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Re: Help....need some advice please

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> Hi everyone,


> I wish I could get here more but like with a baby is hectic. I really need

some advice and know there are a number of you here well up on LDN....especially

and would really appreciate some advice.

> I'll try make this post short but I doubt it will be :-/

> MS started with Optic Neuritis in 2000...then fatigue etc etc and was

eventually dx in Jan 2002. Started avonex..did copaxone following year..got

awful sides from both and then on researchign more on net decided to quit ALL

drugs and take a natural approach. In April 2003 I started the Best Bet Diet and

after 2 months I reaped great benefits. Sicne then my MS has really stabilised.

I dont' think I have RR MS, it seems to be a slow progressive type. Anyway I

gave birth to my first baby last Jan 20th. I ahd a great pregnancy. I know a few

other MSer's who had babies the last year too who did now do anything aswell as

me during pregnany but I was one of the lucky ones where all my MS symptoms

disappeared from 4 months into pregnancy till 4 months postpartum. From four

months postpartum MS slowly started to retuen. MY hormones probably started to

drop around then as even though I was breastfeeding exclusively (and I swear the

breastfeeding kept my hormones in the right state for my MS)

> but there were less night feeds from here on and I guess from 5 motnhs when I

introduces some goats formula that I began producing less milk and my hormones

bagan dropping more. I had a flare in July when baby was 6 months , it wasn't

too bad and came about because of the awful hot humid heatwave we got for most

of the summer...this sort of weather is freaky in Ireland and I just couldnt'

