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The NYCCAT lobbyist and your contribution.

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Dear Friends;

Many people have been asking about the specific work of the NYCCAT lobbyist and how their hard earned 10 bucks will be used to help their profession.. Here is an overview of the tasks and roles that our lobbying firm has performed in the past. It is important to note that because we do not have a lobbyist at this time what you read below is categorically NOT happening.

Our lobbyists:

· Track issues presented by the NYS Legislature and Executive Offices, such as budgetary and legislative proposals, which may affect the profession of creative arts therapy, and the availability of such services to the public.

· Monitors the legislature to ensure that outside organizations do not attempt to impede on the statute governing LCATS-especially attempts to change the LCAT scope of practice.

· /SPAN> Advises the drafting and development of legislative proposals, and advocates and strategizes with us in order to meet our legislative goals.

· Assists NYCCAT in building relationships with the NYS Legislative and Executive Branch agencies. This allows NYCCAT (through the lobbyist) to serve as the experts to these offices on issues pertaining to licensed creative arts therapists. The lobbyist assists with educating the legislature and other public officials and agencies on issues affecting LCATS and the availability of services they provide.

· Tracks proposed rules and regulations within state agencies, which may affect the profession of LCATS.

· Works on behalf of NYCCAT with the NYS Department of Education, the primary state agency that regulates our profession. The lobbyist also monitors and reports on the activities of the Board of Mental Health Practitioners.

· Assists NYCCAT in building relationships with various state agencies which regulate aspects of LCAT’S profession and ability to provide services. In our case, the State Education Department (SED), Department of Health (DOH), Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse (OASES) and the Office of Mental Health (OMH) are just a few that can and will be providing programs and implementing regulations affecting the profession of LCATS.

Some examples of current and pending issues:

ü Cost and frequency of Office of Professions licensing examinations.

ü Delays in Limited Permit approval

ü Internship and work site eligibility issues

ü Alternate route education and experience

ü Expansion of employment opportunities

ü Third party reimbursement

ü Agency recognition of LCATS

ü Protection of Scope of Practice

ü Specific statutory authorization to diagnose.

This is all very important work and it does not come for free, nor is it cheap. The long term return on the investment for each of our careers is potentially significant, or devastating if we are not in the game. With each passing day that we are not working with a lobbyist more issues arise that we are unable to cohesively address.

Please mail your portion ($10) to help support your profession today. And, once you send that ten dollars I urge you to join us at meetings, through the list serve or on the new web site once it is launched.

We desperately need your donation but we also need you.

Send something today to-


BOX 1012

Stuyvesant Station

New York NY 10009.

Thank you.

Most sincerely and respectfully,

Alan Pottinger MA RDT LCAT


Government Affairs Liaison

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