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Re: 2 weeks on LDN: one snag: LHERMITTES

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Great news ,

It is important to report how you are doing. It is encouraging. If someone

is not feeling immediate results they will at lease know that LDN works and

to hang in there.

Does anyone know what helps with Lhermittes?


[low dose naltrexone] 2 weeks on LDN: one snag: LHERMITTES

> I've been over two weeks on LDN and have been pleasantly surprised

> with the results. I'm able to sleep quickly and more soothingly.

> The bizarre dreams haven't escaped me either, but I'm kinda enjoying

> them: not being prone to dreaming it creates an extra something to

> shuteye time. And my energy levels have doubled: possible more than

> doubled...


> I'm lucky I know: to have such an immediate reaction isn't the

> experience of all. I hope those of you suffering will pursue this

> path as I think my MS is still mild and my diet has certainly

> helped: I take Vitamin D, Calcium/Magnesium tablets, Vitamin B12,

> Zinc, Viatmin B-Complex. Advanced Acidophilus and Selenium

> regularly. My last relapse occurred during a break in my supplement

> regime. I eat mainly vegetables, fruit, non-legume nuts and chicken

> including thrice weekly blueberries and as many bananas as

> possible.


> Still, without the LDN, the help from the suppements and the diet

> would not be so pronounced I feel.


> The one snag is L'HERMITTES. It was one of my initial symptoms in

> 2001. It has returned with a vengeance, more pronounced after

> taking LDN. This time some of the shocks have been fairly painful.

> I can live with it as other improvements have made up for it. Has

> anyone any extra advice for those with heavy Lhermittes problems?

> I'm assuming that it is with me for good, or until diet/LDN weaves

> its long term magic. Any thougts would be helpful.


> I'm sorry if I've been over-zealous in writng about the improvements

> over the past few weeks. For many of you it must be par for the

> course and not adding to the development of knowledge. And it must

> be galling for those not having immediate effects to hear. However,

> this drug is certainly worth persisting with. And the Candida

> advice Bren gives certainly needs looking at (I haven't done the

> test yet), as many of us may have underlying allergies which

> kickstarted this demon in the first place.


> All the best,














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Hi ,

Your not being over-zealous as far as I'm concerned. I am happy that

you are getting such good results! I like to hear how ldn affects

others. I learn more that way.

Take Care and Keep posting the good stuff!

> I'm sorry if I've been over-zealous in writng about the improvements

> over the past few weeks. For many of you it must be par for the

> course and not adding to the development of knowledge. And it must

> be galling for those not having immediate effects to hear.

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Hi ! I can relate. I was experiencing (and still am) LH when I started

LDN on 11/9/05. LH began on Labor Day weekend and was HORENDOUS!!! About 9

months prior I was on the Swank Diet and fell off. I came across another diet

that requires juicing. So I incorporated the juicing only and resumed Swanking

that September. I noticed within days/weeks my LH lessoned. Still shocks but

more range of motion with my neck and less of a shock. By the time I started LDN

until recently (cheated on my Swanking/juicing routine) I realized one day- hey

I feel almost normal. Still a pulling sensation w/neck flexion, but no buzzing

buttocks, numb finger-tips and tingly patch in the back of my neck. I left out

when I started the LDN the LH did get a little strange. But once I decided not

to panic (which was a tad late) I kept on truckin' and later on had that hey


Feeling so good from the LDN's progress I cheated on my husband Dr. Swank :o)

and have since began buzzing a little more, etc. I'm due to go on vaca which I

know I'll eat everything wrong. So I already have planned that when I get back,

will resume Swanking/juicing routine. With LDN was a great combo.

But stick it out. And all puns intended, keep your chin up. I learned to do that

while still having those HORRIBLE HORRIBLE sensations. Since it is a return

symptom, that sounds like typical initial LDN activity. So I believe you will be


Tell me, how long did you have LH before it completely went away. This is

majorly annoying as I am a runner and havent felt comfortable doing so since

early october. Keep me posted on your progress! --jc

A Worrier of the Light sometimes thinks: " If I do not do something, it will not

be done " . It is not quite like that: He must act, but he must allow room for the

Universe to act too. --o Coelho

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