bare the humidity and suffered horrible nausea and dizziness on and off. I never

suffered these symptoms before. Forgot to mention that when my MS started

returning 4 motnhs postpartum that my knees were awful sore for weeks but foudn

out it's common after having a baby but then I started getting stiff joints and

when I restarted LDN in September when I weane dmy baby at 7 and a half months,

the stiffness gradually got worse. I got my LDN from Dr. Lawrence. He now uses

avicel as filler....last time I was on LDN in 2004 prior to pregnancy I got my

LDN from him too and it was CC filler and that time

> round LDN did so much mroe for me....but I dont' think it could be the

filler, I guess it's harder for LDN to work now after having a baby. I took 3mg

for first month and then upped to 4.5mg. I'm now on it jsut over 3 months. In

early December I had to go to dentist as I had a cavity since late pregnancy(

nodoubt baby was sucking all the calcium out of me even though I took loads of

calcium supplemetns) . Luckily I didnt' need an extraction but I was given an

local and a temporary filling was put in to calm the nerve and it was supposed

to be replaced with permanent filling before xmas. BUT the day after I got the

local I got awful fatigue and everything has gone haywire since. I spent three

whoel weeks with the most awful fatigue and it was soooooooo hard trying to care

for baby with it. Then it was jsut back to normal when returned to dentist but I

asked coudl we leave that tooth alone for another while as I reckon the local

brought on a flare of my fatgue. I got another tiny

> composite filling that day I needed instead of them touching the other tooth

and I got this fillign with no local as it was only tiny , it was fine. Anyway

few days later my left eye started blurring. I've not had eye prblems at all

sicne starting the BBD in April 2003. The BBD sorted out my utthoffs syndrome

completely and my symptoms have not flared from heat since nor has my eye ever

flared since either. The weird thing is that it was always my right eye between

2000 and 2003 and now it's my left so I'm not sure whether it's classed as a

flare of an old symptom or whether it's considered a new symptom and more

serious. It's not as bad as I used get in my right eye but it gets wrose when I

ahve a shower or get stressed, hot etc so I have to watch it.My fatigue is still

pretty bad too....surprisingly though my stiffness is improving...maybe it's

because I upped my calcium and magnesium a few motnhs back or maybe the

stiffness you gbet with LDN wares off after a few months..anyone

> know? My diet isn't as perfect asit used and to be honest I've induldged in

too much sigar the last few months and I know I shouldn't have ...alwso have

been eating some dairy and gluten and I wouldn't touch any of these before baby

was born but caring for a baby and having MS is so hard that when you're hungry

at times you crab what's available within reason. I dont' eat junk food and

infact eat all organic meat and veg and fruit but I have been eating some bread,

cheese and the odd biscuit here and there so I know I need to rid these foods

again and I'm motivated now with the new year. I saw a post here earlier bout

the candida home test,,,,thanks for posting this. I know all bout it

through the BBD etc and have done it in the past and needed the reminder. I will

be doign ti tomorrow morning..I'm pretty sure I must have some candida at least

but I wonder if it's the dental stuff has triggered everything off? When I got

Optic Neuritis in 2000, it took 6 months for my vision

> to come back fully, I'm terrified my left eye will take this long too :o( I

havent' been to my Neuro since late 2003 as he wouldnt' prescribe LDN and was

pushing other CRABS whiich I have no interest in. Since then I've felt so ontop

on my MS and am proud I stabilised it and have done so well by sticking to

natural methods...I'm hopign though with getting my diet back on track I can get

back to a mroe stabilised state.....am I mad...does it sound like my MS is goign

to get worse? The stiffness has been very scary the last few months and I've

been having nitemares that I might loose my legs..I've never had leg problems

before baby arrived. Should I redice my dose to 3mg. I was only on 3mg in 2004

when it worked far better but I was only on it 2 months and I became pregnant so

it wasn't much time to test it really and I know Dr. Bihari says you need 4.5mg

to halt progression so maybe i shoudl stick to it. I'm not as confident bout LDN

as I used be...at times I'm nearly tempted to

> ditch it but I have a months supply left in my bottle so I'll finsih that at


> Please if anyone has any advice or been through similar I'd love to hear

from you!

> Thanks



The dental work is definitely a factor. I have a feeling you are going to get

Amalgam fillings. I wish you'd get the type of fillings that do not contain


Stay on the 4.5mg. Do the candida check and get back on your diet. It may be

several months before you get straightened out from the dental work. You sound

stressed also which is understandable. play some soothing music and rock in a

rocking chair your baby to sleep. The rocking and music will help your stress.

the dairy and sugar needs to go immediately. Buy Soy icecream as it has no

dairy. Get you some Stevia sweetener. I think you know what you need to do,

you just need it to come from one of us to get you motivated again. Glad you've

got your baby but giving birth to that baby sure didn't do MS any good.

Remember, the dental work is going to play havoc with your MS for several months

afterwards. Hang with the 4.5mg LDN.

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Thanks a million for such afast reply!!! I'm no way getting amalgamn

fillings. I actually had never ever needed a filling before now, my

teeth are one part of my body that's actualyl healthy ;o)I got one

compostie filling so far and the other will be too.

It's interesting that you think it's the dental work that triggered

everything....I had thought that myself as I think I know my MS well

at this stage but I needed someone else to verify it too. I ahve

been stressed a bit too at times....not bout my MS up till now really

but other things to do with family life. But I am trying to avoid it

as much as possilbe as I know stress plays havoc with my health...and

it's jsut not worth stressing. I don't have a rockign chair...I

do ,love them though!!! I'm lucky my baby goes to sleep easy and I

she has no bad habits like rocking thank god or I think it would make

life harder at times. I was very strict with her form the beginning

so to make things easier for us all ;o)

I avoid soya as it's a legume.....not allowed on the BBD, as legumes

increase inflammation in the body. I can't remember when I ate

icecream last....it's usually bread is my downfall out of all things

but before baby I was extremely motivated, it's so much harder now

but I know I'm going to have to find the motivation and stick with it

as it works for me , i'm sure it's more importatn than LDN for me

anyway. I drad the thought of months like this cuase of dental work.

