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second band

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hi everyone...happy thanksgiving.just wanted to share with you my

concerns for olivia. she is 15 months old today and finished helmet

therapy in july after 5 months. i made an appointment for a followup

with her neurosurgeon for next week because i'm afraid she has

regressed. her head never really rounded out but she did get

beautiful facial symetry. the ears are off and one of her eyes looks

funny to me. maybe i'm staring at her too much...maybe she's going

through a growth spurt...maybe too much craniosacral massage...too

little???many many questions here on my part. my mother mention to me

in the car on the way to relatives houses today for dinner that she

thought livie looked different lately. i've noticed it too and didn't

want to mention to anyone what i thought. does that happen? do they

regress like that? i'd say the bump is back on the left side in the

back. she did have some bossing in the forehead but that seems to

have disappeared. i spoke to the oral surgeon i work with who is also

on staff at children's hospital in boston and he said sometimes

children who have moderate to severe plagio like livie do regress. he

also said that i would probably be referred for additional xrays and

referrals to the opthomology,ent, and oral maxillofacial clinics at

childrens hospital for evals. i'm so sad. with everything we've been

through the past 11 months i really don't know if i can take it.

helmet therapy will be harder this time i think because she flips out

if i even put a winter hat on her and try to tie it under her neck.

any thoughts on older children/second helmets/regression would be

greatly appreciated it.


lynne and livie.

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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

Thanx for the update, . You must be so relieved that a decision has been made! :o)

Kendra in CanadaFor more plagio info, go towww.plagiocephaly.org/support

----- Original Message -----

From: lisabnc@...


Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 8:35 AM

Subject: Second Band

Hello Friends,Thought I'd give you an update on my daughter, . received her DOC band on February 12th at 6.5 months old. She is very close to growing out of the first band, I'd say a couple more days. As some of you know, we visited the neurosurgeon last week to see if would need a second band. The doctor left it up to us. (I hate that, it should not be allowed) The doctor's issue was the fuller cheek. One cheek is slightly fuller than the other. Everything else looks pretty good. My husband and I went back and forth on the issue of rebanding and I turned to several of you for advice. We have decided to go with a second band. We go in for the casting on Tuesday morning. I'm sooo glad that we have made the decision. Hopefully we will continue to get fast results and she will not have to wear it very long. Any suggestions for casting day? I wonder since she is a little older if it will be harder on her. What has been your experiences? has her 9 month check up on Monday and I'm going to ask for a referral for PT. She has not been diagnosed with tort but has a slight tilt (some days). I'm afraid that tight neck is going to cause developmental delays. I will keep you posted.Thanks for your continued support. B., Charlotte For more plagio info

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