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This weekend: Healing through Storytelling workshop (2/15-17/08)

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The Theater of the Oppressed Laboratory (TOPLAB)

451 West Street *

New York, New York 10014



* travel directions appended below

The Theater of the Oppressed Laboratory (TOPLAB)

founded in 1990


De-masking Stereotypes: An Approach to Healing through Storytelling

a three-day workshop

Friday, February 15, 2008 from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm,

Saturday, February 16 from 9:30 am to 6:00 pm, and

Sunday, February 17 from 9:30 am to 6:00 pm

facilitated by Potri Ranka Manis

A practical workshop on the o Freire methodology as applied and

experienced within the historical context of the social and political

struggles against oppression in the Philippines.

Potri Ranka Manis is a registered nurse and a member of and facilitator

with the Theater of the Oppressed Laboratory. She is also the Artistic

Director of Kinding Sindaw (http://www.kindingsindaw.org), a Filipino

indigenous dance, drama and martial arts ensemble. She created and

choreographed several Kinding Sindaw dance dramas and has trained since

childhood in all the traditional dance, music, and martial art forms of

the Maranao people of the Philippines. She is an award winning poet and

playwright, and has performed throughout the Philippines, Middle East,

Hong Kong and the United States.

Tuition--sliding scale: $110-$165

To pre-register, please send an email to toplab@... to let us know

that you will be attending. Include a short statement about yourself and

why you are interested in this workshop. You can also sign up online at



Other Upcoming Events

++March 8-9: Forum Theater, focusing on gender oppression; facilitators to

be announced

++March 29: Body Interviewing, Body Sculpting; workshop facilitated by

Gail Burton

++March 29: Along These Shores; performed by Gail Burton

++April 12-13: Advanced Techniques for Facilitating Image Theater;

facilitators to be announced

++May 12-17: Two workshops facilitated by Augusto Boal and n Boal


Travel Directions

The Brecht Forum is at 451 West Street (West Side Highway) in Manhattan,

between Bank and Bethune Streets, 1-1/2 blocks north of West 11 Street.

IND Eighth Avenue A, C, or E train to 14 Street or BMT Canarsie L train to

8 Avenue (take a few minutes to look at " Life Underground " , Tom Otterness'

series of whimsical bronze sculptures scattered throughout both sections

of the station); walk down 8 Avenue to Bank Street, turn right, walk west

to West Street, turn right.

IRT Seventh Avenue 1, 2, or 3 train to 14 Street; get off at south end of

station, walk west on 12 Street to 8 Avenue, left to Bank Street, turn

right, walk west to West Street, turn right.

New Jersey PATH train to Street; walk north on Greenwich

Street to Bank Street, left to West Street, turn right.

#8 bus to West Street; walk up West Street to 451.

#11, #14A or #20 bus to Abingdon Square; walk west on Bank Street to West

Street, turn right.

#14D bus to 8 Avenue and 14 Street, walk down 8 Avenue to Bank Street,

turn right, walk west to West Street, turn right.


The Theater of the Oppressed Laboratory (TOPLAB)



" My fellow Americans, major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the

battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed. "

-- W. Bush, May 1, 2003

" ...I told the American people that the road ahead would be difficult, and

that we would prevail. Well, it has been difficult--and we are

prevailing. "

-- W. Bush, June 28, 2005

" Our cause in Iraq is noble and necessary....America is engaged in a new

struggle that will set the course for a new century. We can and we will

prevail. "

-- W. Bush, January 10, 2007

" Prevailing in Iraq is not going to be easy. "

-- W. Bush, March 19, 2007

+U.S. military fatalities through May 1, 2003: 140

+U.S. military fatalities through June 28, 2005: 1743

+U.S. military fatalities through January 10, 2007: 3017

+U.S. military fatalities through March 19, 2007: 3217

+U.S. military fatalities as of February 13, 2008: 3960 (this figure

exceeds the number of people killed in all of the incidents that occurred

on September 11, 2001)

+Iraqi deaths due to the US invasion, as of September 2004 (estimated by

The Lancet): 100,000+

+Iraqi deaths due to the US invasion, as of July 2006 (estimated by The

Lancet): 654,965

+Iraqi deaths due to the US invasion, as of February 13, 2008 (estimated

by Just Foreign Policy): 1,173,743*

*These figures are based on the number of deaths estimated in The Lancet

(the British medical journal) study through July 2006, and then updated

based " on how quickly deaths are mounting in Iraq " . To do that, Just

Foreign Policy multiplies The Lancet figure as of July 2006 by the ratio

of current deaths reported by Iraq Body Count (IBC), divided by IBC deaths

as of July 1, 2006. The IBC numbers, considerably lower than those cited

by The Lancet, Opinion Research Business (a British polling firm which

estimated 1.2 million Iraqi deaths as of September 2007), and even the

Iraq Ministry of Health, are based on the number of fatalities cited in

various news reports and have been criticized, with much justification,

for not giving an accurate assessment of the real Iraqi death count. The

much more rigorous and statistically-reliable study, conducted by teams

from s Hopkins University, Columbia University and Al-Mustansiriya

University, and published in The Lancet in September 2004, put the figure

at around 100,000 civilians dead. However, that data had been based on

" conservative assumptions " , according to research team leader Les ,

and the actual count at that time was credibly assumed to be significantly

higher. For example, The Lancet study's data greatly underestimated

fatalities in Fallujah due to the surveying problems encountered there at

that time. The second Lancet study, released on October 10, 2006,

indicated that 654,965 " excess " deaths of Iraqis have occurred since the

outbreak of the aggression and genocide committed by the United States

against the people of Iraq. The current figures provided by Just Foreign

Policy seem to be logically consistent with the increasing rates of death

from 2003 to 2004, and 2004 to 2006.

Sources: http://www.justforeignpolicy.org/iraq/iraqdeaths.html









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