I'll be goign back next week for the permanent composite filling and

it's a huge one!!!!! My dentist is getting in a differetn local for

me, supposedly it's one with less preservatives in it, a plainer one

as she put it so it should be more agreable with me but I dont' have

faith that it will. She use less than she'll usualyl use too but I've

got a fillign drilling and all that fiddling aroudn inthe mouth just

doesn't agree with my MS. I will stay on the 4.5mg and see how it

goes....fingers crossed If I stay on it and keep on top of the diet

and stress and check out the candida that things will improve

Thanks again :o)


> The dental work is definitely a factor. I have a feeling you are

going to get Amalgam fillings. I wish you'd get the type of fillings

that do not contain Mercury.


> Stay on the 4.5mg. Do the candida check and get back on your

diet. It may be several months before you get straightened out from

the dental work. You sound stressed also which is understandable.

play some soothing music and rock in a rocking chair your baby to

sleep. The rocking and music will help your stress. the dairy and

sugar needs to go immediately. Buy Soy icecream as it has no dairy.

Get you some Stevia sweetener. I think you know what you need to do,

you just need it to come from one of us to get you motivated again.

Glad you've got your baby but giving birth to that baby sure didn't

do MS any good. Remember, the dental work is going to play havoc

with your MS for several months afterwards. Hang with the 4.5mg LDN.




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Thanks a million for such afast reply!!! I'm no way getting amalgamn

fillings. I actually had never ever needed a filling before now, my

teeth are one part of my body that's actualyl healthy ;o)I got one

compostie filling so far and the other will be too.

It's interesting that you think it's the dental work that triggered

everything....I had thought that myself as I think I know my MS well

at this stage but I needed someone else to verify it too. I ahve

been stressed a bit too at times....not bout my MS up till now really

but other things to do with family life. But I am trying to avoid it

as much as possilbe as I know stress plays havoc with my health...and

it's jsut not worth stressing. I don't have a rockign chair...I

do ,love them though!!! I'm lucky my baby goes to sleep easy and I

she has no bad habits like rocking thank god or I think it would make

life harder at times. I was very strict with her form the beginning

so to make things easier for us all ;o)

I avoid soya as it's a legume.....not allowed on the BBD, as legumes

increase inflammation in the body. I can't remember when I ate

icecream last....it's usually bread is my downfall out of all things

but before baby I was extremely motivated, it's so much harder now

but I know I'm going to have to find the motivation and stick with it

as it works for me , i'm sure it's more importatn than LDN for me

anyway. I drad the thought of months like this cuase of dental work.

I'll be goign back next week for the permanent composite filling and

it's a huge one!!!!! My dentist is getting in a differetn local for

me, supposedly it's one with less preservatives in it, a plainer one

as she put it so it should be more agreable with me but I dont' have

faith that it will. She use less than she'll usualyl use too but I've

got a fillign drilling and all that fiddling aroudn inthe mouth just

doesn't agree with my MS. I will stay on the 4.5mg and see how it

goes....fingers crossed If I stay on it and keep on top of the diet

and stress and check out the candida that things will improve

Thanks again :o)


> The dental work is definitely a factor. I have a feeling you are

going to get Amalgam fillings. I wish you'd get the type of fillings

that do not contain Mercury.


> Stay on the 4.5mg. Do the candida check and get back on your

diet. It may be several months before you get straightened out from

the dental work. You sound stressed also which is understandable.

play some soothing music and rock in a rocking chair your baby to

sleep. The rocking and music will help your stress. the dairy and

sugar needs to go immediately. Buy Soy icecream as it has no dairy.

Get you some Stevia sweetener. I think you know what you need to do,

you just need it to come from one of us to get you motivated again.

Glad you've got your baby but giving birth to that baby sure didn't

do MS any good. Remember, the dental work is going to play havoc

with your MS for several months afterwards. Hang with the 4.5mg LDN.




