffer there at times will cause the problem again. I'm going to take up meditation classes in the hope that it will help me with my stress as I'm sure in my case this is a major trigger of the EN.Take care everyone.loveMox>> Dear Maureen> You are not alone in the UK, I am in East Midlands and have had EN since May 2005 although it was diagnosed 4 months later. I never took steroids but just co-drydamol (hope am spelling it correctly) and it helped a lot. Up to now I take the same when the legs are painful. My EN came with Sarcodiasis. At the moment it comes and

goes.> > Nice to hear that there is someone so close as well - Cambridge and Leicester arent that far really.> best wishes> Love and Light> Musi> > > ---------------------------------> Sent from Yahoo! & #45; a smarter inbox.>

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Hi Mo and Tina,

<<had a lymphoma one third the size of my left lung twelve years ago

and my blood work said I was cancer free.>>

Same with my Cousin Frances who had lymphoma in her groin, and a tumor

in her pelvis. The bloods were fine. So she was still worried when the

bloods came out fine after the radiation, but last week her ob/gyn

said he no longer felt a tumor [he was the one who originally

discovered it and the enlarged lymph nodes in her groin]. In a few

months she gets MRI's etc and then we can find out if she is cancer

free. She feels great!

How can you see blood in the stool and the test not show it? Maybe the

chemicals used to test the sample did not work. The tests they do now

have you put a piece of test paper in the toilet after you go and if

there is any blood the paper turns colors. You then test the papers

and the water separately to be sure the results are accurate. You see

the result within 2 minutes.


idio. EN '68

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