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effects of exertion, possible trigger

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We have recently had some postings speculating about exertion being a

possible trigger.

I have pg. I get inappropriate neutrifilic (sp?) infiltration. my

body's immune system sends in fighter cells through my circulatory

system/s (Lymph and blood, I surmise) and they go to work on my


I agreed with the observations that times of active eruptions might

be occurring during the times when I am on my feet, doing heavy


I am still praying that the new sore at my surgery site (12/14/07

biopsy in my lower armpit) is a normal infection, and not a new pg

lesion. Whatever. I am here to report that it definitely seems to be

related to exertion. I not been using my wheelchair since the surgery

unless someone else pushed me. My surgery wound was too painful to

allow it. I mostly just avoided going anywhere (like shopping), and I

was blessed by the good fortune that my ankle wounds were healing

enough to allow reasonable, limited walking (around the house and

into Wound Care appts). But last week, I was feeling better enough

under my arm, and my ankle was feeling worse for wear enough (and I

was motivated enough by needing food and the temptation of clothing

sales -- I only had a few pairs of socks which fit over my ankle

bandages without really hurting) and I was getting cabin fever. So I

went on some shopping trips and used my wheel chair. The surgery site

under my arm did not appreciate the exsertion one bit. I now have a

bubble a bit bigger that my thumbnail at one end of the incision

scar. I am hoping it is not pg. It isn't dark purple and it isn't

anywhere near as painful as pg, so I'm pretty sure it is just

irritation from those stitches that are supposed to dissolve but sure

don't seem to be in any hurry.

Anyway, the bottom line is that my ankle got more new active areas at

the edges of the healing pg sites when i was walking and standing

much more while not using the wheelchair. (I posted before that the

WC doc said the dried-on dressing was pulling the fragile tissue

since I can't avoid mobility at the ankle.) And my arm pit surgery

site difinitely got worse when I started the exertion of using the


So, I agree with 's frequent postings about bed rest. (Bad

news for a hyperactive, perfectionist person such as myself.)


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