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My mom had perfect teeth and hair until she gave birth to me and her hair

started thinning terribly and her teeth went bad. Her teeth are still a major

problem for her. You need to supplement your body as best you can. Make sure

you get all the vital supplements your body needs for healthy teeth and hair.

Get you a wooden rocking chair and don't rock the baby but rock you. LOL. You'd

be amazed at how relaxing rocking is. Also having lots of lavender and dark

purple around you is a relaxing and healing color. Wear lots of purple. My

doctor uses a color chart of lavender and deep purple to help ease people's


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Hi .. So sorry to hear you are having such a bad time of it. My

only suggestion is to wonder if you got a bad batch of LDN .. I know

it is unlikely but it is a possibility. It has happened to Noel. He is

still thriving although he has dipped on occasion he has not reached a

point worse than pre LDN. I would not give up on it even though things

look so grim .. I agree with , check out your yeast levels and

address that and do anything you can to reduce your stress levels and

remain on 4.5mg. Can you call n and ask him to make you up a

batch he is certain is fresh just to rule that out .. How many months

LDN do you get at a time from Wales .. there is nothing wrong with

avicel as a filler but it still could be a bad batch. Don't give up

.. hang in there ..

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> My wife is RRMS since 1996. Genetically her teeth are soft and she has

> always had dental problems. Several rounds of IV steroids in the last 9

> years have made her teeth deteriorate even faster. She has had multiple

> root canals and crowns in the last 3 years. Post-dentist is *always* a

> terrible time for her, and it isn't related to the influx of amalgam.

> It could be argued that the root canals agitate the existing amalgam,

> but her feeling is it's the anesthetic. The more of it she gets, the

> worse her MS flares afterwards. On the occasional visit requiring only

> a small filling or two, she asks for no anesthesia and has no MS

> problems. Also, every time she gets even one shot in the roof of her

> mouth, it leads to a raging sinus infection.




With your wife's chronic sinusitis have her do the candida test I've posted

here. it can be done at home and is very easy to do. Chronic sinusitis is a

huge indicator of candida.


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Hi ,

I was under the impression that at 3 mg one can also stop

progression. Maybe will confirm that. Get back on track

with your diet and what you were doing before. Keep some organic

fruit bars around. There exists BBD friendly ones. Sometimes I

pick myself up with a mixture of Tahine, sunflower seeds and honey,

mixed. Easy to put together and an energy booster. I remember you

went through a bad patch before the baby was born but you got

through that and you will get through this one. Go back to 3mg if

necessary and see how you feel.

Kind regards



> Hi everyone,


> I wish I could get here more but like with a baby is hectic. I

really need some advice and know there are a number of you here well

up on LDN....especially and would really appreciate some


> I'll try make this post short but I doubt it will be :-/

> MS started with Optic Neuritis in 2000...then fatigue etc etc

and was eventually dx in Jan 2002. Started avonex..did copaxone

following year..got awful sides from both and then on researchign

more on net decided to quit ALL drugs and take a natural approach.

In April 2003 I started the Best Bet Diet and after 2 months I

reaped great benefits. Sicne then my MS has really stabilised. I

dont' think I have RR MS, it seems to be a slow progressive type.

Anyway I gave birth to my first baby last Jan 20th. I ahd a great

pregnancy. I know a few other MSer's who had babies the last year

too who did now do anything aswell as me during pregnany but I was

one of the lucky ones where all my MS symptoms disappeared from 4

months into pregnancy till 4 months postpartum. From four months

postpartum MS slowly started to retuen. MY hormones probably started

to drop around then as even though I was breastfeeding exclusively

(and I swear the breastfeeding kept my hormones in the right state

for my MS)

