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Welcome New Member LUI GABRIEL/ Case History/EN since 9/07

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Dear Lui,On behalf of all our members, welcome to our Erythema Nodosum Group! Thanks for sending in your Questionnaire. I have added your information to our "Member Medical History" Files on the Group site and posted it below.You now have Full EN Group privileges.You are receiving ALL EN Group emails, and you may also visit the Erythema Nodosum Group Site:http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/erythema_nodosum_Group/ whenever you like by logging on with your Yahoo ID and secret password.You do not have to have the group emails delivered to be a member here. Let me know if you want the emails to stop.I hope you will remain a member here to support others even after you go into remission. Since EN IS NOT BEING ACTIVELY RESEARCHED, please take this opportunity to make a generous donation to our "EN Research Fund" to find a cure for this painful disorder.http://www.geocities.com/erythema_nodosum/donate/index.htm Also, please visit our new Erythema Nodosum Websitehttp://www.geocities.com/erythema_nodosum/ We intend to make it the best EN website on the net.Everyone's EN is different and we are not doctors. Only time will tell if you become chronic like approximately half or our group members. If you discover the triggering factor and treat it properly you may achieve remission faster.Please read this:http://www.ccmjournal.com/pt/re/ccm/abstract.00003246-199906000-00055.htm;jsessionid=HSbPT52hdsM1ZL8FtrJh2t9JJfTgQlCK1whMzKQkyzcXTpkPFz1s!607026366!181195629!8091!-1 Welcome to our Friendly Erythema Nodosum Group!Love,Chronic Idiopathic EN since 1968*********LUI GABRIEL's Case History1/19/091. Your name and age: LUI GABRIEL, 522. Your location: PALO ALTO, CA3. Your email address: luilui0207@...4. Your Yahoo ID: luilui02075. Describe your erythema nodosum/PG symptoms or, if you do not have EN or PG, please explain why you wish to join this group.I had what looked like a bug bite in July '07. By Sept, I had red rashes that burned in the front of my legs. I saw a hematologist for another problem and showed her my rashes, she brought in a dermatologist who had an office in the same bldg; he did a biopsy same day. it came back as EN. My RT ankle and knee began hurting on 12/15; by 12/24 my knee was swollen, no my entire right leg was bigger than my left. Saw my doctor, he confirmed EN is back. he did not prescribe meds. I am on prednisone already. EN nodules moved from front of leg, to back of leg, to ankles, to instep, to top of feet - all in a 3 week period. No relief for weeks I wanted to kill myself. my pulmonologist and internist suggested i see a rheumatologist - all felt sorry for me as i was crying everyday. Rheumatologist put me on Celebrex (dermatologist prescribed SSK1 and Vanos cream).6. List any other health conditions.Diabetic (type 2 diagnosed 13 yrs ago; suffering from interstitial lung disease COP (Cryptogenic Organizing Pneumonia), formerly known as BOOP. My doctors believe this could be causing my EN, but not conclusive.7. State what medications or treatments you take for EN, and their effectiveness:Vanos creme worked well for me in September; this time around, it seemed like it just dried up my skin.Aleve to help with swelling - worked great, but I seem to have developed an allergic reaction to it after taking it for 3 days.Celebrex for the swelling - helps, unless there is a flare up then no effect.SSKI - horrible taste... don't really know if it is effective... I started taking it on 01/09; had flare up (top of feet) on 01/15Cool compress seems to help with the burning.Compression hose also helps - stops the feeling like all your blood is flowing down your legs.8. When did you first get erythema nodosum or PG?Diagnosed September 079. How long have you had erythema nodosum or PG?4 months10. Do you agree to treat all EN members with respect?of course as much as I expect to be treated with respect.11.Do you agree to post NO advertisements for any products or services?yes12. How did you find this Group? (Google, Yahoo, Ask Jeeves Search, referral from another group or person etc.)I was desperate - I googled EN forums. Don't know why I did not think of this sooner. I am looking for help/ideas on how I can feel better... or maybe even to hear/read that it will go away soon, or not soon. What have other sufferers taken? No one I know has even heard of this. My children did not take me seriously (I live alone) until they came to visit and saw me try to go to the bathroom holding on to anything - the couch, the coffee table, the wall... My friend finally came and brought me a walker. How long do I have to keep my feet up? This is a very depressing illness. I appreciate your consideration. Lui p.s. i do not visit my Yahoo email very often. Please reply to all so I get a copy at my alternate email address. I am inclined to enter my alternate email as the point of contact for the group, however, I do not know the volume of the exchanges. I belong to only one other group - my high school friends, and they send a ton of email - I use yahoo for this group exclusively. EN is a priority for me and would like your advise on this. Thanks.

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