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Thanks for that, . It's another " keeper " for rereading. I

wish I could turn back the clock about 8 years when I allowed myself

to be " treated " for " depression " which was really only situational

stress that needed working through. I fell for that stupid ad on

TV!! Now I can sit with the anguish of depression and watch it pass

by. Don't think I'll have to go through extensive withdrawals from

that new technique!! LOL


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  • 4 years later...
Guest guest

I dont think anyone has mentioned it yet, the ACT for depression

workbook is now available, I got my copy yesterday from


amazon will have it soon in uk


/1572245484/ref=wl_it_dp?ie=UTF8 & coliid=I306BVTW5DWYIA & colid=2636F080VQ0OT

its already out in us


572245484/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8 & s=books & qid=1211720731 & sr=8-8

This means that I will put the anxiety workbook aside for now (I hadnt

really got started with that one yet to tell the truth), and begin the

depression one. I will let you know how I get on. It includes a cd

with some of the exercises on (which I havnt played yet)!

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Guest guest

Thank you for posting this! This is the book I need. I can manage my anxiety but depression consumes me.



I dont think anyone has mentioned it yet, the ACT for depressionworkbook is now available, I got my copy yesterday fromhttp://www.bookdepository.co.uk/WEBSITE/WWW/WEBPAGES/showbook.php?id=1572245484amazon will have it soon in ukhttp://www.amazon.co.uk/Mindfulness-Acceptance-Workbook-Depression-Commitment/dp/1572245484/ref=wl_it_dp?ie=UTF8 & coliid=I306BVTW5DWYIA & colid=2636F080VQ0OTits already out in ushttp://www.amazon.com/Mindfulness-Acceptance-Workbook-Depression-Commitment/dp/1572245484/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8 & s=books & qid=1211720731 & sr=8-8This means that I will put the anxiety workbook aside for now (I hadntreally got started with that one yet to tell the truth), and begin thedepression one. I will let you know how I get on. It includes a cdwith some of the exercises on (which I havnt played yet)!

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  • 4 months later...

' I really feel for you and fellow sufferers of anxiety, because I

don't have

to deal with it much; my main burden is major depression'.

Hi Helena

I have only just joined the group and I am surprised by this

statement of yours. I have been diagnosed with depression for many,

many years and strange as it may seem I have always felt myself to be

a non-worrier. Over the past few years, however, I have pondered

this problem and wondered if one can suffer depression without first

having been very anxious. I think maybe my depression is the end

product of being anxious for a long time i.e. the old brain just

can't take any more and just closes down. Having now decided my

problem initially is anxiety that is why I have started in this group.

I would appreciate any comments


> > >

> > > Defusion in ACT is acceptance of thoughts as opposed

> >to " techniques to reduce the impact of my unwanted thoughts. " ACT

> >techniques may reduce the impact but only as a result of you truly

> >accepting them AND(BY) " moving ahead with your hands and your feet

> >towards a valued life. " (Forsythe).

> > >

> > > Bill

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > To: ACT_for_the_Public@: weimer1uk@: Wed, 8 Oct 2008

> >12:05:41 +0000Subject: Defusion

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > FolksDespite my best efforts in the past I have not been able

> >to " defuse " from my thoughts. I wouldn't have called it that in the

> >past as I wasn't familiar with ACT, but nevertheless I have tried a

> >number of techniques to reduce the impact of my unwanted

> >thoughts...but nothing seems to work for me. If I let them be there

> >I find that I'm checking to see if they have gone...which means


> >stay...everything seems counterintuitive. I know that if the

> >thoughts didn't matter they would go of their own accord, but they

> >do matter to me because they are horrible and make me feel anxious,

> >tense and generally rotten. Interested to know what'd different

> >about ACT defusion

> > >

> >

> >


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Hi Ivor,

I appreciate your comments. I think there is such a thing as major depression without overwhelming anxiety. As I said, I don't have to deal with anxiety very much, which is to say that I do sometimes. But I primarily shut down and my brain does not do battle with anxious thoughts or the accompanying body sensations. My brain just slows down and it is very difficult go get motivated to do anything worthwhile or even leave the house.

I do worry about the depression, but it's not the same as anxiety in the general sense of the word. It is like a low rumble underneath the depression--like an awareness that I am not well and a subtle fear that it will never change. I am taking an SSRI which helps greatly.

I've been depressed since childhood, which was filled with abandonment and abuse. I coped with it by shutting down; I was extremely shy. Perhaps there was a period of intense anxiety that preceded the depression, but I may have been too young to remember it. The abuse started at birth and continued in my natural family,in various children's homes, a foster home, and from men as an adult. Allow me to quickly add that the abuse is over --- I simply won't put up with it anymore.

I am doing all I can to deal with the depression -- walks in the park, good music, making friends (this is hard for me), etc. I am hoping that as I learn and utilize the principles of ACT, I will be able to defuse the lingering thoughts of unworthiness and helplessness that sometimes mire me down in my journey.

Thanks for sharing your experience. I'd be interested in hearing how you have coped, and are coping, with your depression, and how ACT may assist. I have found ACT to be invaluable in my life so far, and I'm just a beginner.



Defusion> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > FolksDespite my best efforts in the past I have not been able> >to "defuse" from my thoughts. I wouldn't have called it that in the> >past as I wasn't familiar with ACT, but nevertheless I have tried a> >number of techniques to reduce the impact of my unwanted> >thoughts...but nothing seems to work for me. If I let them be there> >I find that I'm checking to see if they have gone...which means they> >stay...everything seems counterintuitive. I know that if the> >thoughts didn't matter they would go of their own accord, but they> >do matter to me because they are horrible and make me feel anxious,> >tense and generally rotten. Interested to know what'd different> >about ACT defusion> > >> >> >>

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