> but there were less night feeds from here on and I guess from 5

motnhs when I introduces some goats formula that I began producing

less milk and my hormones bagan dropping more. I had a flare in July

when baby was 6 months , it wasn't too bad and came about because of

the awful hot humid heatwave we got for most of the summer...this

sort of weather is freaky in Ireland and I just couldnt' bare the

humidity and suffered horrible nausea and dizziness on and off. I

never suffered these symptoms before. Forgot to mention that when my

MS started returning 4 motnhs postpartum that my knees were awful

sore for weeks but foudn out it's common after having a baby but

then I started getting stiff joints and when I restarted LDN in

September when I weane dmy baby at 7 and a half months, the

stiffness gradually got worse. I got my LDN from Dr. Lawrence. He

now uses avicel as filler....last time I was on LDN in 2004 prior to

pregnancy I got my LDN from him too and it was CC filler and that


> round LDN did so much mroe for me....but I dont' think it could

be the filler, I guess it's harder for LDN to work now after having

a baby. I took 3mg for first month and then upped to 4.5mg. I'm now

on it jsut over 3 months. In early December I had to go to dentist

as I had a cavity since late pregnancy( nodoubt baby was sucking all

the calcium out of me even though I took loads of calcium

supplemetns) . Luckily I didnt' need an extraction but I was given

an local and a temporary filling was put in to calm the nerve and it

was supposed to be replaced with permanent filling before xmas. BUT

the day after I got the local I got awful fatigue and everything has

gone haywire since. I spent three whoel weeks with the most awful

fatigue and it was soooooooo hard trying to care for baby with it.

Then it was jsut back to normal when returned to dentist but I asked

coudl we leave that tooth alone for another while as I reckon the

local brought on a flare of my fatgue. I got another tiny

> composite filling that day I needed instead of them touching the

other tooth and I got this fillign with no local as it was only

tiny , it was fine. Anyway few days later my left eye started

blurring. I've not had eye prblems at all sicne starting the BBD in

April 2003. The BBD sorted out my utthoffs syndrome completely and

my symptoms have not flared from heat since nor has my eye ever

flared since either. The weird thing is that it was always my right

eye between 2000 and 2003 and now it's my left so I'm not sure

whether it's classed as a flare of an old symptom or whether it's

considered a new symptom and more serious. It's not as bad as I used

get in my right eye but it gets wrose when I ahve a shower or get

stressed, hot etc so I have to watch it.My fatigue is still pretty

bad too....surprisingly though my stiffness is improving...maybe

it's because I upped my calcium and magnesium a few motnhs back or

maybe the stiffness you gbet with LDN wares off after a few


> know? My diet isn't as perfect asit used and to be honest I've

induldged in too much sigar the last few months and I know I

shouldn't have ...alwso have been eating some dairy and gluten and I

wouldn't touch any of these before baby was born but caring for a

baby and having MS is so hard that when you're hungry at times you

crab what's available within reason. I dont' eat junk food and

infact eat all organic meat and veg and fruit but I have been eating

some bread, cheese and the odd biscuit here and there so I know I

need to rid these foods again and I'm motivated now with the new

year. I saw a post here earlier bout the candida home test,,,,thanks

for posting this. I know all bout it through the BBD etc and

have done it in the past and needed the reminder. I will be doign ti

tomorrow morning..I'm pretty sure I must have some candida at least

but I wonder if it's the dental stuff has triggered everything off?

When I got Optic Neuritis in 2000, it took 6 months for my vision

> to come back fully, I'm terrified my left eye will take this long

too :o( I havent' been to my Neuro since late 2003 as he wouldnt'

prescribe LDN and was pushing other CRABS whiich I have no interest

in. Since then I've felt so ontop on my MS and am proud I stabilised

it and have done so well by sticking to natural methods...I'm hopign

though with getting my diet back on track I can get back to a mroe

stabilised state.....am I mad...does it sound like my MS is goign to

get worse? The stiffness has been very scary the last few months and

I've been having nitemares that I might loose my legs..I've never

had leg problems before baby arrived. Should I redice my dose to

3mg. I was only on 3mg in 2004 when it worked far better but I was

only on it 2 months and I became pregnant so it wasn't much time to

test it really and I know Dr. Bihari says you need 4.5mg to halt

progression so maybe i shoudl stick to it. I'm not as confident bout

LDN as I used be...at times I'm nearly tempted to

> ditch it but I have a months supply left in my bottle so I'll

finsih that at least.

