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Re: Fibro fog help



> >

> > --- Kathy Lynn s wrote:

> > > wrote: " I still have problems with

> > > fibro fog.....anyone got any solutions

> > > for that? "

> > > Everyone on the guaifenesin

> > > list who has done guai for more than a year

> > > or two says that all the symptoms, including

> > > fog, improve gradually over time. That,

> > > however is no help during the time that guai

> > > is making things worse while we're cycling.

> > > Sometimes fog results when we don't get

> > > enough sleep. Taking sedatives or narcotics

> > > to sleep makes it worse. The best cure I've

> > > found for sleep disturbance is

> > > delta-frequency pulsed sound, or

> > > sound-and-light. There is good basic info on

> > > this at my website,

> > > http://cosmiverse.folksites.com/shaman. I'm

> > > not selling anything there, but I have a list

> > > of six links to various publishers who

> > > produce psychoactive sound tapes and CDs.

> > > Two I recommend are son's Delta

> > > Bliss and the Catnapper from Monroe

> > > Institute. If you are sleeping okay and

> > > still have fog, there are a couple more

> > > things I've found that help some people. One

> > > is finger acupressure applied to the points

> > > on the forehead and cheeks and along the

> > > jaw-line. Either use an acupuncture chart,

> > > or just feel for tender spots and massage in

> > > small circular motions until the tenderness

> > > passes. It can clear your sinuses, and the

> > > fog sometimes. The other thing is cognitive

> > > enhancers, the so-called " smart drugs and

> > > nutrients " . I used DMAE for a couple of

> > > decades before I knew I had FM. It started

> > > out as a prescription drug and is now

> > > available over the counter in health food

> > > stores and drug stores, either alone or in

> > > combination with other cognitive enhancers.

> > > Info and products are available from

> > > www.hfn-usa.com, and you could probably find

> > > other sources with a web search.

> > > Kathy Lynn, 56; Upper Susitna Valley, Alaska;

> > > FM since childhood, HG & CFS 25+ years; guai

> > > since summer, 2000; 1800mg. Pain is

> > > necessary; suffering is optional.

> > > http://cosmiverse.folksites.com/painswitch

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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OK, done.

Jim, moderator.

MSG Prevents Tooth Extraction, maybe?

: >Date: Mon, 14 May 2001 19:33:04 -0000

: >

: >

: >I have been fighting to get to Calgary from Edmonton for 6 weeks now.

: >The purpose is to get one last Crown/root canal removed. Last time my

: >ride canceled out. This time my jaw is still jammed up from last

: >week's MSG episode. I my Dental splint ajusted today for the second

: >time in 4 days. And I am going to have one more Acupuncture treatment

: >before I go on the bus tomorrow morning. Hopefully this will loosen

: >up the jaw enough for the " ATTEMPTED " extraction on Wednesday.

: >

: >What a Hassle to Weed through all this Garbage just so I can continue

: >with actual Rehab and recovery.

: >

: >GOOD NEWS is that I walked 4 miles on Saturday. And another 2-3 on

: >Sunday. And I am actually AWAKE today and not passed out on the

: >floor/bed. Doing pretty good!!!!

: >

: >Rod

: >


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The instructions are at the bottom of every email you get from the list.


>How do I unsubscribe from this list?



>Kato D. Haws

>Arizona State University; Database Administration


>Let's not let what cannot be done get in the way of what can be done.


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