> Please if anyone has any advice or been through similar I'd love

to hear from you!

> Thanks




> ---------------------------------

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Thanks for your kind message Tom. It's good to know someone else knows what I'm going through then and that hopefully I'm doign all I can and that things will improve again. tbayuk@... wrote: Edwinna, Sorry to learn of your difficulties but stick to your diet, supplements and LDN 4.5mg. I've been at this for 24 years, most of my trouble started after having 8 "Root Canals" done. Those procedures took about 3 years......since that time very few problems and all have gone away except for spasms in my buttocks and legs. Shortly after they were done I found that it was one

of the worst things that one can do to one's self. I have followed your posts for a long time.........and they are the best and most effective things that are available for ms'er's to date. Stick with your program....the troubles will pass. Best wishes, Tom

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Joanne, replying to you offlist...late i know but I'm always behind! Thanks for your reply to my post! I thought 4.5mg's was needed to stop progression but maybe I'm wrong. I am behind on LDN news as it is. I'm pretty much back on track with my diet and trying to really watch things as want to loose weight too. I never lost weigth on the BBD beofre and I'm too much over weight since child birth...was a bit over beforehand too. I tend to eat well , little junk and still pile in on so easily. I'm going to have to limit portion sizes and gradually get into an exercise routine before I go balmy. I must look at the fruit bars in the health shop for BBD friendly ones. Do you recommend a particular brand? Thanks again for your reply. Joanne <jo.comissiong@...> wrote: Hi ,I was under the impression that at 3 mg one can also stop progression. Maybe will confirm that. Get back on track with your diet and what you were doing before. Keep some organic fruit bars around. There exists BBD friendly ones. Sometimes I pick myself up with a mixture of Tahine, sunflower seeds and honey, mixed. Easy to put together and an energy booster. I remember you went through a bad patch before the baby was born but you got through that and you will get through this one. Go back to 3mg if necessary and see how you feel. Kind regardsJoanne--- In low dose naltrexone , <@y...>

wrote:>> Hi everyone,> > I wish I could get here more but like with a baby is hectic. I really need some advice and know there are a number of you here well up on LDN....especially and would really appreciate some advice.> I'll try make this post short but I doubt it will be :-/> MS started with Optic Neuritis in 2000...then fatigue etc etc and was eventually dx in Jan 2002. Started avonex..did copaxone following year..got awful sides from both and then on researchign more on net decided to quit ALL drugs and take a natural approach. In April 2003 I started the Best Bet Diet and after 2 months I reaped great benefits. Sicne then my MS has really stabilised. I dont' think I have RR MS, it seems to be a slow progressive type. Anyway I gave birth to my first baby last Jan 20th. I ahd a great pregnancy. I know a few other MSer's who had

babies the last year too who did now do anything aswell as me during pregnany but I was one of the lucky ones where all my MS symptoms disappeared from 4 months into pregnancy till 4 months postpartum. From four months postpartum MS slowly started to retuen. MY hormones probably started to drop around then as even though I was breastfeeding exclusively (and I swear the breastfeeding kept my hormones in the right state for my MS)> but there were less night feeds from here on and I guess from 5 motnhs when I introduces some goats formula that I began producing less milk and my hormones bagan dropping more. I had a flare in July when baby was 6 months , it wasn't too bad and came about because of the awful hot humid heatwave we got for most of the summer...this sort of weather is freaky in Ireland and I just couldnt' bare the humidity and suffered horrible nausea and dizziness on and off. I never suffered these

symptoms before. Forgot to mention that when my MS started returning 4 motnhs postpartum that my knees were awful sore for weeks but foudn out it's common after having a baby but then I started getting stiff joints and when I restarted LDN in September when I weane dmy baby at 7 and a half months, the stiffness gradually got worse. I got my LDN from Dr. Lawrence. He now uses avicel as filler....last time I was on LDN in 2004 prior to pregnancy I got my LDN from him too and it was CC filler and that time> round LDN did so much mroe for me....but I dont' think it could be the filler, I guess it's harder for LDN to work now after having a baby. I took 3mg for first month and then upped to 4.5mg. I'm now on it jsut over 3 months. In early December I had to go to dentist as I had a cavity since late pregnancy( nodoubt baby was sucking all the calcium out of me even though I took loads of calcium supplemetns) . Luckily I

didnt' need an extraction but I was given an local and a temporary filling was put in to calm the nerve and it was supposed to be replaced with permanent filling before xmas. BUT the day after I got the local I got awful fatigue and everything has gone haywire since. I spent three whoel weeks with the most awful fatigue and it was soooooooo hard trying to care for baby with it. Then it was jsut back to normal when returned to dentist but I asked coudl we leave that tooth alone for another while as I reckon the local brought on a flare of my fatgue. I got another tiny> composite filling that day I needed instead of them touching the other tooth and I got this fillign with no local as it was only tiny , it was fine. Anyway few days later my left eye started blurring. I've not had eye prblems at all sicne starting the BBD in April 2003. The BBD sorted out my utthoffs syndrome completely and my symptoms have not flared

from heat since nor has my eye ever flared since either. The weird thing is that it was always my right eye between 2000 and 2003 and now it's my left so I'm not sure whether it's classed as a flare of an old symptom or whether it's considered a new symptom and more serious. It's not as bad as I used get in my right eye but it gets wrose when I ahve a shower or get stressed, hot etc so I have to watch it.My fatigue is still pretty bad too....surprisingly though my stiffness is improving...maybe it's because I upped my calcium and magnesium a few motnhs back or maybe the stiffness you gbet with LDN wares off after a few months..anyone> know? My diet isn't as perfect asit used and to be honest I've induldged in too much sigar the last few months and I know I shouldn't have ...alwso have been eating some dairy and gluten and I wouldn't touch any of these before baby was born but caring for a baby and having MS is so

hard that when you're hungry at times you crab what's available within reason. I dont' eat junk food and infact eat all organic meat and veg and fruit but I have been eating some bread, cheese and the odd biscuit here and there so I know I need to rid these foods again and I'm motivated now with the new year. I saw a post here earlier bout the candida home test,,,,thanks for posting this. I know all bout it through the BBD etc and have done it in the past and needed the reminder. I will be doign ti tomorrow morning..I'm pretty sure I must have some candida at least but I wonder if it's the dental stuff has triggered everything off? When I got Optic Neuritis in 2000, it took 6 months for my vision> to come back fully, I'm terrified my left eye will take this long too :o( I havent' been to my Neuro since late 2003 as he wouldnt' prescribe LDN and was pushing other CRABS whiich I have no interest in. Since then

I've felt so ontop on my MS and am proud I stabilised it and have done so well by sticking to natural methods...I'm hopign though with getting my diet back on track I can get back to a mroe stabilised state.....am I mad...does it sound like my MS is goign to get worse? The stiffness has been very scary the last few months and I've been having nitemares that I might loose my legs..I've never had leg problems before baby arrived. Should I redice my dose to 3mg. I was only on 3mg in 2004 when it worked far better but I was only on it 2 months and I became pregnant so it wasn't much time to test it really and I know Dr. Bihari says you need 4.5mg to halt progression so maybe i shoudl stick to it. I'm not as confident bout LDN as I used be...at times I'm nearly tempted to> ditch it but I have a months supply left in my bottle so I'll finsih that at least. > Please if anyone has any advice or been through

similar I'd love to hear from you!> Thanks> > > > ---------------------------------> Play Santa's Celebrity Xmas Party, an exclusive game from >

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